quinta-feira, 10 de junho de 2021

Programando u-blox NINA-W106 com NuttX - Network Support - PING com MODEM GSM via PPP

 Programando u-blox NINA-W106 com NuttX - Network Support - PING com MODEM GSM via PPP

O objetivo deste BLOG é demonstrar como é possível utilizar o NuttX para programação do NINA W106. Foi utilizado o EVK U-BLOX NINA W106 com o MODEM SARA G450 para o teste. O exemplo abrirá um terminal para interagir com o NuttX e  iniciar acesso  à Rede GSM via PPP e assim realizar um PING.

Testado no Ubuntu 20

NuttX: O sistema operacional para a Internet das Coisas.

NuttX é um sistema operacional em tempo real (RTOS) com ênfase na conformidade de padrões e pequeno footprint. Escaláveis de ambientes microcontroladores de 8 bits a 32 bits, os principais padrões de governo em NuttX são os padrões Posix e ANSI. ApIs padrão adicionais do Unix e de outros RTOS comuns (como o VxWorks) são adotadas para funcionalidades não disponíveis sob esses padrões, ou para funcionalidades que não são apropriadas para ambientes profundamente incorporados (como fork()).

Apache NuttX é um esforço em incubação na Apache Software Foundation (ASF), patrocinada pela Incubadora. A incubação é necessária de todos os projetos recém-aceitos até que uma nova revisão indique que o processo de infraestrutura, comunicação e tomada de decisão se estabilizou de forma consistente com outros projetos ASF bem-sucedidos. Embora o status de incubação não seja necessariamente um reflexo da completude ou estabilidade do código, ele indica que o projeto ainda não foi totalmente endossado pela ASF.

NuttX é um sistema operacional incorporado em tempo real (RTOS). Seus objetivos são:

Pequena footprint utilizável em todos, exceto nos ambientes de microcontroles mais apertados, o foco está no ambiente minúsculo para pequeno e profundamente incorporado.

Rich Feature OS Set O objetivo é fornecer implementações da maioria das interfaces padrão do SISTEMA OPERACIONAL POSIX para oferecer suporte a um ambiente de desenvolvimento rico e multi-threaded para processadores profundamente incorporados.

Não é um objetivo fornecer o nível de recursos do SO como os fornecidos pelo Linux. Para trabalhar com MCUs menores, a pequena footprint deve ser mais importante do que um conjunto de recursos extenso. Mas a conformidade padrão é mais importante do que uma pequena footprint. Certamente um RTOS menor poderia ser produzido ignorando padrões. Pense no NuttX é um pequeno trabalho linux com um conjunto de recursos muito reduzido.

Altamente escalável Totalmente escalável de minúsculo (8 bits) a moderado incorporado (64 bits). A escalabilidade com conjunto de recursos ricos é realizada com: Muitos arquivos de origem minúsculos, link de bibliotecas estáticas, altamente configurável, uso de símbolos fracos quando disponíveis.

Conformidade de padrões A NuttX se esforça para alcançar um alto grau de conformidade de padrões. As principais normas de governo são as normas POSIX e ANSI. ApIs padrão adicionais do Unix e de outros RTOS comuns são adotadas para funcionalidades não disponíveis sob esses padrões ou para funcionalidades que não são apropriadas para os RTOS profundamente incorporados (como fork()).

Devido a essa conformidade de padrões, o software desenvolvido sob outros OSs padrão (como o Linux) deve ser portado facilmente para NuttX.

Tempo Real Totalmente preventivo; prioridade fixa, round-robin, e agendamento "esporádico".

Licença Apache não restritiva totalmente aberta.

GNU Toolchains Compatíveis com as cadeias de ferramentas GNU baseadas no buildroot disponível para download para fornecer um ambiente completo de desenvolvimento para muitas arquiteturas.

SARA G450 

Módulo SARA-G450 GSM / GPRS apresenta conectividade GSM / GPRS classe 12 no popular fator de forma U-blox SARA. O módulo SARA-G450 é uma solução ideal para aplicações com espaço e custos sensíveis. Ele oferece uma excelente relação preço-desempenho para todas as aplicações M2M onde as condições ambientais (temperatura, EMC e tensões mecânicas) estão dentro dos níveis padrão. Seu rico conjunto de recursos - incluindo GSM / GPRS classe 12 e integração simples - permite que os clientes integrem facilmente o módulo e desenvolver uma ampla gama de dispositivos M2M. Graças à sua compatibilidade de pinos com os módulos u-blox SARA-G3 (GSM), SARA-U2 (HSPA), SARA-R5 / SARA-R4 (LTE-M / NB- IoT), SARA-N3 (NB-IoT), TOBY-L4 (LTE Cat 6) TOBY-L2 (LTE Cat 4) e TOBY-R2 / LARA-R2 / LARA-R3121 (LTE Cat 1), o SARA-G450 permite que os clientes utilizem o mesmo design de PCB, visando vários requisitos ambientais e diferentes tecnologias celulares. Módulos celulares u-blox são certificados e aprovados pelos principais órgãos reguladores e operadoras

Em redes de computadores, o Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP), em português Protocolo ponto-a-ponto é um protocolo de enlace de dados (camada 2) usado para estabelecer uma conexão direta entre dois nós. Ele pode fornecer autenticação de conexão, criptografia de transmissão (usando ECP, RFC 1968) e compressão.

O PPP é usado sobre muitos tipos de redes físicas incluindo cabo serial, linha telefônica, linha tronco, telefone celular, enlaces de rádio especializados e enlaces de fibra ótica como SONET. O PPP também é usado sobre conexões de acesso à Internet. Provedores de serviços de Internet têm usado o PPP para acesso discado à Internet pelos clientes, uma vez que pacotes IP não podem ser transmitidos sobre uma linha de modem por si próprios, sem algum protocolo de enlace de dados. 

NINA W106 E NuttX
Como o módulo U-BLOX NINA W106 é baseado no chip ESP32 (CPU), será possível rodar o Nuttx sem problemas. 

O link abaixo, é roteiro Básico para que você possa preparar o ambiente para programar o U-BLOX NINA W106 com o NuttX

$sudo apt install \
bison flex gettext texinfo libncurses5-dev libncursesw5-dev \
gperf automake libtool pkg-config build-essential gperf genromfs \
libgmp-dev libmpc-dev libmpfr-dev libisl-dev binutils-dev libelf-dev \
libexpat-dev gcc-multilib g++-multilib picocom u-boot-tools util-linux
Nota 1: O NuttX utiliza um sistema de build semelhante ao do Kernel do Linux (https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/latest/kbuild/index.html). Ele utiliza o kconfig-frontends como seu sistema de configuração. O repositório tools.git é utilizado para instalar este pacote. Porém se você estiver usando o Ubuntu 19.10 ou mais recente, estas distribuições já contém o pacote, mas de qualquer forma, instale.

$ sudo apt-get install kconfig-frontends

Nota 2: Outra dependência para o processo do NuttX com o ESP32 é o ESP-IDF (Espressif IoT Development Framework). Este framework é nativo do ESP e mantido pela Espressif. Ele compreende um conjunto de códigos como drivers, APIs, scripts, ferramental para compilar e fazer upload do firmware e o FreeRTOS customizado. Neste ponto, uma observação conceitual é muito importante, o NuttX não usa o FreeRTOS em nenhuma camada interna, apenas algumas ferramentas auxiliares que compõem o IDF serão utilizadas para geração do binário e gravação.
Download do NuttX
$ mkdir nuttx
$ cd nuttx
$ git clone https://github.com/apache/incubator-nuttx.git nuttx
$ git clone https://github.com/apache/incubator-nuttx-apps apps
O Ubuntu e o Debian ainda fornecem o Python 2.7 como o interpretador padrão, mas alguns 
pacotes necessários podem estar faltando para distribuições mais recentes. Python 3 é
recomendado e pode ser instalado da seguinte maneira:
$ sudo apt-get install python3 python3-pip python3-setuptool sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/python python /usr/bin/python3
 Instale agora o ESP-IDF (ESP32 TOOLS, LIBS, ETC) manualmente
(ESP-IDF) extrair

osboxes@osboxes:~$ cd esp/
osboxes@osboxes:~/esp$ cd esp-idf/
osboxes@osboxes:~/esp/esp-idf$ ./install.sh
Detecting the Python interpreter
Checking "python" ...
/home/osboxes/esp/esp-idf/tools/detect_python.sh: line 16: python: command not found
Checking "python3" ...
Python 3.8.5
"python3" has been detected
Installing ESP-IDF tools
Installing tools: xtensa-esp32-elf, xtensa-esp32s2-elf, xtensa-esp32s3-elf, riscv32-esp-elf, esp32ulp-elf, esp32s2ulp-elf, openocd-esp32
Installing xtensa-esp32-elf@esp-2020r3-8.4.0
Downloading xtensa-esp32-elf-gcc8_4_0-esp-2020r3-linux-amd64.tar.gz to /home/osboxes/.espressif/dist/xtensa-esp32-elf-gcc8_4_0-esp-2020r3-linux-amd64.tar.gz.tmp
Extracting /home/osboxes/.espressif/dist/xtensa-esp32-elf-gcc8_4_0-esp-2020r3-linux-amd64.tar.gz to /home/osboxes/.espressif/tools/xtensa-esp32-elf/esp-2020r3-8.4.0
Installing xtensa-esp32s2-elf@esp-2020r3-8.4.0
Downloading xtensa-esp32s2-elf-gcc8_4_0-esp-2020r3-linux-amd64.tar.gz to /home/osboxes/.espressif/dist/xtensa-esp32s2-elf-gcc8_4_0-esp-2020r3-linux-amd64.tar.gz.tmp
 $ cd nuttx
$ make -C tools/esp32/ ${HOME}/esp/esp-idf
Após a instalação do IDF, ou caso já possua o IDF instalado, execute o
seguinte comando para ativar o ambiente virtual que foi configurado na
instalação. Sempre que for realizar o build do NuttX, será necessário
ativar este ambiente.
$. ${HOME}/esp/esp-idf/export.sh
No presente momento, o NuttX utiliza 2 binários gerados através do
IDF: o bootloader e a tabela de partição. Ainda dentro do diretório
nuttx/, faça o download destes binários pré configurados:
$ wget -O bootloader.bin https://github.com/saramonteiro/esp32_binaries_nuttx/blob/main/bootloader.bin?raw=true
$ wget -O partitions.bin https://github.com/saramonteiro/esp32_binaries_nuttx/blob/main/partitions.bin?raw=true

Mantenha-se no diretório do NuttX e execute o script de configuração para criar um arquivo de configuração para o

$ make distclean
$ ./tools/configure.sh esp32-devkitc:nsh 

Finalmente, faça o build e confirme em seguida que o firmware binário foi gerado:
$ make
osboxes@osboxes:~/nuttx/nuttx$ make
Create .version
Create version.h
LN: include/arch/board to /home/osboxes/nuttx/nuttx/boards/xtensa/esp32/esp32-devkitc/include
make[1]: Entering directory '/home/osboxes/nuttx/nuttx/libs/libxx'
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/osboxes/nuttx/nuttx/libs/libxx'
make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'dirlinks'. make[1]: Entering directory '/home/osboxes/nuttx/nuttx/boards'
make[1]: Entering directory '/home/osboxes/nuttx/nuttx/openamp'
make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'dirlinks'. make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/osboxes/nuttx/nuttx/boards' make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'dirlinks'.
make[2]: Entering directory '/home/osboxes/nuttx/apps/platform'
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/osboxes/nuttx/nuttx/openamp' make[1]: Entering directory '/home/osboxes/nuttx/apps' LN: platform/board to /home/osboxes/nuttx/apps/platform/dummy
make[2]: Entering directory '/home/osboxes/nuttx/nuttx/boards/xtensa/esp32/common'
make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/osboxes/nuttx/apps/platform' make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/osboxes/nuttx/apps' make[1]: Entering directory '/home/osboxes/nuttx/nuttx/boards' make[2]: Nothing to be done for 'context'.
make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'context'.
make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/osboxes/nuttx/nuttx/boards/xtensa/esp32/common' make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/osboxes/nuttx/nuttx/boards' make[1]: Entering directory '/home/osboxes/nuttx/nuttx/fs' make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/osboxes/nuttx/nuttx/fs'
make[2]: Entering directory '/home/osboxes/nuttx/apps'
make[1]: Entering directory '/home/osboxes/nuttx/apps'
make[3]: Leaving directory '/home/osboxes/nuttx/apps/system/readline'
make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/osboxes/nuttx/apps'
IN: /home/osboxes/nuttx/apps/libapps.a -> staging/libapps.a
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/osboxes/nuttx/apps'
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/osboxes/nuttx/nuttx/fs'
make[1]: Entering directory '/home/osboxes/nuttx/nuttx/fs' make[1]: 'libfs.a' is up to date.
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/osboxes/nuttx/nuttx/binfmt'
make[1]: Entering directory '/home/osboxes/nuttx/nuttx/binfmt' make[1]: 'libbinfmt.a' is up to date.
make[2]: 'libboard.a' is up to date.
make[1]: Entering directory '/home/osboxes/nuttx/nuttx/arch/xtensa/src' make[2]: Entering directory '/home/osboxes/nuttx/nuttx/boards/xtensa/esp32/common'
CP: nuttx.hex
make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/osboxes/nuttx/nuttx/boards/xtensa/esp32/common' LD: nuttx make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/osboxes/nuttx/nuttx/arch/xtensa/src' CP: nuttx.bin

**Este binário não tem os cabeçalhos com as informações que o bootloader do ESP32 espera encontrar, então ele deve ser removido:

$ rm nuttx.bin

E um novo binário deverá ser gerado a partir do arquivo ELF chamado “nuttx”. Para isso, é necessário usar o script esptool.py para gerar este arquivo:

esptool.py --chip esp32 elf2image --flash_mode dio --flash_size 4MB -o ./nuttx.bin nuttx

$ make menuconfig
.config - NuttX/x86_64 Configuration
┌───────────────────────── NuttX/x86_64 Configuration ──────────────────────────
Arrow keys navigate the menu. <Enter> selects submenus ---> (or empty │
submenus ----). Highlighted letters are hotkeys. Pressing <Y> includes, │
<N> excludes, <M> modularizes features. Press <Esc><Esc> to exit, <?> for │
Help, </> for Search. Legend: [*] built-in [ ] excluded <M> module < > │
Build Setup --->
System Type --->
Board Selection --->
RTOS Features --->
Device Drivers --->
│ Networking Support --->
Crypto API --->
File Systems --->
Graphics Support --->
│ Memory Management --->
Audio Support --->
Video Support --->
Wireless Support --->
Binary Loader --->
Library Routines --->
Open Asymmetric Multi Processing --->
Application Configuration --->
<Select> < Exit > < Help > < Save > < Load > │

Make menuconfig customiza o que deseja adicionar/retirar na placa. Por exemplo, permite adicionar os drivers de um determinado periférico, adicionar mensagens de debug, etc.
# Automatically generated file; DO NOT EDIT.
# NuttX/x86_64 Configuration

# Build Setup

# Build Configuration

# Binary Output Formats


# Customize Header Files


# Debug Options

# Debug SYSLOG Output Controls


# OS Function Debug Options


# System Type

# ESP32 Configuration Options

# ESP32 Peripheral Selection

# Memory Configuration

# UART configuration

# Architecture Options

# Board Settings

# Interrupt options

# Boot options

# Boot Memory Configuration

# Board Selection

# Common Board Options

# Board-Specific Options
# CONFIG_ESP32_QEMU_IMAGE is not set

# Board-Common Options

# RTOS Features

# Clocks and Timers

# Tasks and Scheduling



# Pthread Options

# Performance Monitoring

# Files and I/O

# RTOS hooks

# Signal Configuration

# Signal Numbers

# Standard Signal Numbers

# Non-standard Signal Numbers

# POSIX Message Queue Options

# Work queue support

# Stack and heap information

# Device Drivers

# Buffering

# Timer Driver Support

# IO Expander/GPIO Support

# LCD Driver Support

# Character/Segment LCD Devices

# Other LCD-related Devices

# LED Support

# General Ethernet MAC Driver Options

# External Ethernet MAC Device Support

# UART0 Configuration

# UART2 Configuration
# System Logging

# Networking Support

# Driver buffer configuration

# Link layer support

# Network Device Operations

# Internet Protocol Selection

# Socket Support

# Raw Socket Support

# Unix Domain Socket Support
# CONFIG_NET_LOCAL is not set

# Rpmsg Socket Support
# CONFIG_NET_RPMSG is not set

# SocketCAN Support
# CONFIG_NET_CAN is not set

# Netlink Socket Support

# TCP/IP Networking

# UDP Networking

# Bluetooth socket support

# IEEE 802.15.4 socket support

# ICMP Networking Support

# ARP Configuration

# User-space networking stack API

# Network Topologies

# Routing Table Configuration

# Crypto API
# CONFIG_CRYPTO is not set

# File Systems

# File system configuration

# Partition Table

# Exclude individual procfs entries

# Graphics Support

# Font Cache Pixel Depths

# Memory Management

# Common I/O Buffer Support

# Audio Support
# CONFIG_AUDIO is not set

# Video Support

# Video subsystem
# CONFIG_VIDEO is not set

# Wireless Support
# CONFIG_WIRELESS is not set

# Binary Loader

# Library Routines

# Standard C Library Options

# Standard C I/O

# Architecture-Specific Support

# stdlib Options

# Program Execution Options

# errno Decode Support

# memcpy/memset Options

# pthread support

# Time/Time Zone Support

# Thread Local Storage (TLS)

# Network-Related Options

# NETDB Support

# Non-standard Library Support

# Library Debugging

# Basic CXX Support

# Open Asymmetric Multi Processing

# Application Configuration

# CAN Utilities

# Examples

# File System Utilities

# GPS Utilities

# Graphics Support

# NxWidgets

# NxWM

# Industrial Applications

# Interpreters

# FreeModBus
# CONFIG_MODBUS is not set

# Network Utilities

# IP Address Configuration

# IPv4 Addresses

# NSH Library

# Command Line Configuration

# Disable Individual commands

# Configure Command Options

# Scripting Support

# Console Configuration

# Networking Configuration

# Platform-specific Support

# System Libraries and NSH Add-Ons

# libuv async i/o Library

# Testing

# Wireless Libraries and NSH Add-Ons

# Bluetooth applications

# IEEE 802.15.4 applications
Além da customização, foi necessário configurar o modem U-blox SARA G450 com os seguintes parâmetros
static FAR const char connect_script[] =
  "ECHO ON "
  "TIMEOUT 30 "
  "\"\" ATE1 "
  "OK AT+CMEE=2 "
  "OK AT+UPSD=0,1,\\\"claro.com.br\\\" "
  "OK AT+UDCONF=0,0 "
  "OK AT+CGDCONT=1,\\\"IP\\\",\\\"claro.com.br\\\" "
  "OK ATD*99***1# "
  "CONNECT \\c";
osboxes@osboxes:~/nuttx/nuttx$ cd ..
osboxes@osboxes:~/nuttx$ cd apps/
osboxes@osboxes:~/nuttx/apps$ cd examples/
osboxes@osboxes:~/nuttx/apps/examples$ ls
abntcodi      cctype       flowc            ini_dumper      modbusmaster   nximage        pwlines        sx127x_demo  ustream
adc           charger      foc              ipcfg           module         nxlines        pwm            system       veml6070
adxl372_test  chat         ft80x            ipforward       mount          nxterm         qencoder       tcpblaster   watchdog
ajoystick     chrono       ftpc             json            mqttc          nxtext         random         tcpecho      watched
alarm         configdata   ftpd             Kconfig         mtdpart        obd2           README.md      telnetd      watcher
apa102        cpuhog       fxos8700cq_test  leds            mtdrwb         oneshot        relays         termios      webserver
apds9960      cromfs       gpio             lis3dsh_reader  netlink_route  pca9635        rfid_readuid   thttpd       wget
audio_rttl    dac          gps              lsm303_reader   netloop        pdcurses       rgbled         tiff         wgetjson
bastest       dhcpd        hdc1008_demo     lsm330spi_test  netpkt         pf_ieee802154  romfs          timer        xbc_test
battery       dhtxx        hello            lsm6dsl_reader  nettest        pipe           rpmsgsocket    touchscreen  xmlrpc
bmi160        discover     helloxx          lvgldemo        nrf24l01_btle  poll           sendmail       udgram       zerocross
bmp180        djoystick    hidkbd           Make.defs       nrf24l01_term  popen          serialblaster  udp
bridge        elf          hts221_reader    Makefile        null           posix_spawn    serialrx       udpblaster
buttons       embedlog     i2schar          max31855        nunchuck       powerled       serloop        uid
calib_udelay  esp32_himem  i2sloop          media           nx             powermonitor   slcd           unionfs
camera        fb           igmp             mld             nxdemo         pppd           smps           usbserial
can           fboverlay    ina219           mlx90614        nxflat         pty_test       sotest         userfs
canard        flash_test   ina226           modbus          nxhello        pwfb           stat           usrsocktest
osboxes@osboxes:~/nuttx/apps/examples$ cd pppd/
osboxes@osboxes:~/nuttx/apps/examples/pppd$ ls
Kconfig  Make.defs  Make.dep  Makefile  pppd_main.c  pppd_main.home.osboxes.nuttx.apps.examples.pppd.o
osboxes@osboxes:~/nuttx/apps/examples/pppd$ nano pppd_main.c
Após compilar, será gerado um BIN, o mesmo deve ser gravado no UBLOX NINA W106, via FLASHTOOLS, junto com partitions.bin e bootloader.bin
Pode também ser utilizado esptools


Abra então o TERATERM (115200,N,8.1) e reset o U-blox NINA W106 e execute pppd &


I (29) boot: ESP-IDF v4.3-dev-1901-g178b122c1 2nd stage bootloader I (29) boot: compile time 17:16:52 I (29) boot: chip revision: 1 I (33) boot_comm: chip revision: 1, min. bootloader chip revision: 0 I (41) boot.esp32: SPI Speed : 40MHz I (45) boot.esp32: SPI Mode : DIO I (50) boot.esp32: SPI Flash Size : 4MB I (54) boot: Enabling RNG early entropy source... I (60) boot: Partition Table: I (63) boot: ## Label Usage Type ST Offset Length I (71) boot: 0 nvs WiFi data 01 02 00009000 00006000 I (78) boot: 1 phy_init RF data 01 01 0000f000 00001000 I (85) boot: 2 factory factory app 00 00 00010000 00100000 I (93) boot: End of partition table I (97) boot_comm: chip revision: 1, min. application chip revision: 0 I (104) esp_image: segment 0: paddr=0x00010020 vaddr=0x3f400020 size=0x04248 ( 16968) map I (120) esp_image: segment 1: paddr=0x00014270 vaddr=0x3ffb3730 size=0x000c0 ( 192) load I (122) esp_image: segment 2: paddr=0x00014338 vaddr=0x40080000 size=0x016cc ( 5836) load I (134) esp_image: segment 3: paddr=0x00015a0c vaddr=0x00000000 size=0x0a60c ( 42508) I (156) esp_image: segment 4: paddr=0x00020020 vaddr=0x400d0020 size=0x1adb0 (110000) map I (199) boot: Loaded app from partition at offset 0x10000 I (199) boot: Disabling RNG early entropy source... þABnetdev_ifr_ioctl: cmd: 1794 netdev_ifr_ioctl: cmd: 1796 netdev_ifr_ioctl: cmd: 1800 netdev_ifr_ioctl: cmd: 1818 NuttShell (NSH) NuttX-10.1.0-RC1 nsh> pppd & pppd [3:100] nsh> tun_alloc: tun fd:3 netdev_register: Registered MAC: 00:00:00:00:00:00 as dev: ppp0 open_tty: tty fd:4 ipcp_init: ipcp init netdev_ifr_ioctl: cmd: 1818 ahdlc_tx: AHDLC_TX - transmit frame, protocol 0xc021, length 4 offline 0 ahdlc_tx: ahdlc_tx: 0x05 ahdlc_tx: 0x01 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x04 ahdlc_tx: ahdlc_tx: AHDLC_TX - transmit frame, protocol 0xc021, length 4 offline 1 ahdlc_tx: ahdlc_tx: 0x05 ahdlc_tx: 0x02 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x04 ahdlc_tx: chat_tokenise: "" ATZ OK \c tok_on_delimiter: (0) tok_on_delimiter: ATZ (0) tok_on_delimiter: OK (0) tok_on_delimiter: (1) chat_tokenise: result 0 chat_internalise: (L) chat_internalise: (R) ATZ chat_internalise: (L) OK chat_internalise: (R) chat_internalise: result 0, rhs 0 chat_tokens_free: tokens freed chat_line_run: type 1, rhs ATZ cchat_expect: result 0 chat_flush: starting chat_readb: read '~' (0x7E) chat_readb: read 'ÿ' (0xFF) chat_readb: read '}' (0x7D) chat_readb: read '#' (0x23) chat_readb: read 'À' (0xC0) chat_readb: read '!' (0x21) chat_readb: read '}' (0x7D) chat_readb: read '&' (0x26) chat_readb: read '}' (0x7D) chat_readb: read '!' (0x21) chat_readb: read '}' (0x7D) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x20) chat_readb: read '}' (0x7D) chat_readb: read '$' (0x24) chat_readb: read 'ð' (0xF0) chat_readb: read 'â' (0xE2) chat_readb: read '~' (0x7E) chat_readb: read '~' (0x7E) chat_readb: read 'ÿ' (0xFF) chat_readb: read '}' (0x7D) chat_readb: read '#' (0x23) chat_readb: read 'À' (0xC0) chat_readb: read '!' (0x21) chat_readb: read '}' (0x7D) chat_readb: read '&' (0x26) chat_readb: read '}' (0x7D) chat_readb: read '"' (0x22) chat_readb: read '}' (0x7D) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x20) chat_readb: read '}' (0x7D) chat_readb: read '$' (0x24) chat_readb: read '”' (0x94) chat_readb: read '}' (0x7D) chat_readb: read '-' (0x2D) chat_readb: read '~' (0x7E) chat_readb: read '' (0x0D) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x0A) chat_readb: read 'N' (0x4E) chat_readb: read 'O' (0x4F) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x20) chat_readb: read 'C' (0x43) chat_readb: read 'A' (0x41) chat_readb: read 'R' (0x52) chat_readb: read 'R' (0x52) chat_readb: read 'I' (0x49) chat_readb: read 'E' (0x45) chat_readb: read 'R' (0x52) chat_readb: read '' (0x0D) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x0A) chat_readb: read '+' (0x2B) chat_readb: read '+' (0x2B) chat_readb: read '+' (0x2B) chat_readb: read 'A' (0x41) chat_readb: read 'T' (0x54) chat_readb: read 'E' (0x45) chat_readb: read '1' (0x31) chat_readb: read '' (0x0D) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x0A) chat_readb: read '' (0x0D) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x0A) chat_readb: read 'O' (0x4F) chat_readb: read 'K' (0x4B) chat_readb: read '' (0x0D) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x0A) chat_readb: poll timed out chat_flush: done chat_send: wrote 5 out of 5 bytes of 'ATZ ' chat_line_run: type 1, rhs chat_readb: read 'A' (0x41) chat_readb: read 'T' (0x54) chat_readb: read 'Z' (0x5A) chat_readb: read '' (0x0D) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x0A) chat_readb: read '' (0x0D) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x0A) chat_readb: read 'O' (0x4F) chat_readb: read 'K' (0x4B) chat_expect: result 0 chat_flush: starting chat_readb: read '' (0x0D) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x0A) chat_readb: poll timed out chat_flush: done chat_send: wrote 0 out of 0 bytes of '' chat_script_run: Script result 0, exited on line 2 chat_tokenise: ECHO ON TIMEOUT 30 "" ATE1 OK AT+CMEE=2 OK AT+UPSD=0,1,\"claro.com.br\" OK AT+UDCONF=0,0 OK AT+CGDCONT=1,\"IP\",\"claro.com.br\" OK ATD*99***1# CONNECT \c tok_on_delimiter: ECHO (0) tok_on_delimiter: ON (0) tok_on_delimiter: TIMEOUT (0) tok_on_delimiter: 30 (0) tok_on_delimiter: (0) tok_on_delimiter: ATE1 (0) tok_on_delimiter: OK (0) tok_on_delimiter: AT+CMEE=2 (0) tok_on_delimiter: OK (0) tok_on_delimiter: AT+UPSD=0,1,"claro.com.br" (0) tok_on_delimiter: OK (0) tok_on_delimiter: AT+UDCONF=0,0 (0) tok_on_delimiter: OK (0) tok_on_delimiter: AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","claro.com.br" (0) tok_on_delimiter: OK (0) tok_on_delimiter: ATD*99***1# (0) tok_on_delimiter: CONNECT (0) tok_on_delimiter: (1) chat_tokenise: result 0 chat_internalise: (L) ECHO chat_internalise: (R) ON chat_internalise: (L) TIMEOUT chat_internalise: (R) 30 chat_internalise: (L) chat_internalise: (R) ATE1 chat_internalise: (L) OK chat_internalise: (R) AT+CMEE=2 chat_internalise: (L) OK chat_internalise: (R) AT+UPSD=0,1,"claro.com.br" chat_internalise: (L) OK chat_internalise: (R) AT+UDCONF=0,0 chat_internalise: (L) OK chat_internalise: (R) AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","claro.com.br" chat_internalise: (L) OK chat_internalise: (R) ATD*99***1# chat_internalise: (L) CONNECT chat_internalise: (R) chat_internalise: result 0, rhs 0 chat_tokens_free: tokens freed chat_line_run: type 0, rhs ON chat_line_run: type 0, rhs 30 chat_line_run: timeout is 30 s chat_line_run: type 1, rhs ATE1 chat_expect: result 0 chat_flush: starting chat_readb: poll timed out chat_flush: done chat_send: wrote 6 out of 6 bytes of 'ATE1 ' chat_line_run: type 1, rhs AT+CMEE=2 chat_readb: read 'A' (0x41) chat_readb: read 'T' (0x54) chat_readb: read 'E' (0x45) chat_readb: read '1' (0x31) chat_readb: read '' (0x0D) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x0A) chat_readb: read '' (0x0D) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x0A) chat_readb: read 'O' (0x4F) chat_readb: read 'K' (0x4B) chat_expect: result 0 chat_flush: starting chat_readb: read '' (0x0D) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x0A) chat_readb: poll timed out chat_flush: done chat_send: wrote 11 out of 11 bytes of 'AT+CMEE=2 ' chat_line_run: type 1, rhs AT+UPSD=0,1,"claro.com.br" hchat_readb: read 'A' (0x41) chat_readb: read 'T' (0x54) chat_readb: read '+' (0x2B) chat_readb: read 'C' (0x43) chat_readb: read 'M' (0x4D) chat_readb: read 'E' (0x45) chat_readb: read 'E' (0x45) chat_readb: read '=' (0x3D) chat_readb: read '2' (0x32) chat_readb: read '' (0x0D) at: ATZ ~ÿ}#À!}&}!} }$ðâ~~ÿ}#À!}&}"} }$”}-~ NO CARRIER +++ATE1 OK chat: OK ATZ OK chat_readb: read 'N ' (0x0A) chat_readb: read '' (0x0D) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x0A) chat_readb: read 'O' (0x4F) chat_readb: read 'K' (0x4B) chat_expect: result 0 chat_flush: starting chat_readb: read '' (0x0D) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x0A) chat_readb: poll timed out chat_flush: done chat_send: wrote 28 out of 28 bytes of 'AT+UPSD=0,1,"claro.com.br" ' chat_line_run: type 1, rhs AT+UDCONF=0,0 chat_readb: read 'A' (0x41) chat_readb: read 'T' (0x54) chat_readb: read '+' (0x2B) chat_readb: read 'U' (0x55) chat_readb: read 'P' (0x50) chat_readb: read 'S' (0x53) chat_readb: read 'D' (0x44) chat_readb: read '=' (0x3D) chat_readb: read '0' (0x30) chat_readb: read ',' (0x2C) chat_readb: read '1' (0x31) chat_readb: read ',' (0x2C) chat_readb: read '"' (0x22) chat_readb: read 'c' (0x63) chat_readb: read 'l' (0x6C) chat_readb: read 'a' (0x61) chat_readb: read 'r' (0x72) chat_readb: read 'o' (0x6F) chat_readb: read '.' (0x2E) chat_readb: read 'c' (0x63) chat_readb: read 'o' (0x6F) chat_readb: read 'm' (0x6D) chat_readb: read '.' (0x2E) chat_readb: read 'b' (0x62) chat_readb: read 'r' (0x72) chat_readb: read '"' (0x22) chat_readb: read '' (0x0D) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x0A) chat_readb: read '' (0x0D) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x0A) chat_readb: read 'O' (0x4F) chat_readb: read 'K' (0x4B) chat_expect: result 0 chat_flush: starting chat_readb: read '' (0x0D) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x0A) chat_readb: poll timed out chat_flush: done chat_send: wrote 15 out of 15 bytes of 'AT+UDCONF=0,0 ' chat_line_run: type 1, rhs AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","claro.com.br" chat_readb: read 'A' (0x41) chat_readb: read 'T' (0x54) chat_readb: read '+' (0x2B) chat_readb: read 'U' (0x55) chat_readb: read 'D' (0x44) chat_readb: read 'C' (0x43) chat_readb: read 'O' (0x4F) chat_readb: read 'N' (0x4E) chat_readb: read 'F' (0x46) chat_readb: read '=' (0x3D) chat_readb: read '0' (0x30) chat_readb: read ',' (0x2C) chat_readb: read '0' (0x30) chat_readb: read '' (0x0D) chat: cmd 4, arg 30 chat: ATE1 chat: OK AT+CMEE=2 ATE1 OK chat: OK AT+UPSD=0,1,"claro.com.br" AT+CMEchat_readb: read ' ' (0x0A) chat_readb: read '' (0x0D) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x0A) chat_readb: read 'O' (0x4F) chat_readb: read 'K' (0x4B) chat_expect: result 0 chat_flush: starting chat_readb: read '' (0x0D) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x0A) chat_readb: poll timed out chat_flush: done chat_send: wrote 34 out of 34 bytes of 'AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","claro.com.br" ' chat_line_run: type 1, rhs ATD*99***1# chat_readb: read 'A' (0x41) chat_readb: read 'T' (0x54) chat_readb: read '+' (0x2B) chat_readb: read 'C' (0x43) chat_readb: read 'G' (0x47) chat_readb: read 'D' (0x44) chat_readb: read 'C' (0x43) chat_readb: read 'O' (0x4F) chat_readb: read 'N' (0x4E) chat_readb: read 'T' (0x54) chat_readb: read '=' (0x3D) chat_readb: read '1' (0x31) chat_readb: read ',' (0x2C) chat_readb: read '"' (0x22) chat_readb: read 'I' (0x49) chat_readb: read 'P' (0x50) chat_readb: read '"' (0x22) chat_readb: read ',' (0x2C) chat_readb: read '"' (0x22) chat_readb: read 'c' (0x63) chat_readb: read 'l' (0x6C) chat_readb: read 'a' (0x61) chat_readb: read 'r' (0x72) chat_readb: read 'o' (0x6F) chat_readb: read '.' (0x2E) chat_readb: read 'c' (0x63) chat_readb: read 'o' (0x6F) chat_readb: read 'm' (0x6D) chat_readb: read '.' (0x2E) chat_readb: read 'b' (0x62) chat_readb: read 'r' (0x72) chat_readb: read '"' (0x22) chat_readb: read '' (0x0D) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x0A) chat_readb: read '' (0x0D) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x0A) chat_readb: read 'O' (0x4F) chat_readb: read 'K' (0x4B) chat_expect: result 0 chat_flush: starting chat_readb: read '' (0x0D) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x0A) chat_readb: poll timed out chat_flush: done chat_send: wrote 13 out of 13 bytes of 'ATD*99***1# ' chat_line_run: type 1, rhs chat_readb: read 'A' (0x41) chat_readb: read 'T' (0x54) chat_readb: read 'D' (0x44) chat_readb: read '*' (0x2A) chat_readb: read '9' (0x39) chat_readb: read '9' (0x39) chat_readb: read '*' (0x2A) chat_readb: read '*' (0x2A) chat_readb: read '*' (0x2A) chat_readb: read '1' (0x31) chat_readb: read '#' (0x23) chat_readb: read '' (0x0D) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x0A) chat_readb: read '' (0x0D) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x0A) chat_readb: read 'C' (0x43) chat_readb: read 'O' (0x4F) chat_readb: read 'N' (0x4E) chat_readb: read 'N' (0x4E) chat_readb: read 'E' (0x45) chat_readb: read 'C' (0x43) chat_readb: read 'T' (0x54) chat_expect: result 0 chat_flush: starting chat_readb: read '' (0x0D) E=2 OK chat: OK AT+UDCONF=0,0 AT+UPSD=0,1,"claro.com.br" OK chat: OK AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","claro.com.br" AT+chat_readb: read ' ' (0x0A) chat_readb: read '~' (0x7E) chat_readb: read 'ÿ' (0xFF) chat_readb: read '}' (0x7D) chat_readb: read '#' (0x23) chat_readb: read 'À' (0xC0) chat_readb: read '!' (0x21) chat_readb: read '}' (0x7D) chat_readb: read '!' (0x21) chat_readb: read '}' (0x7D) chat_readb: read '!' (0x21) chat_readb: read '}' (0x7D) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x20) chat_readb: read '}' (0x7D) chat_readb: read '4' (0x34) chat_readb: read '}' (0x7D) chat_readb: read '"' (0x22) chat_readb: read '}' (0x7D) chat_readb: read '&' (0x26) chat_readb: read '}' (0x7D) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x20) chat_readb: read '}' (0x7D) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x20) chat_readb: read '}' (0x7D) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x20) chat_readb: read '}' (0x7D) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x20) chat_readb: read '}' (0x7D) chat_readb: read '%' (0x25) chat_readb: read '}' (0x7D) chat_readb: read '&' (0x26) chat_readb: read 'Ã' (0xC3) chat_readb: read '}' (0x7D) chat_readb: read ';' (0x3B) chat_readb: read 'P' (0x50) chat_readb: read '}' (0x7D) chat_readb: read '*' (0x2A) chat_readb: read '}' (0x7D) chat_readb: read ''' (0x27) chat_readb: read '}' (0x7D) chat_readb: read '"' (0x22) chat_readb: read '}' (0x7D) chat_readb: read '(' (0x28) chat_readb: read '}' (0x7D) chat_readb: read '"' (0x22) chat_readb: read 'n' (0x6E) chat_readb: read 'ú' (0xFA) chat_readb: read '~' (0x7E) chat_readb: poll timed out chat_flush: done chat_send: wrote 0 out of 0 bytes of '' chat_script_run: Script result 0, exited on line 9 ipcp_init: ipcp init ipcp_init: ipcp init UDCONF=0,0 OK chat: OK ATD*99***1# AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","claro.com.br" OK chat: CONNECT ATD*99***1# CONNECT lcp_task: Sending LCP request packet - lcp_task: len 10 ahdlc_tx: AHDLC_TX - transmit frame, protocol 0xc021, length 10 offline 0 ahdlc_tx: ahdlc_tx: 0x01 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x0a ahdlc_tx: 0x02 ahdlc_tx: 0x06 ahdlc_tx: 0xff ahdlc_tx: 0xff ahdlc_tx: 0xff ahdlc_tx: 0xff ahdlc_tx: ahdlc_rx: Receiving packet with good crc value, len 14 dump_ppp_packet: dump_ppp_packet: 0x02 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x0a dump_ppp_packet: 0x02 dump_ppp_packet: 0x06 dump_ppp_packet: 0xff dump_ppp_packet: 0xff dump_ppp_packet: 0xff dump_ppp_packet: 0xff dump_ppp_packet: ppp_upcall: LCP Packet - lcp_rx: LCP-ACK - lcp_rx: >>>>>>>> good ACK id up! 0 ppp_upcall: ahdlc_rx: Receiving packet with good crc value, len 24 dump_ppp_packet: dump_ppp_packet: 0x01 dump_ppp_packet: 0x01 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x14 dump_ppp_packet: 0x02 dump_ppp_packet: 0x06 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x05 dump_ppp_packet: 0x06 dump_ppp_packet: 0xc3 dump_ppp_packet: 0x1b dump_ppp_packet: 0x50 dump_ppp_packet: 0x0a dump_ppp_packet: dump_ppp_packet: 0x07 dump_ppp_packet: 0x02 dump_ppp_packet: 0x08 dump_ppp_packet: 0x02 dump_ppp_packet: ppp_upcall: LCP Packet - ipcp_init: ipcp init lcp_rx: received [LCP Config Request id 1 lcp_rx: <asyncmap sum=0x0000>lcp_rx: <magic > lcp_rx: <pcomp> lcp_rx: <accomp> lcp_rx: Send ACK! lcp_rx: Writing ACK frame ahdlc_tx: AHDLC_TX - transmit frame, protocol 0xc021, length 20 offline 0 ahdlc_tx: ahdlc_tx: 0x02 ahdlc_tx: 0x01 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x14 ahdlc_tx: 0x02 ahdlc_tx: 0x06 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x05 ahdlc_tx: 0x06 ahdlc_tx: 0xc3 ahdlc_tx: 0x1b ahdlc_tx: 0x50 ahdlc_tx: 0x0a ahdlc_tx: 0x07 ahdlc_tx: 0x02 ahdlc_tx: 0x08 ahdlc_tx: 0x02 ahdlc_tx: lcp_rx: - end ACK Write frame ppp_upcall: ipcp_task: **Sending IPCP Request packet ahdlc_tx: AHDLC_TX - transmit frame, protocol 0x8021, length 10 offline 0 ahdlc_tx: ahdlc_tx: 0x01 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x0a ahdlc_tx: 0x03 ahdlc_tx: 0x06 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: ahdlc_rx: Receiving packet with good crc value, len 20 dump_ppp_packet: dump_ppp_packet: 0x01 dump_ppp_packet: 0x01 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x10 dump_ppp_packet: 0x02 dump_ppp_packet: 0x06 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x2d dump_ppp_packet: 0x0f dump_ppp_packet: 0x01 dump_ppp_packet: 0x03 dump_ppp_packet: 0x06 dump_ppp_packet: 0x0a dump_ppp_packet: 0x2c dump_ppp_packet: 0xb8 dump_ppp_packet: 0x2d dump_ppp_packet: ppp_upcall: IPCP Packet - ipcp_rx: IPCP len 16 ipcp_rx: check lcplist scan_packet: We don't understand option 0x02 scan_packet: Writing Reject frame -- ahdlc_tx: AHDLC_TX - transmit frame, protocol 0x8021, length 10 offline 1 ahdlc_tx: ahdlc_tx: 0x04 ahdlc_tx: 0x01 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x0a ahdlc_tx: 0x02 ahdlc_tx: 0x06 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x2d ahdlc_tx: 0x0f ahdlc_tx: 0x01 ahdlc_tx: scan_packet: End writing reject ipcp_rx: option was bad ppp_upcall: ahdlc_rx: Receiving packet with good crc value, len 18 dump_ppp_packet: dump_ppp_packet: 0x01 dump_ppp_packet: 0x01 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x0e dump_ppp_packet: 0x01 dump_ppp_packet: 0x0a dump_ppp_packet: 0x08 dump_ppp_packet: 0x26 dump_ppp_packet: 0xfe dump_ppp_packet: 0x3d dump_ppp_packet: 0x27 dump_ppp_packet: 0x1e dump_ppp_packet: 0xfe dump_ppp_packet: 0x3d dump_ppp_packet: ppp_upcall: Unknown PPP Packet Type 0x8057 - ppp_reject_protocol: Rejecting Protocol ahdlc_tx: AHDLC_TX - transmit frame, protocol 0xc021, length 20 offline 0 ahdlc_tx: ahdlc_tx: 0x08 ahdlc_tx: 0x01 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x14 ahdlc_tx: 0x80 ahdlc_tx: 0x57 ahdlc_tx: 0x01 ahdlc_tx: 0x01 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x0e ahdlc_tx: 0x01 ahdlc_tx: 0x0a ahdlc_tx: 0x08 ahdlc_tx: 0x26 ahdlc_tx: 0xfe ahdlc_tx: 0x3d ahdlc_tx: 0x27 ahdlc_tx: 0x1e ahdlc_tx: 0xfe ahdlc_tx: 0x3d ahdlc_tx: ppp_upcall: ahdlc_rx: Receiving packet with good crc value, len 14 dump_ppp_packet: dump_ppp_packet: 0x03 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x0a dump_ppp_packet: 0x03 dump_ppp_packet: 0x06 dump_ppp_packet: 0x0a dump_ppp_packet: 0x2c dump_ppp_packet: 0xb8 dump_ppp_packet: 0x2d dump_ppp_packet: ppp_upcall: IPCP Packet - ipcp_rx: IPCP len 10 ipcp_rx: CONF NAK netdev_ifr_ioctl: cmd: 1818 tun_ifup: Bringing up: netdev_ifr_ioctl: cmd: 1794 printip: ipcp_rx: ppp_upcall: ahdlc_rx: Receiving packet with good crc value, len 14 dump_ppp_packet: dump_ppp_packet: 0x01 dump_ppp_packet: 0x02 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x0a dump_ppp_packet: 0x03 dump_ppp_packet: 0x06 dump_ppp_packet: 0x0a dump_ppp_packet: 0x2c dump_ppp_packet: 0xb8 dump_ppp_packet: 0x2d dump_ppp_packet: ppp_upcall: IPCP Packet - ipcp_rx: IPCP len 10 ipcp_rx: check lcplist ipcp_rx: IPCP options are good ipcp_rx: Peer IP printip: ipcp_rx: netdev_ifr_ioctl: cmd: 1796 netdev_ifr_ioctl: cmd: 1826 netdev_ifr_ioctl: cmd: 1825 net_ipv4_dumproute: New route: net_ipv4_dumproute: target=00000000 netmask=00000000 router=0a2cb82d ipcp_rx: Send IPCP ACK! ipcp_rx: SET- stuff -- are we up? c=10 dif=2 ipcp_rx: Writing ACK frame ahdlc_tx: AHDLC_TX - transmit frame, protocol 0x8021, length 10 offline 0 ahdlc_tx: ahdlc_tx: 0x02 ahdlc_tx: 0x02 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x0a ahdlc_tx: 0x03 ahdlc_tx: 0x06 ahdlc_tx: 0x0a ahdlc_tx: 0x2c ahdlc_tx: 0xb8 ahdlc_tx: 0x2d ahdlc_tx: ipcp_rx: - End ACK Write frame ppp_upcall: nsh> ifconfig ppp0 Link encap:TUN at UP inet addr: DRaddr: Mask: nsh> ipcp_task: **Sending IPCP Request packet ahdlc_tx: AHDLC_TX - transmit frame, protocol 0x8021, length 10 offline 0 ahdlc_tx: ahdlc_tx: 0x01 ahdlc_tx: 0x01 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x0a ahdlc_tx: 0x03 ahdlc_tx: 0x06 ahdlc_tx: 0x0a ahdlc_tx: 0x2c ahdlc_tx: 0xb8 ahdlc_tx: 0x2d ahdlc_tx: ahdlc_rx: Receiving packet with good crc value, len 14 dump_ppp_packet: dump_ppp_packet: 0x02 dump_ppp_packet: 0x01 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x0a dump_ppp_packet: 0x03 dump_ppp_packet: 0x06 dump_ppp_packet: 0x0a dump_ppp_packet: 0x2c dump_ppp_packet: 0xb8 dump_ppp_packet: 0x2d dump_ppp_packet: ppp_upcall: IPCP Packet - ipcp_rx: IPCP len 10 ipcp_rx: CONF ACK ipcp_rx: were up! printip: ipcp_rx: ppp_upcall: ping www.smartcore.com.br udp_callback: flags: 0010 sendto_eventhandler: flags: 0010 udp_send: UDP payload: 38 (0) bytes udp_send: Outgoing UDP packet length: 66 udp_callback: flags: 0010 pppd: read from tun :66 ahdlc_tx: AHDLC_TX - transmit frame, protocol 0x0021, length 66 offline 0 ahdlc_tx: ahdlc_tx: 0x45 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x42 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x01 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x40 ahdlc_tx: 0x11 ahdlc_tx: 0xa8 ahdlc_tx: 0x41 ahdlc_tx: 0x0a ahdlc_tx: 0x2c ahdlc_tx: 0xb8 ahdlc_tx: 0x2d ahdlc_tx: 0x08 ahdlc_tx: 0x08 ahdlc_tx: 0x08 ahdlc_tx: 0x08 ahdlc_tx: 0x10 ahdlc_tx: 0x1a ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x35 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x2e ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x65 ahdlc_tx: 0x04 ahdlc_tx: 0x01 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x01 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x03 ahdlc_tx: 0x77 ahdlc_tx: 0x77 ahdlc_tx: 0x77 ahdlc_tx: 0x09 ahdlc_tx: 0x73 ahdlc_tx: 0x6d ahdlc_tx: 0x61 ahdlc_tx: 0x72 ahdlc_tx: 0x74 ahdlc_tx: 0x63 ahdlc_tx: 0x6f ahdlc_tx: 0x72 ahdlc_tx: 0x65 ahdlc_tx: 0x03 ahdlc_tx: 0x63 ahdlc_tx: 0x6f ahdlc_tx: 0x6d ahdlc_tx: 0x02 ahdlc_tx: 0x62 ahdlc_tx: 0x72 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x01 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x01 ahdlc_tx: udp_callback: flags: 0010 lcp_echo_request: len 8 lcp_echo_request: Writing ECHO-REQUEST frame ahdlc_tx: AHDLC_TX - transmit frame, protocol 0xc021, length 8 offline 1 ahdlc_tx: ahdlc_tx: 0x09 ahdlc_tx: 0x01 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x08 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: lcp_echo_request: - end ECHO-REQUEST Write frame ahdlc_rx: Receiving packet with good crc value, len 12 dump_ppp_packet: dump_ppp_packet: 0x0a dump_ppp_packet: 0x01 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x08 dump_ppp_packet: 0xc3 dump_ppp_packet: 0x1b dump_ppp_packet: 0x50 dump_ppp_packet: 0x0a dump_ppp_packet: ppp_upcall: LCP Packet - lcp_rx: LCP-ECHO REPLY ppp_upcall: udp_callback: flags: 0010 ahdlc_rx: Receiving packet with good crc value, len 86 dump_ppp_packet: dump_ppp_packet: 0x45 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x52 dump_ppp_packet: 0x11 dump_ppp_packet: 0x4d dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x66 dump_ppp_packet: 0x11 dump_ppp_packet: 0x70 dump_ppp_packet: 0xe5 dump_ppp_packet: 0x08 dump_ppp_packet: 0x08 dump_ppp_packet: 0x08 dump_ppp_packet: 0x08 dump_ppp_packet: dump_ppp_packet: 0x0a dump_ppp_packet: 0x2c dump_ppp_packet: 0xb8 dump_ppp_packet: 0x2d dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x35 dump_ppp_packet: 0x10 dump_ppp_packet: 0x1a dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x3e dump_ppp_packet: 0x88 dump_ppp_packet: 0x3b dump_ppp_packet: 0x65 dump_ppp_packet: 0x04 dump_ppp_packet: 0x81 dump_ppp_packet: 0x80 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x01 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x01 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x03 dump_ppp_packet: 0x77 dump_ppp_packet: 0x77 dump_ppp_packet: 0x77 dump_ppp_packet: 0x09 dump_ppp_packet: 0x73 dump_ppp_packet: 0x6d dump_ppp_packet: 0x61 dump_ppp_packet: dump_ppp_packet: 0x72 dump_ppp_packet: 0x74 dump_ppp_packet: 0x63 dump_ppp_packet: 0x6f dump_ppp_packet: 0x72 dump_ppp_packet: 0x65 dump_ppp_packet: 0x03 dump_ppp_packet: 0x63 dump_ppp_packet: 0x6f dump_ppp_packet: 0x6d dump_ppp_packet: 0x02 dump_ppp_packet: 0x62 dump_ppp_packet: 0x72 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x01 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x01 dump_ppp_packet: 0xc0 dump_ppp_packet: 0x0c dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x01 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x01 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x38 dump_ppp_packet: 0xa2 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x04 dump_ppp_packet: 0xc0 dump_ppp_packet: 0xb9 dump_ppp_packet: dump_ppp_packet: 0xd3 dump_ppp_packet: 0x47 dump_ppp_packet: ppp_upcall: IPV4 Packet--- ppp_upcall: pkt_input: No PKT listener tun_net_receive_tun: IPv4 frame udp_callback: flags: 0002 udp_eventhandler: flags: 0002 udp_recvfrom_newdata: Received 54 bytes (of 54) udp_eventhandler: UDP done dns_recv_response: ID 25860 dns_recv_response: Query 128 dns_recv_response: Error 0 dns_recv_response: Num questions 1, answers 1, authrr 0, extrarr 0 dns_recv_response: Question: type=0001, class=0001 dns_parse_name: Compressed answer dns_recv_response: Answer: type=0001, class=0001, ttl=0038a2, length=0004 dns_recv_response: IPv4 address: PING 192sendto_eventhandler: flags: 4000 sendto_eventhandler: Send ICMP request sendto_request: Outgoing ICMP packet length: 84 (84) sendto_eventhandler: Resuming pppd: read from tun :84 ahdlc_tx: AHDLC_TX - transmit frame, protocol 0x0021, length 84 offline 0 ahdlc_tx: ahdlc_tx: 0x45 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x54 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x02 ahdlc_tx: 0x40 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x40 ahdlc_tx: 0x01 ahdlc_tx: 0xe4 ahdlc_tx: 0x4c ahdlc_tx: 0x0a ahdlc_tx: 0x2c ahdlc_tx: 0xb8 ahdlc_tx: 0x2d ahdlc_tx: 0xc0 ahdlc_tx: 0xb9 ahdlc_tx: 0xd3 ahdlc_tx: 0x47 ahdlc_tx: 0x08 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x7d ahdlc_tx: 0x68 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x01 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x20 ahdlc_tx: 0x21 ahdlc_tx: 0x22 ahdlc_tx: 0x23 ahdlc_tx: 0x24 ahdlc_tx: 0x25 ahdlc_tx: 0x26 ahdlc_tx: 0x27 ahdlc_tx: 0x28 ahdlc_tx: 0x29 ahdlc_tx: 0x2a ahdlc_tx: 0x2b ahdlc_tx: 0x2c ahdlc_tx: 0x2d ahdlc_tx: 0x2e ahdlc_tx: 0x2f ahdlc_tx: 0x30 ahdlc_tx: 0x31 ahdlc_tx: 0x32 ahdlc_tx: 0x33 ahdlc_tx: 0x34 ahdlc_tx: 0x35 ahdlc_tx: 0x36 ahdlc_tx: 0x37 ahdlc_tx: 0x38 ahdlc_tx: 0x39 ahdlc_tx: 0x3a ahdlc_tx: 0x3b ahdlc_tx: 0x3c ahdlc_tx: 0x3d ahdlc_tx: 0x3e ahdlc_tx: 0x3f ahdlc_tx: 0x40 ahdlc_tx: 0x41 ahdlc_tx: 0x42 ahdlc_tx: 0x43 ahdlc_tx: 0x44 ahdlc_tx: 0x45 ahdlc_tx: 0x46 ahdlc_tx: 0x47 ahdlc_tx: 0x48 ahdlc_tx: 0x49 ahdlc_tx: 0x4a ahdlc_tx: 0x4b ahdlc_tx: 0x4c ahdlc_tx: 0x4d ahdlc_tx: 0x4e ahdlc_tx: 0x4f ahdlc_tx: 0x50 ahdlc_tx: 0x51 ahdlc_tx: 0x52 ahdlc_tx: 0x53 ahdlc_tx: 0x54 ahdlc_tx: 0x55 ahdlc_tx: 0x56 ahdlc_tx: 0x57 ahdlc_tx: .185.211.71 56 bytes of data ahdlc_rx: Receiving packet with good crc value, len 88 dump_ppp_packet: dump_ppp_packet: 0x45 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x54 dump_ppp_packet: 0x77 dump_ppp_packet: 0x0e dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x32 dump_ppp_packet: 0x01 dump_ppp_packet: 0xbb dump_ppp_packet: 0x40 dump_ppp_packet: 0xc0 dump_ppp_packet: 0xb9 dump_ppp_packet: 0xd3 dump_ppp_packet: 0x47 dump_ppp_packet: dump_ppp_packet: 0x0a dump_ppp_packet: 0x2c dump_ppp_packet: 0xb8 dump_ppp_packet: 0x2d dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x85 dump_ppp_packet: 0x68 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x01 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x20 dump_ppp_packet: 0x21 dump_ppp_packet: 0x22 dump_ppp_packet: 0x23 dump_ppp_packet: 0x24 dump_ppp_packet: 0x25 dump_ppp_packet: 0x26 dump_ppp_packet: 0x27 dump_ppp_packet: 0x28 dump_ppp_packet: 0x29 dump_ppp_packet: 0x2a dump_ppp_packet: 0x2b dump_ppp_packet: 0x2c dump_ppp_packet: 0x2d dump_ppp_packet: 0x2e dump_ppp_packet: 0x2f dump_ppp_packet: 0x30 dump_ppp_packet: 0x31 dump_ppp_packet: 0x32 dump_ppp_packet: 0x33 dump_ppp_packet: dump_ppp_packet: 0x34 dump_ppp_packet: 0x35 dump_ppp_packet: 0x36 dump_ppp_packet: 0x37 dump_ppp_packet: 0x38 dump_ppp_packet: 0x39 dump_ppp_packet: 0x3a dump_ppp_packet: 0x3b dump_ppp_packet: 0x3c dump_ppp_packet: 0x3d dump_ppp_packet: 0x3e dump_ppp_packet: 0x3f dump_ppp_packet: 0x40 dump_ppp_packet: 0x41 dump_ppp_packet: 0x42 dump_ppp_packet: 0x43 dump_ppp_packet: 0x44 dump_ppp_packet: 0x45 dump_ppp_packet: 0x46 dump_ppp_packet: 0x47 dump_ppp_packet: 0x48 dump_ppp_packet: 0x49 dump_ppp_packet: 0x4a dump_ppp_packet: 0x4b dump_ppp_packet: 0x4c dump_ppp_packet: 0x4d dump_ppp_packet: 0x4e dump_ppp_packet: 0x4f dump_ppp_packet: 0x50 dump_ppp_packet: 0x51 dump_ppp_packet: 0x52 dump_ppp_packet: 0x53 dump_ppp_packet: dump_ppp_packet: 0x54 dump_ppp_packet: 0x55 dump_ppp_packet: 0x56 dump_ppp_packet: 0x57 dump_ppp_packet: ppp_upcall: IPV4 Packet--- ppp_upcall: pkt_input: No PKT listener tun_net_receive_tun: IPv4 frame icmp_poll_eventhandler: flags: 0002 icmp_datahandler: Buffered 81 bytes icmp_readahead: Received 64 bytes (of 81) 56 sendto_eventhandler: flags: 4000 sendto_eventhandler: Send ICMP request sendto_request: Outgoing ICMP packet length: 84 (84) sendto_eventhandler: Resuming pppd: read from tun :84 ahdlc_tx: AHDLC_TX - transmit frame, protocol 0x0021, length 84 offline 0 ahdlc_tx: ahdlc_tx: 0x45 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x54 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x03 ahdlc_tx: 0x40 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x40 ahdlc_tx: 0x01 ahdlc_tx: 0xe4 ahdlc_tx: 0x4b ahdlc_tx: 0x0a ahdlc_tx: 0x2c ahdlc_tx: 0xb8 ahdlc_tx: 0x2d ahdlc_tx: 0xc0 ahdlc_tx: 0xb9 ahdlc_tx: 0xd3 ahdlc_tx: 0x47 ahdlc_tx: 0x08 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x7d ahdlc_tx: 0x67 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x01 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x01 ahdlc_tx: 0x20 ahdlc_tx: 0x21 ahdlc_tx: 0x22 ahdlc_tx: 0x23 ahdlc_tx: 0x24 ahdlc_tx: 0x25 ahdlc_tx: 0x26 ahdlc_tx: 0x27 ahdlc_tx: 0x28 ahdlc_tx: 0x29 ahdlc_tx: 0x2a ahdlc_tx: 0x2b ahdlc_tx: 0x2c ahdlc_tx: 0x2d ahdlc_tx: 0x2e ahdlc_tx: 0x2f ahdlc_tx: 0x30 ahdlc_tx: 0x31 ahdlc_tx: 0x32 ahdlc_tx: 0x33 ahdlc_tx: 0x34 ahdlc_tx: 0x35 ahdlc_tx: 0x36 ahdlc_tx: 0x37 ahdlc_tx: 0x38 ahdlc_tx: 0x39 ahdlc_tx: 0x3a ahdlc_tx: 0x3b ahdlc_tx: 0x3c ahdlc_tx: 0x3d ahdlc_tx: 0x3e ahdlc_tx: 0x3f ahdlc_tx: 0x40 ahdlc_tx: 0x41 ahdlc_tx: 0x42 ahdlc_tx: 0x43 ahdlc_tx: 0x44 ahdlc_tx: 0x45 ahdlc_tx: 0x46 ahdlc_tx: 0x47 ahdlc_tx: 0x48 ahdlc_tx: 0x49 ahdlc_tx: 0x4a ahdlc_tx: 0x4b ahdlc_tx: 0x4c ahdlc_tx: 0x4d ahdlc_tx: 0x4e ahdlc_tx: 0x4f ahdlc_tx: 0x50 ahdlc_tx: 0x51 ahdlc_tx: 0x52 ahdlc_tx: 0x53 ahdlc_tx: 0x54 ahdlc_tx: 0x55 ahdlc_tx: 0x56 ahdlc_tx: 0x57 ahdlc_tx: bytes from icmp_seq=0 time=1150 ms ahdlc_rx: Receiving packet with good crc value, len 88 dump_ppp_packet: dump_ppp_packet: 0x45 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x54 dump_ppp_packet: 0x78 dump_ppp_packet: 0x60 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x32 dump_ppp_packet: 0x01 dump_ppp_packet: 0xb9 dump_ppp_packet: 0xee dump_ppp_packet: 0xc0 dump_ppp_packet: 0xb9 dump_ppp_packet: 0xd3 dump_ppp_packet: 0x47 dump_ppp_packet: dump_ppp_packet: 0x0a dump_ppp_packet: 0x2c dump_ppp_packet: 0xb8 dump_ppp_packet: 0x2d dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x85 dump_ppp_packet: 0x67 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x01 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x01 dump_ppp_packet: 0x20 dump_ppp_packet: 0x21 dump_ppp_packet: 0x22 dump_ppp_packet: 0x23 dump_ppp_packet: 0x24 dump_ppp_packet: 0x25 dump_ppp_packet: 0x26 dump_ppp_packet: 0x27 dump_ppp_packet: 0x28 dump_ppp_packet: 0x29 dump_ppp_packet: 0x2a dump_ppp_packet: 0x2b dump_ppp_packet: 0x2c dump_ppp_packet: 0x2d dump_ppp_packet: 0x2e dump_ppp_packet: 0x2f dump_ppp_packet: 0x30 dump_ppp_packet: 0x31 dump_ppp_packet: 0x32 dump_ppp_packet: 0x33 dump_ppp_packet: dump_ppp_packet: 0x34 dump_ppp_packet: 0x35 dump_ppp_packet: 0x36 dump_ppp_packet: 0x37 dump_ppp_packet: 0x38 dump_ppp_packet: 0x39 dump_ppp_packet: 0x3a dump_ppp_packet: 0x3b dump_ppp_packet: 0x3c dump_ppp_packet: 0x3d dump_ppp_packet: 0x3e dump_ppp_packet: 0x3f dump_ppp_packet: 0x40 dump_ppp_packet: 0x41 dump_ppp_packet: 0x42 dump_ppp_packet: 0x43 dump_ppp_packet: 0x44 dump_ppp_packet: 0x45 dump_ppp_packet: 0x46 dump_ppp_packet: 0x47 dump_ppp_packet: 0x48 dump_ppp_packet: 0x49 dump_ppp_packet: 0x4a dump_ppp_packet: 0x4b dump_ppp_packet: 0x4c dump_ppp_packet: 0x4d dump_ppp_packet: 0x4e dump_ppp_packet: 0x4f dump_ppp_packet: 0x50 dump_ppp_packet: 0x51 dump_ppp_packet: 0x52 dump_ppp_packet: 0x53 dump_ppp_packet: dump_ppp_packet: 0x54 dump_ppp_packet: 0x55 dump_ppp_packet: 0x56 dump_ppp_packet: 0x57 dump_ppp_packet: ppp_upcall: IPV4 Packet--- ppp_upcall: pkt_input: No PKT listener tun_net_receive_tun: IPv4 frame icmp_poll_eventhandler: flags: 0002 icmp_datahandler: Buffered 81 bytes icmp_readahead: Received 64 bytes (of 81) 56 sendto_eventhandler: flags: 4000 sendto_eventhandler: Send ICMP request sendto_request: Outgoing ICMP packet length: 84 (84) sendto_eventhandler: Resuming pppd: read from tun :84 ahdlc_tx: AHDLC_TX - transmit frame, protocol 0x0021, length 84 offline 0 ahdlc_tx: ahdlc_tx: 0x45 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x54 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x04 ahdlc_tx: 0x40 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x40 ahdlc_tx: 0x01 ahdlc_tx: 0xe4 ahdlc_tx: 0x4a ahdlc_tx: 0x0a ahdlc_tx: 0x2c ahdlc_tx: 0xb8 ahdlc_tx: 0x2d ahdlc_tx: 0xc0 ahdlc_tx: 0xb9 ahdlc_tx: 0xd3 ahdlc_tx: 0x47 ahdlc_tx: 0x08 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x7d ahdlc_tx: 0x66 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x01 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x02 ahdlc_tx: 0x20 ahdlc_tx: 0x21 ahdlc_tx: 0x22 ahdlc_tx: 0x23 ahdlc_tx: 0x24 ahdlc_tx: 0x25 ahdlc_tx: 0x26 ahdlc_tx: 0x27 ahdlc_tx: 0x28 ahdlc_tx: 0x29 ahdlc_tx: 0x2a ahdlc_tx: 0x2b ahdlc_tx: 0x2c ahdlc_tx: 0x2d ahdlc_tx: 0x2e ahdlc_tx: 0x2f ahdlc_tx: 0x30 ahdlc_tx: 0x31 ahdlc_tx: 0x32 ahdlc_tx: 0x33 ahdlc_tx: 0x34 ahdlc_tx: 0x35 ahdlc_tx: 0x36 ahdlc_tx: 0x37 ahdlc_tx: 0x38 ahdlc_tx: 0x39 ahdlc_tx: 0x3a ahdlc_tx: 0x3b ahdlc_tx: 0x3c ahdlc_tx: 0x3d ahdlc_tx: 0x3e ahdlc_tx: 0x3f ahdlc_tx: 0x40 ahdlc_tx: 0x41 ahdlc_tx: 0x42 ahdlc_tx: 0x43 ahdlc_tx: 0x44 ahdlc_tx: 0x45 ahdlc_tx: 0x46 ahdlc_tx: 0x47 ahdlc_tx: 0x48 ahdlc_tx: 0x49 ahdlc_tx: 0x4a ahdlc_tx: 0x4b ahdlc_tx: 0x4c ahdlc_tx: 0x4d ahdlc_tx: 0x4e ahdlc_tx: 0x4f ahdlc_tx: 0x50 ahdlc_tx: 0x51 ahdlc_tx: 0x52 ahdlc_tx: 0x53 ahdlc_tx: 0x54 ahdlc_tx: 0x55 ahdlc_tx: 0x56 ahdlc_tx: 0x57 ahdlc_tx: bytes from icmp_seq=1 time=1000 ms ahdlc_rx: Receiving packet with good crc value, len 88 dump_ppp_packet: dump_ppp_packet: 0x45 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x54 dump_ppp_packet: 0x7b dump_ppp_packet: 0x32 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x32 dump_ppp_packet: 0x01 dump_ppp_packet: 0xb7 dump_ppp_packet: 0x1c dump_ppp_packet: 0xc0 dump_ppp_packet: 0xb9 dump_ppp_packet: 0xd3 dump_ppp_packet: 0x47 dump_ppp_packet: dump_ppp_packet: 0x0a dump_ppp_packet: 0x2c dump_ppp_packet: 0xb8 dump_ppp_packet: 0x2d dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x85 dump_ppp_packet: 0x66 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x01 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x02 dump_ppp_packet: 0x20 dump_ppp_packet: 0x21 dump_ppp_packet: 0x22 dump_ppp_packet: 0x23 dump_ppp_packet: 0x24 dump_ppp_packet: 0x25 dump_ppp_packet: 0x26 dump_ppp_packet: 0x27 dump_ppp_packet: 0x28 dump_ppp_packet: 0x29 dump_ppp_packet: 0x2a dump_ppp_packet: 0x2b dump_ppp_packet: 0x2c dump_ppp_packet: 0x2d dump_ppp_packet: 0x2e dump_ppp_packet: 0x2f dump_ppp_packet: 0x30 dump_ppp_packet: 0x31 dump_ppp_packet: 0x32 dump_ppp_packet: 0x33 dump_ppp_packet: dump_ppp_packet: 0x34 dump_ppp_packet: 0x35 dump_ppp_packet: 0x36 dump_ppp_packet: 0x37 dump_ppp_packet: 0x38 dump_ppp_packet: 0x39 dump_ppp_packet: 0x3a dump_ppp_packet: 0x3b dump_ppp_packet: 0x3c dump_ppp_packet: 0x3d dump_ppp_packet: 0x3e dump_ppp_packet: 0x3f dump_ppp_packet: 0x40 dump_ppp_packet: 0x41 dump_ppp_packet: 0x42 dump_ppp_packet: 0x43 dump_ppp_packet: 0x44 dump_ppp_packet: 0x45 dump_ppp_packet: 0x46 dump_ppp_packet: 0x47 dump_ppp_packet: 0x48 dump_ppp_packet: 0x49 dump_ppp_packet: 0x4a dump_ppp_packet: 0x4b dump_ppp_packet: 0x4c dump_ppp_packet: 0x4d dump_ppp_packet: 0x4e dump_ppp_packet: 0x4f dump_ppp_packet: 0x50 dump_ppp_packet: 0x51 dump_ppp_packet: 0x52 dump_ppp_packet: 0x53 dump_ppp_packet: dump_ppp_packet: 0x54 dump_ppp_packet: 0x55 dump_ppp_packet: 0x56 dump_ppp_packet: 0x57 dump_ppp_packet: ppp_upcall: IPV4 Packet--- ppp_upcall: pkt_input: No PKT listener tun_net_receive_tun: IPv4 frame icmp_poll_eventhandler: flags: 0002 icmp_datahandler: Buffered 81 bytes icmp_readahead: Received 64 bytes (of 81) 56 bytes from icmp_seq=2 time=960 ms sendto_eventhandler: flags: 4000 sendto_eventhandler: Send ICMP request sendto_request: Outgoing ICMP packet length: 84 (84) sendto_eventhandler: Resuming pppd: read from tun :84 ahdlc_tx: AHDLC_TX - transmit frame, protocol 0x0021, length 84 offline 0 ahdlc_tx: ahdlc_tx: 0x45 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x54 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x05 ahdlc_tx: 0x40 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x40 ahdlc_tx: 0x01 ahdlc_tx: 0xe4 ahdlc_tx: 0x49 ahdlc_tx: 0x0a ahdlc_tx: 0x2c ahdlc_tx: 0xb8 ahdlc_tx: 0x2d ahdlc_tx: 0xc0 ahdlc_tx: 0xb9 ahdlc_tx: 0xd3 ahdlc_tx: 0x47 ahdlc_tx: 0x08 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x7d ahdlc_tx: 0x65 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x01 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x03 ahdlc_tx: 0x20 ahdlc_tx: 0x21 ahdlc_tx: 0x22 ahdlc_tx: 0x23 ahdlc_tx: 0x24 ahdlc_tx: 0x25 ahdlc_tx: 0x26 ahdlc_tx: 0x27 ahdlc_tx: 0x28 ahdlc_tx: 0x29 ahdlc_tx: 0x2a ahdlc_tx: 0x2b ahdlc_tx: 0x2c ahdlc_tx: 0x2d ahdlc_tx: 0x2e ahdlc_tx: 0x2f ahdlc_tx: 0x30 ahdlc_tx: 0x31 ahdlc_tx: 0x32 ahdlc_tx: 0x33 ahdlc_tx: 0x34 ahdlc_tx: 0x35 ahdlc_tx: 0x36 ahdlc_tx: 0x37 ahdlc_tx: 0x38 ahdlc_tx: 0x39 ahdlc_tx: 0x3a ahdlc_tx: 0x3b ahdlc_tx: 0x3c ahdlc_tx: 0x3d ahdlc_tx: 0x3e ahdlc_tx: 0x3f ahdlc_tx: 0x40 ahdlc_tx: 0x41 ahdlc_tx: 0x42 ahdlc_tx: 0x43 ahdlc_tx: 0x44 ahdlc_tx: 0x45 ahdlc_tx: 0x46 ahdlc_tx: 0x47 ahdlc_tx: 0x48 ahdlc_tx: 0x49 ahdlc_tx: 0x4a ahdlc_tx: 0x4b ahdlc_tx: 0x4c ahdlc_tx: 0x4d ahdlc_tx: 0x4e ahdlc_tx: 0x4f ahdlc_tx: 0x50 ahdlc_tx: 0x51 ahdlc_tx: 0x52 ahdlc_tx: 0x53 ahdlc_tx: 0x54 ahdlc_tx: 0x55 ahdlc_tx: 0x56 ahdlc_tx: 0x57 ahdlc_tx: No response from icmp_seq=3 time=1000 ms sendto_eventhandler: flags: 4000 sendto_eventhandler: Send ICMP request sendto_request: Outgoing ICMP packet length: 84 (84) sendto_eventhandler: Resuming pppd: read from tun :84 ahdlc_tx: AHDLC_TX - transmit frame, protocol 0x0021, length 84 offline 1 ahdlc_tx: ahdlc_tx: 0x45 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x54 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x06 ahdlc_tx: 0x40 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x40 ahdlc_tx: 0x01 ahdlc_tx: 0xe4 ahdlc_tx: 0x48 ahdlc_tx: 0x0a ahdlc_tx: 0x2c ahdlc_tx: 0xb8 ahdlc_tx: 0x2d ahdlc_tx: 0xc0 ahdlc_tx: 0xb9 ahdlc_tx: 0xd3 ahdlc_tx: 0x47 ahdlc_tx: 0x08 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x7d ahdlc_tx: 0x64 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x01 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x04 ahdlc_tx: 0x20 ahdlc_tx: 0x21 ahdlc_tx: 0x22 ahdlc_tx: 0x23 ahdlc_tx: 0x24 ahdlc_tx: 0x25 ahdlc_tx: 0x26 ahdlc_tx: 0x27 ahdlc_tx: 0x28 ahdlc_tx: 0x29 ahdlc_tx: 0x2a ahdlc_tx: 0x2b ahdlc_tx: 0x2c ahdlc_tx: 0x2d ahdlc_tx: 0x2e ahdlc_tx: 0x2f ahdlc_tx: 0x30 ahdlc_tx: 0x31 ahdlc_tx: 0x32 ahdlc_tx: 0x33 ahdlc_tx: 0x34 ahdlc_tx: 0x35 ahdlc_tx: 0x36 ahdlc_tx: 0x37 ahdlc_tx: 0x38 ahdlc_tx: 0x39 ahdlc_tx: 0x3a ahdlc_tx: 0x3b ahdlc_tx: 0x3c ahdlc_tx: 0x3d ahdlc_tx: 0x3e ahdlc_tx: 0x3f ahdlc_tx: 0x40 ahdlc_tx: 0x41 ahdlc_tx: 0x42 ahdlc_tx: 0x43 ahdlc_tx: 0x44 ahdlc_tx: 0x45 ahdlc_tx: 0x46 ahdlc_tx: 0x47 ahdlc_tx: 0x48 ahdlc_tx: 0x49 ahdlc_tx: 0x4a ahdlc_tx: 0x4b ahdlc_tx: 0x4c ahdlc_tx: 0x4d ahdlc_tx: 0x4e ahdlc_tx: 0x4f ahdlc_tx: 0x50 ahdlc_tx: 0x51 ahdlc_tx: 0x52 ahdlc_tx: 0x53 ahdlc_tx: 0x54 ahdlc_tx: 0x55 ahdlc_tx: 0x56 ahdlc_tx: 0x57 ahdlc_tx: No response from icmp_seq=4 time=1000 ms sendto_eventhandler: flags: 4000 sendto_eventhandler: Send ICMP request sendto_request: Outgoing ICMP packet length: 84 (84) sendto_eventhandler: Resuming pppd: read from tun :84 ahdlc_tx: AHDLC_TX - transmit frame, protocol 0x0021, length 84 offline 2 ahdlc_tx: ahdlc_tx: 0x45 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x54 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x07 ahdlc_tx: 0x40 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x40 ahdlc_tx: 0x01 ahdlc_tx: 0xe4 ahdlc_tx: 0x47 ahdlc_tx: 0x0a ahdlc_tx: 0x2c ahdlc_tx: 0xb8 ahdlc_tx: 0x2d ahdlc_tx: 0xc0 ahdlc_tx: 0xb9 ahdlc_tx: 0xd3 ahdlc_tx: 0x47 ahdlc_tx: 0x08 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x7d ahdlc_tx: 0x63 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x01 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x05 ahdlc_tx: 0x20 ahdlc_tx: 0x21 ahdlc_tx: 0x22 ahdlc_tx: 0x23 ahdlc_tx: 0x24 ahdlc_tx: 0x25 ahdlc_tx: 0x26 ahdlc_tx: 0x27 ahdlc_tx: 0x28 ahdlc_tx: 0x29 ahdlc_tx: 0x2a ahdlc_tx: 0x2b ahdlc_tx: 0x2c ahdlc_tx: 0x2d ahdlc_tx: 0x2e ahdlc_tx: 0x2f ahdlc_tx: 0x30 ahdlc_tx: 0x31 ahdlc_tx: 0x32 ahdlc_tx: 0x33 ahdlc_tx: 0x34 ahdlc_tx: 0x35 ahdlc_tx: 0x36 ahdlc_tx: 0x37 ahdlc_tx: 0x38 ahdlc_tx: 0x39 ahdlc_tx: 0x3a ahdlc_tx: 0x3b ahdlc_tx: 0x3c ahdlc_tx: 0x3d ahdlc_tx: 0x3e ahdlc_tx: 0x3f ahdlc_tx: 0x40 ahdlc_tx: 0x41 ahdlc_tx: 0x42 ahdlc_tx: 0x43 ahdlc_tx: 0x44 ahdlc_tx: 0x45 ahdlc_tx: 0x46 ahdlc_tx: 0x47 ahdlc_tx: 0x48 ahdlc_tx: 0x49 ahdlc_tx: 0x4a ahdlc_tx: 0x4b ahdlc_tx: 0x4c ahdlc_tx: 0x4d ahdlc_tx: 0x4e ahdlc_tx: 0x4f ahdlc_tx: 0x50 ahdlc_tx: 0x51 ahdlc_tx: 0x52 ahdlc_tx: 0x53 ahdlc_tx: 0x54 ahdlc_tx: 0x55 ahdlc_tx: 0x56 ahdlc_tx: 0x57 ahdlc_tx: ahdlc_rx: Receiving packet with good crc value, len 88 dump_ppp_packet: dump_ppp_packet: 0x45 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x54 dump_ppp_packet: 0x82 dump_ppp_packet: 0xa9 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x32 dump_ppp_packet: 0x01 dump_ppp_packet: 0xaf dump_ppp_packet: 0xa5 dump_ppp_packet: 0xc0 dump_ppp_packet: 0xb9 dump_ppp_packet: 0xd3 dump_ppp_packet: 0x47 dump_ppp_packet: dump_ppp_packet: 0x0a dump_ppp_packet: 0x2c dump_ppp_packet: 0xb8 dump_ppp_packet: 0x2d dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x85 dump_ppp_packet: 0x64 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x01 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x04 dump_ppp_packet: 0x20 dump_ppp_packet: 0x21 dump_ppp_packet: 0x22 dump_ppp_packet: 0x23 dump_ppp_packet: 0x24 dump_ppp_packet: 0x25 dump_ppp_packet: 0x26 dump_ppp_packet: 0x27 dump_ppp_packet: 0x28 dump_ppp_packet: 0x29 dump_ppp_packet: 0x2a dump_ppp_packet: 0x2b dump_ppp_packet: 0x2c dump_ppp_packet: 0x2d dump_ppp_packet: 0x2e dump_ppp_packet: 0x2f dump_ppp_packet: 0x30 dump_ppp_packet: 0x31 dump_ppp_packet: 0x32 dump_ppp_packet: 0x33 dump_ppp_packet: dump_ppp_packet: 0x34 dump_ppp_packet: 0x35 dump_ppp_packet: 0x36 dump_ppp_packet: 0x37 dump_ppp_packet: 0x38 dump_ppp_packet: 0x39 dump_ppp_packet: 0x3a dump_ppp_packet: 0x3b dump_ppp_packet: 0x3c dump_ppp_packet: 0x3d dump_ppp_packet: 0x3e dump_ppp_packet: 0x3f dump_ppp_packet: 0x40 dump_ppp_packet: 0x41 dump_ppp_packet: 0x42 dump_ppp_packet: 0x43 dump_ppp_packet: 0x44 dump_ppp_packet: 0x45 dump_ppp_packet: 0x46 dump_ppp_packet: 0x47 dump_ppp_packet: 0x48 dump_ppp_packet: 0x49 dump_ppp_packet: 0x4a dump_ppp_packet: 0x4b dump_ppp_packet: 0x4c dump_ppp_packet: 0x4d dump_ppp_packet: 0x4e dump_ppp_packet: 0x4f dump_ppp_packet: 0x50 dump_ppp_packet: 0x51 dump_ppp_packet: 0x52 dump_ppp_packet: 0x53 dump_ppp_packet: dump_ppp_packet: 0x54 dump_ppp_packet: 0x55 dump_ppp_packet: 0x56 dump_ppp_packet: 0x57 dump_ppp_packet: ppp_upcall: IPV4 Packet--- ppp_upcall: pkt_input: No PKT listener tun_net_receive_tun: IPv4 frame icmp_poll_eventhandler: flags: 0002 icmp_datahandler: Buffered 81 bytes icmp_readahead: Received 64 bytes (of 81) WARNING: Received after timeout 56 bytes from icmp_seq=5 time=1530 ms ahdlc_rx: Receiving packet with good crc value, len 88 dump_ppp_packet: dump_ppp_packet: 0x45 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x54 dump_ppp_packet: 0x83 dump_ppp_packet: 0x03 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x32 dump_ppp_packet: 0x01 dump_ppp_packet: 0xaf dump_ppp_packet: 0x4b dump_ppp_packet: 0xc0 dump_ppp_packet: 0xb9 dump_ppp_packet: 0xd3 dump_ppp_packet: 0x47 dump_ppp_packet: dump_ppp_packet: 0x0a dump_ppp_packet: 0x2c dump_ppp_packet: 0xb8 dump_ppp_packet: 0x2d dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x85 dump_ppp_packet: 0x63 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x01 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x05 dump_ppp_packet: 0x20 dump_ppp_packet: 0x21 dump_ppp_packet: 0x22 dump_ppp_packet: 0x23 dump_ppp_packet: 0x24 dump_ppp_packet: 0x25 dump_ppp_packet: 0x26 dump_ppp_packet: 0x27 dump_ppp_packet: 0x28 dump_ppp_packet: 0x29 dump_ppp_packet: 0x2a dump_ppp_packet: 0x2b dump_ppp_packet: 0x2c dump_ppp_packet: 0x2d dump_ppp_packet: 0x2e dump_ppp_packet: 0x2f dump_ppp_packet: 0x30 dump_ppp_packet: 0x31 dump_ppp_packet: 0x32 dump_ppp_packet: 0x33 dump_ppp_packet: dump_ppp_packet: 0x34 dump_ppp_packet: 0x35 dump_ppp_packet: 0x36 dump_ppp_packet: 0x37 dump_ppp_packet: 0x38 dump_ppp_packet: 0x39 dump_ppp_packet: 0x3a dump_ppp_packet: 0x3b dump_ppp_packet: 0x3c dump_ppp_packet: 0x3d dump_ppp_packet: 0x3e dump_ppp_packet: 0x3f dump_ppp_packet: 0x40 dump_ppp_packet: 0x41 dump_ppp_packet: 0x42 dump_ppp_packet: 0x43 dump_ppp_packet: 0x44 dump_ppp_packet: 0x45 dump_ppp_packet: 0x46 dump_ppp_packet: 0x47 dump_ppp_packet: 0x48 dump_ppp_packet: 0x49 dump_ppp_packet: 0x4a dump_ppp_packet: 0x4b dump_ppp_packet: 0x4c dump_ppp_packet: 0x4d dump_ppp_packet: 0x4e dump_ppp_packet: 0x4f dump_ppp_packet: 0x50 dump_ppp_packet: 0x51 dump_ppp_packet: 0x52 dump_ppp_packet: 0x53 dump_ppp_packet: dump_ppp_packet: 0x54 dump_ppp_packet: 0x55 dump_ppp_packet: 0x56 dump_ppp_packet: 0x57 dump_ppp_packet: ppp_upcall: IPV4 Packet--- ppp_upcall: pkt_input: No PKT listener tun_net_receive_tun: IPv4 frame icmp_poll_eventhandler: flags: 0002 icmp_datahandler: Buffered 81 bytes icmp_readahead: Received 64 bytes (of 81) 56sendto_eventhandler: flags: 4000 sendto_eventhandler: Send ICMP request sendto_request: Outgoing ICMP packet length: 84 (84) sendto_eventhandler: Resuming pppd: read from tun :84 ahdlc_tx: AHDLC_TX - transmit frame, protocol 0x0021, length 84 offline 0 ahdlc_tx: ahdlc_tx: 0x45 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x54 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x08 ahdlc_tx: 0x40 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x40 ahdlc_tx: 0x01 ahdlc_tx: 0xe4 ahdlc_tx: 0x46 ahdlc_tx: 0x0a ahdlc_tx: 0x2c ahdlc_tx: 0xb8 ahdlc_tx: 0x2d ahdlc_tx: 0xc0 ahdlc_tx: 0xb9 ahdlc_tx: 0xd3 ahdlc_tx: 0x47 ahdlc_tx: 0x08 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x7d ahdlc_tx: 0x62 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x01 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x06 ahdlc_tx: 0x20 ahdlc_tx: 0x21 ahdlc_tx: 0x22 ahdlc_tx: 0x23 ahdlc_tx: 0x24 ahdlc_tx: 0x25 ahdlc_tx: 0x26 ahdlc_tx: 0x27 ahdlc_tx: 0x28 ahdlc_tx: 0x29 ahdlc_tx: 0x2a ahdlc_tx: 0x2b ahdlc_tx: 0x2c ahdlc_tx: 0x2d ahdlc_tx: 0x2e ahdlc_tx: 0x2f ahdlc_tx: 0x30 ahdlc_tx: 0x31 ahdlc_tx: 0x32 ahdlc_tx: 0x33 ahdlc_tx: 0x34 ahdlc_tx: 0x35 ahdlc_tx: 0x36 ahdlc_tx: 0x37 ahdlc_tx: 0x38 ahdlc_tx: 0x39 ahdlc_tx: 0x3a ahdlc_tx: 0x3b ahdlc_tx: 0x3c ahdlc_tx: 0x3d ahdlc_tx: 0x3e ahdlc_tx: 0x3f ahdlc_tx: 0x40 ahdlc_tx: 0x41 ahdlc_tx: 0x42 ahdlc_tx: 0x43 ahdlc_tx: 0x44 ahdlc_tx: 0x45 ahdlc_tx: 0x46 ahdlc_tx: 0x47 ahdlc_tx: 0x48 ahdlc_tx: 0x49 ahdlc_tx: 0x4a ahdlc_tx: 0x4b ahdlc_tx: 0x4c ahdlc_tx: 0x4d ahdlc_tx: 0x4e ahdlc_tx: 0x4f ahdlc_tx: 0x50 ahdlc_tx: 0x51 ahdlc_tx: 0x52 ahdlc_tx: 0x53 ahdlc_tx: 0x54 ahdlc_tx: 0x55 ahdlc_tx: 0x56 ahdlc_tx: 0x57 ahdlc_tx: bytes from icmp_seq=5 time=1070 ms ahdlc_rx: Receiving packet with good crc value, len 88 dump_ppp_packet: dump_ppp_packet: 0x45 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x54 dump_ppp_packet: 0x85 dump_ppp_packet: 0x93 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x32 dump_ppp_packet: 0x01 dump_ppp_packet: 0xac dump_ppp_packet: 0xbb dump_ppp_packet: 0xc0 dump_ppp_packet: 0xb9 dump_ppp_packet: 0xd3 dump_ppp_packet: 0x47 dump_ppp_packet: dump_ppp_packet: 0x0a dump_ppp_packet: 0x2c dump_ppp_packet: 0xb8 dump_ppp_packet: 0x2d dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x85 dump_ppp_packet: 0x62 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x01 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x06 dump_ppp_packet: 0x20 dump_ppp_packet: 0x21 dump_ppp_packet: 0x22 dump_ppp_packet: 0x23 dump_ppp_packet: 0x24 dump_ppp_packet: 0x25 dump_ppp_packet: 0x26 dump_ppp_packet: 0x27 dump_ppp_packet: 0x28 dump_ppp_packet: 0x29 dump_ppp_packet: 0x2a dump_ppp_packet: 0x2b dump_ppp_packet: 0x2c dump_ppp_packet: 0x2d dump_ppp_packet: 0x2e dump_ppp_packet: 0x2f dump_ppp_packet: 0x30 dump_ppp_packet: 0x31 dump_ppp_packet: 0x32 dump_ppp_packet: 0x33 dump_ppp_packet: dump_ppp_packet: 0x34 dump_ppp_packet: 0x35 dump_ppp_packet: 0x36 dump_ppp_packet: 0x37 dump_ppp_packet: 0x38 dump_ppp_packet: 0x39 dump_ppp_packet: 0x3a dump_ppp_packet: 0x3b dump_ppp_packet: 0x3c dump_ppp_packet: 0x3d dump_ppp_packet: 0x3e dump_ppp_packet: 0x3f dump_ppp_packet: 0x40 dump_ppp_packet: 0x41 dump_ppp_packet: 0x42 dump_ppp_packet: 0x43 dump_ppp_packet: 0x44 dump_ppp_packet: 0x45 dump_ppp_packet: 0x46 dump_ppp_packet: 0x47 dump_ppp_packet: 0x48 dump_ppp_packet: 0x49 dump_ppp_packet: 0x4a dump_ppp_packet: 0x4b dump_ppp_packet: 0x4c dump_ppp_packet: 0x4d dump_ppp_packet: 0x4e dump_ppp_packet: 0x4f dump_ppp_packet: 0x50 dump_ppp_packet: 0x51 dump_ppp_packet: 0x52 dump_ppp_packet: 0x53 dump_ppp_packet: dump_ppp_packet: 0x54 dump_ppp_packet: 0x55 dump_ppp_packet: 0x56 dump_ppp_packet: 0x57 dump_ppp_packet: ppp_upcall: IPV4 Packet--- ppp_upcall: pkt_input: No PKT listener tun_net_receive_tun: IPv4 frame icmp_poll_eventhandler: flags: 0002 icmp_datahandler: Buffered 81 bytes icmp_readahead: Received 64 bytes (of 81) 56 sendto_eventhandler: flags: 4000 sendto_eventhandler: Send ICMP request sendto_request: Outgoing ICMP packet length: 84 (84) sendto_eventhandler: Resuming pppd: read from tun :84 ahdlc_tx: AHDLC_TX - transmit frame, protocol 0x0021, length 84 offline 0 ahdlc_tx: ahdlc_tx: 0x45 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x54 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x09 ahdlc_tx: 0x40 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x40 ahdlc_tx: 0x01 ahdlc_tx: 0xe4 ahdlc_tx: 0x45 ahdlc_tx: 0x0a ahdlc_tx: 0x2c ahdlc_tx: 0xb8 ahdlc_tx: 0x2d ahdlc_tx: 0xc0 ahdlc_tx: 0xb9 ahdlc_tx: 0xd3 ahdlc_tx: 0x47 ahdlc_tx: 0x08 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x7d ahdlc_tx: 0x61 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x01 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x07 ahdlc_tx: 0x20 ahdlc_tx: 0x21 ahdlc_tx: 0x22 ahdlc_tx: 0x23 ahdlc_tx: 0x24 ahdlc_tx: 0x25 ahdlc_tx: 0x26 ahdlc_tx: 0x27 ahdlc_tx: 0x28 ahdlc_tx: 0x29 ahdlc_tx: 0x2a ahdlc_tx: 0x2b ahdlc_tx: 0x2c ahdlc_tx: 0x2d ahdlc_tx: 0x2e ahdlc_tx: 0x2f ahdlc_tx: 0x30 ahdlc_tx: 0x31 ahdlc_tx: 0x32 ahdlc_tx: 0x33 ahdlc_tx: 0x34 ahdlc_tx: 0x35 ahdlc_tx: 0x36 ahdlc_tx: 0x37 ahdlc_tx: 0x38 ahdlc_tx: 0x39 ahdlc_tx: 0x3a ahdlc_tx: 0x3b ahdlc_tx: 0x3c ahdlc_tx: 0x3d ahdlc_tx: 0x3e ahdlc_tx: 0x3f ahdlc_tx: 0x40 ahdlc_tx: 0x41 ahdlc_tx: 0x42 ahdlc_tx: 0x43 ahdlc_tx: 0x44 ahdlc_tx: 0x45 ahdlc_tx: 0x46 ahdlc_tx: 0x47 ahdlc_tx: 0x48 ahdlc_tx: 0x49 ahdlc_tx: 0x4a ahdlc_tx: 0x4b ahdlc_tx: 0x4c ahdlc_tx: 0x4d ahdlc_tx: 0x4e ahdlc_tx: 0x4f ahdlc_tx: 0x50 ahdlc_tx: 0x51 ahdlc_tx: 0x52 ahdlc_tx: 0x53 ahdlc_tx: 0x54 ahdlc_tx: 0x55 ahdlc_tx: 0x56 ahdlc_tx: 0x57 ahdlc_tx: bytes from icmp_seq=6 time=1020 ms No response from icmp_seq=7 time=1000 ms sendto_eventhandler: flags: 4000 sendto_eventhandler: Send ICMP request sendto_request: Outgoing ICMP packet length: 84 (84) sendto_eventhandler: Resuming pppd: read from tun :84 ahdlc_tx: AHDLC_TX - transmit frame, protocol 0x0021, length 84 offline 1 ahdlc_tx: ahdlc_tx: 0x45 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x54 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x0a ahdlc_tx: 0x40 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x40 ahdlc_tx: 0x01 ahdlc_tx: 0xe4 ahdlc_tx: 0x44 ahdlc_tx: 0x0a ahdlc_tx: 0x2c ahdlc_tx: 0xb8 ahdlc_tx: 0x2d ahdlc_tx: 0xc0 ahdlc_tx: 0xb9 ahdlc_tx: 0xd3 ahdlc_tx: 0x47 ahdlc_tx: 0x08 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x7d ahdlc_tx: 0x60 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x01 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x08 ahdlc_tx: 0x20 ahdlc_tx: 0x21 ahdlc_tx: 0x22 ahdlc_tx: 0x23 ahdlc_tx: 0x24 ahdlc_tx: 0x25 ahdlc_tx: 0x26 ahdlc_tx: 0x27 ahdlc_tx: 0x28 ahdlc_tx: 0x29 ahdlc_tx: 0x2a ahdlc_tx: 0x2b ahdlc_tx: 0x2c ahdlc_tx: 0x2d ahdlc_tx: 0x2e ahdlc_tx: 0x2f ahdlc_tx: 0x30 ahdlc_tx: 0x31 ahdlc_tx: 0x32 ahdlc_tx: 0x33 ahdlc_tx: 0x34 ahdlc_tx: 0x35 ahdlc_tx: 0x36 ahdlc_tx: 0x37 ahdlc_tx: 0x38 ahdlc_tx: 0x39 ahdlc_tx: 0x3a ahdlc_tx: 0x3b ahdlc_tx: 0x3c ahdlc_tx: 0x3d ahdlc_tx: 0x3e ahdlc_tx: 0x3f ahdlc_tx: 0x40 ahdlc_tx: 0x41 ahdlc_tx: 0x42 ahdlc_tx: 0x43 ahdlc_tx: 0x44 ahdlc_tx: 0x45 ahdlc_tx: 0x46 ahdlc_tx: 0x47 ahdlc_tx: 0x48 ahdlc_tx: 0x49 ahdlc_tx: 0x4a ahdlc_tx: 0x4b ahdlc_tx: 0x4c ahdlc_tx: 0x4d ahdlc_tx: 0x4e ahdlc_tx: 0x4f ahdlc_tx: 0x50 ahdlc_tx: 0x51 ahdlc_tx: 0x52 ahdlc_tx: 0x53 ahdlc_tx: 0x54 ahdlc_tx: 0x55 ahdlc_tx: 0x56 ahdlc_tx: 0x57 ahdlc_tx: No response from icmp_seq=8 time=1000 ms sendto_eventhandler: flags: 4000 sendto_eventhandler: Send ICMP request sendto_request: Outgoing ICMP packet length: 84 (84) sendto_eventhandler: Resuming pppd: read from tun :84 ahdlc_tx: AHDLC_TX - transmit frame, protocol 0x0021, length 84 offline 2 ahdlc_tx: ahdlc_tx: 0x45 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x54 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x0b ahdlc_tx: 0x40 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x40 ahdlc_tx: 0x01 ahdlc_tx: 0xe4 ahdlc_tx: 0x43 ahdlc_tx: 0x0a ahdlc_tx: 0x2c ahdlc_tx: 0xb8 ahdlc_tx: 0x2d ahdlc_tx: 0xc0 ahdlc_tx: 0xb9 ahdlc_tx: 0xd3 ahdlc_tx: 0x47 ahdlc_tx: 0x08 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x7d ahdlc_tx: 0x5f ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x01 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x09 ahdlc_tx: 0x20 ahdlc_tx: 0x21 ahdlc_tx: 0x22 ahdlc_tx: 0x23 ahdlc_tx: 0x24 ahdlc_tx: 0x25 ahdlc_tx: 0x26 ahdlc_tx: 0x27 ahdlc_tx: 0x28 ahdlc_tx: 0x29 ahdlc_tx: 0x2a ahdlc_tx: 0x2b ahdlc_tx: 0x2c ahdlc_tx: 0x2d ahdlc_tx: 0x2e ahdlc_tx: 0x2f ahdlc_tx: 0x30 ahdlc_tx: 0x31 ahdlc_tx: 0x32 ahdlc_tx: 0x33 ahdlc_tx: 0x34 ahdlc_tx: 0x35 ahdlc_tx: 0x36 ahdlc_tx: 0x37 ahdlc_tx: 0x38 ahdlc_tx: 0x39 ahdlc_tx: 0x3a ahdlc_tx: 0x3b ahdlc_tx: 0x3c ahdlc_tx: 0x3d ahdlc_tx: 0x3e ahdlc_tx: 0x3f ahdlc_tx: 0x40 ahdlc_tx: 0x41 ahdlc_tx: 0x42 ahdlc_tx: 0x43 ahdlc_tx: 0x44 ahdlc_tx: 0x45 ahdlc_tx: 0x46 ahdlc_tx: 0x47 ahdlc_tx: 0x48 ahdlc_tx: 0x49 ahdlc_tx: 0x4a ahdlc_tx: 0x4b ahdlc_tx: 0x4c ahdlc_tx: 0x4d ahdlc_tx: 0x4e ahdlc_tx: 0x4f ahdlc_tx: 0x50 ahdlc_tx: 0x51 ahdlc_tx: 0x52 ahdlc_tx: 0x53 ahdlc_tx: 0x54 ahdlc_tx: 0x55 ahdlc_tx: 0x56 ahdlc_tx: 0x57 ahdlc_tx: ahdlc_rx: Receiving packet with good crc value, len 88 dump_ppp_packet: dump_ppp_packet: 0x45 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x54 dump_ppp_packet: 0x88 dump_ppp_packet: 0x3b dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x32 dump_ppp_packet: 0x01 dump_ppp_packet: 0xaa dump_ppp_packet: 0x13 dump_ppp_packet: 0xc0 dump_ppp_packet: 0xb9 dump_ppp_packet: 0xd3 dump_ppp_packet: 0x47 dump_ppp_packet: dump_ppp_packet: 0x0a dump_ppp_packet: 0x2c dump_ppp_packet: 0xb8 dump_ppp_packet: 0x2d dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x85 dump_ppp_packet: 0x60 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x01 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x08 dump_ppp_packet: 0x20 dump_ppp_packet: 0x21 dump_ppp_packet: 0x22 dump_ppp_packet: 0x23 dump_ppp_packet: 0x24 dump_ppp_packet: 0x25 dump_ppp_packet: 0x26 dump_ppp_packet: 0x27 dump_ppp_packet: 0x28 dump_ppp_packet: 0x29 dump_ppp_packet: 0x2a dump_ppp_packet: 0x2b dump_ppp_packet: 0x2c dump_ppp_packet: 0x2d dump_ppp_packet: 0x2e dump_ppp_packet: 0x2f dump_ppp_packet: 0x30 dump_ppp_packet: 0x31 dump_ppp_packet: 0x32 dump_ppp_packet: 0x33 dump_ppp_packet: dump_ppp_packet: 0x34 dump_ppp_packet: 0x35 dump_ppp_packet: 0x36 dump_ppp_packet: 0x37 dump_ppp_packet: 0x38 dump_ppp_packet: 0x39 dump_ppp_packet: 0x3a dump_ppp_packet: 0x3b dump_ppp_packet: 0x3c dump_ppp_packet: 0x3d dump_ppp_packet: 0x3e dump_ppp_packet: 0x3f dump_ppp_packet: 0x40 dump_ppp_packet: 0x41 dump_ppp_packet: 0x42 dump_ppp_packet: 0x43 dump_ppp_packet: 0x44 dump_ppp_packet: 0x45 dump_ppp_packet: 0x46 dump_ppp_packet: 0x47 dump_ppp_packet: 0x48 dump_ppp_packet: 0x49 dump_ppp_packet: 0x4a dump_ppp_packet: 0x4b dump_ppp_packet: 0x4c dump_ppp_packet: 0x4d dump_ppp_packet: 0x4e dump_ppp_packet: 0x4f dump_ppp_packet: 0x50 dump_ppp_packet: 0x51 dump_ppp_packet: 0x52 dump_ppp_packet: 0x53 dump_ppp_packet: dump_ppp_packet: 0x54 dump_ppp_packet: 0x55 dump_ppp_packet: 0x56 dump_ppp_packet: 0x57 dump_ppp_packet: ppp_upcall: IPV4 Packet--- ppp_upcall: pkt_input: No PKT listener tun_net_receive_tun: IPv4 frame icmp_poll_eventhandler: flags: 0002 icmp_datahandler: Buffered 81 bytes icmp_readahead: Received 64 bytes (of 81) WARNING: Received after timeout 56 bytes from icmp_seq=9 time=1430 ms ahdlc_rx: Receiving packet with good crc value, len 88 dump_ppp_packet: dump_ppp_packet: 0x45 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x54 dump_ppp_packet: 0x8a dump_ppp_packet: 0x94 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x32 dump_ppp_packet: 0x01 dump_ppp_packet: 0xa7 dump_ppp_packet: 0xba dump_ppp_packet: 0xc0 dump_ppp_packet: 0xb9 dump_ppp_packet: 0xd3 dump_ppp_packet: 0x47 dump_ppp_packet: dump_ppp_packet: 0x0a dump_ppp_packet: 0x2c dump_ppp_packet: 0xb8 dump_ppp_packet: 0x2d dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x85 dump_ppp_packet: 0x5f dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x01 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x09 dump_ppp_packet: 0x20 dump_ppp_packet: 0x21 dump_ppp_packet: 0x22 dump_ppp_packet: 0x23 dump_ppp_packet: 0x24 dump_ppp_packet: 0x25 dump_ppp_packet: 0x26 dump_ppp_packet: 0x27 dump_ppp_packet: 0x28 dump_ppp_packet: 0x29 dump_ppp_packet: 0x2a dump_ppp_packet: 0x2b dump_ppp_packet: 0x2c dump_ppp_packet: 0x2d dump_ppp_packet: 0x2e dump_ppp_packet: 0x2f dump_ppp_packet: 0x30 dump_ppp_packet: 0x31 dump_ppp_packet: 0x32 dump_ppp_packet: 0x33 dump_ppp_packet: dump_ppp_packet: 0x34 dump_ppp_packet: 0x35 dump_ppp_packet: 0x36 dump_ppp_packet: 0x37 dump_ppp_packet: 0x38 dump_ppp_packet: 0x39 dump_ppp_packet: 0x3a dump_ppp_packet: 0x3b dump_ppp_packet: 0x3c dump_ppp_packet: 0x3d dump_ppp_packet: 0x3e dump_ppp_packet: 0x3f dump_ppp_packet: 0x40 dump_ppp_packet: 0x41 dump_ppp_packet: 0x42 dump_ppp_packet: 0x43 dump_ppp_packet: 0x44 dump_ppp_packet: 0x45 dump_ppp_packet: 0x46 dump_ppp_packet: 0x47 dump_ppp_packet: 0x48 dump_ppp_packet: 0x49 dump_ppp_packet: 0x4a dump_ppp_packet: 0x4b dump_ppp_packet: 0x4c dump_ppp_packet: 0x4d dump_ppp_packet: 0x4e dump_ppp_packet: 0x4f dump_ppp_packet: 0x50 dump_ppp_packet: 0x51 dump_ppp_packet: 0x52 dump_ppp_packet: 0x53 dump_ppp_packet: dump_ppp_packet: 0x54 dump_ppp_packet: 0x55 dump_ppp_packet: 0x56 dump_ppp_packet: 0x57 dump_ppp_packet: ppp_upcall: IPV4 Packet--- ppp_upcall: pkt_input: No PKT listener tun_net_receive_tun: IPv4 frame icmp_poll_eventhandler: flags: 0002 icmp_datahandler: Buffered 81 bytes icmp_readahead: Received 64 bytes (of 81) 56 bytes from icmp_seq=9 time=910 ms 10 packets transmitted, 8 received, 20% packet loss, time 10310 ms nsh>

Com CONFIG_DEBUG_NET_INFO desabilitado

nsh> pppd & pppd [3:100] nsh> chat_tokenise: "" ATZ OK \c tok_on_delimiter: (0) tok_on_delimiter: ATZ (0) tok_on_delimiter: OK (0) tok_on_delimiter: (1) chat_tokenise: result 0 chat_internalise: (L) chat_internalise: (R) ATZ chat_internalise: (L) OK chat_internalise: (R) chat_internalise: result 0, rhs 0 chat_tokens_free: tokens freed chat_line_run: type 1, rhs ATZ chchat_expect: result 0 chat_flush: starting chat_readb: read '~' (0x7E) chat_readb: read 'ÿ' (0xFF) chat_readb: read '}' (0x7D) chat_readb: read '#' (0x23) chat_readb: read 'À' (0xC0) chat_readb: read '!' (0x21) chat_readb: read '}' (0x7D) chat_readb: read '%' (0x25) chat_readb: read '}' (0x7D) chat_readb: read '!' (0x21) chat_readb: read '}' (0x7D) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x20) chat_readb: read '}' (0x7D) chat_readb: read '$' (0x24) chat_readb: read '=' (0x3D) chat_readb: read 'Ç' (0xC7) chat_readb: read '~' (0x7E) chat_readb: read '~' (0x7E) chat_readb: read 'ÿ' (0xFF) chat_readb: read '}' (0x7D) chat_readb: read '#' (0x23) chat_readb: read 'À' (0xC0) chat_readb: read '!' (0x21) chat_readb: read '}' (0x7D) chat_readb: read '%' (0x25) chat_readb: read '}' (0x7D) chat_readb: read '"' (0x22) chat_readb: read '}' (0x7D) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x20) chat_readb: read '}' (0x7D) chat_readb: read '$' (0x24) chat_readb: read 'Y' (0x59) chat_readb: read '(' (0x28) chat_readb: read '~' (0x7E) chat_readb: read '+' (0x2B) chat_readb: read '+' (0x2B) chat_readb: read '+' (0x2B) chat_readb: read 'A' (0x41) chat_readb: read 'T' (0x54) chat_readb: read 'E' (0x45) chat_readb: read '1' (0x31) chat_readb: read '' (0x0D) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x0A) chat_readb: read '' (0x0D) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x0A) chat_readb: read 'O' (0x4F) chat_readb: read 'K' (0x4B) chat_readb: read '' (0x0D) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x0A) chat_readb: poll timed out chat_flush: done chat_send: wrote 5 out of 5 bytes of 'ATZ ' chat_line_run: type 1, rhs chat_readb: read 'A' (0x41) chat_readb: read 'T' (0x54) chat_readb: read 'Z' (0x5A) chat_readb: read '' (0x0D) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x0A) chat_readb: read '' (0x0D) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x0A) chat_readb: read 'O' (0x4F) chat_readb: read 'K' (0x4B) chat_expect: result 0 chat_flush: starting chat_readb: read '' (0x0D) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x0A) chat_readb: poll timed out chat_flush: done chat_send: wrote 0 out of 0 bytes of '' chat_script_run: Script result 0, exited on line 2 chat_tokenise: ECHO ON TIMEOUT 30 "" ATE1 OK AT+CMEE=2 OK AT+UPSD=0,1,\"claro.com.br\" OK AT+UDCONF=0,0 OK AT+CGDCONT=1,\"IP\",\"claro.com.br\" OK ATD*99***1# CONNECT \c tok_on_delimiter: ECHO (0) tok_on_delimiter: ON (0) tok_on_delimiter: TIMEOUT (0) tok_on_delimiter: 30 (0) tok_on_delimiter: (0) tok_on_delimiter: ATE1 (0) tok_on_delimiter: OK (0) tok_on_delimiter: AT+CMEE=2 (0) tok_on_delimiter: OK (0) tok_on_delimiter: AT+UPSD=0,1,"claro.com.br" (0) tok_on_delimiter: OK (0) tok_on_delimiter: AT+UDCONF=0,0 (0) tok_on_delimiter: OK (0) tok_on_delimiter: AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","claro.com.br" (0) tok_on_delimiter: OK (0) tok_on_delimiter: ATD*99***1# (0) tok_on_delimiter: CONNECT (0) tok_on_delimiter: (1) chat_tokenise: result 0 chat_internalise: (L) ECHO chat_internalise: (R) ON chat_internalise: (L) TIMEOUT chat_internalise: (R) 30 chat_internalise: (L) chat_internalise: (R) ATE1 chat_internalise: (L) OK chat_internalise: (R) AT+CMEE=2 chat_internalise: (L) OK chat_internalise: (R) AT+UPSD=0,1,"claro.com.br" chat_internalise: (L) OK chat_internalise: (R) AT+UDCONF=0,0 chat_internalise: (L) OK chat_internalise: (R) AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","claro.com.br" chat_internalise: (L) OK chat_internalise: (R) ATD*99***1# chat_internalise: (L) CONNECT chat_internalise: (R) chat_internalise: result 0, rhs 0 chat_tokens_free: tokens freed chat_line_run: type 0, rhs ON achat_line_run: type 0, rhs 30 chat_line_run: timeout is 30 s chat_line_run: type 1, rhs ATE1 chat_expect: result 0 chat_flush: starting chat_readb: poll timed out chat_flush: done chat_send: wrote 6 out of 6 bytes of 'ATE1 ' chat_line_run: type 1, rhs AT+CMEE=2 tchat_readb: read 'A' (0x41) chat_readb: read 'T' (0x54) chat_readb: read 'E' (0x45) chat_readb: read '1' (0x31) chat_readb: read '' (0x0D) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x0A) chat_readb: read '' (0x0D) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x0A) chat_readb: read 'O' (0x4F) chat_readb: read 'K' (0x4B) chat_expect: result 0 chat_flush: starting chat_readb: read '' (0x0D) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x0A) chat_readb: poll timed out chat_flush: done chat_send: wrote 11 out of 11 bytes of 'AT+CMEE=2 ' chat_line_run: type 1, rhs AT+UPSD=0,1,"claro.com.br" :chat_readb: read 'A' (0x41) chat_readb: read 'T' (0x54) chat_readb: read '+' (0x2B) chat_readb: read 'C' (0x43) chat_readb: read 'M' (0x4D) chat_readb: read 'E' (0x45) chat_readb: read 'E' (0x45) chat_readb: read '=' (0x3D) chat_readb: read '2' (0x32) chat_readb: read '' (0x0D) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x0A) chat_readb: read '' (0x0D) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x0A) chat_readb: read 'O' (0x4F) chat_readb: read 'K' (0x4B) chat_expect: result 0 chat_flush: starting chat_readb: read '' (0x0D) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x0A) chat_readb: poll timed out chat_flush: done chat_send: wrote 28 out of 28 bytes of 'AT+UPSD=0,1,"claro.com.br" ' chat_line_run: type 1, rhs AT+UDCONF=0,0 ATZ ~ÿ}#À!}%}!} }$=Ç~~ÿ}#À!}%}"} }$Y(~+++ATE1 OK chat: OK ATZ OK chat: cmd 1, arg ON chat: cmd 4, arg chat_readb: read 'A' (0x41) chat_readb: read 'T' (0x54) chat_readb: read '+' (0x2B) chat_readb: read 'U' (0x55) chat_readb: read 'P' (0x50) chat_readb: read 'S' (0x53) chat_readb: read 'D' (0x44) chat_readb: read '=' (0x3D) chat_readb: read '0' (0x30) chat_readb: read ',' (0x2C) chat_readb: read '1' (0x31) chat_readb: read ',' (0x2C) chat_readb: read '"' (0x22) chat_readb: read 'c' (0x63) chat_readb: read 'l' (0x6C) chat_readb: read 'a' (0x61) chat_readb: read 'r' (0x72) chat_readb: read 'o' (0x6F) chat_readb: read '.' (0x2E) chat_readb: read 'c' (0x63) chat_readb: read 'o' (0x6F) chat_readb: read 'm' (0x6D) chat_readb: read '.' (0x2E) chat_readb: read 'b' (0x62) chat_readb: read 'r' (0x72) chat_readb: read '"' (0x22) chat_readb: read '' (0x0D) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x0A) chat_readb: read '' (0x0D) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x0A) chat_readb: read 'O' (0x4F) chat_readb: read 'K' (0x4B) chat_expect: result 0 chat_flush: starting chat_readb: read '' (0x0D) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x0A) chat_readb: poll timed out chat_flush: done chat_send: wrote 15 out of 15 bytes of 'AT+UDCONF=0,0 ' chat_line_run: type 1, rhs AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","claro.com.br" 3chat_readb: read 'A' (0x41) chat_readb: read 'T' (0x54) chat_readb: read '+' (0x2B) chat_readb: read 'U' (0x55) chat_readb: read 'D' (0x44) chat_readb: read 'C' (0x43) chat_readb: read 'O' (0x4F) chat_readb: read 'N' (0x4E) chat_readb: read 'F' (0x46) chat_readb: read '=' (0x3D) chat_readb: read '0' (0x30) chat_readb: read ',' (0x2C) chat_readb: read '0' (0x30) chat_readb: read '' (0x0D) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x0A) chat_readb: read '' (0x0D) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x0A) chat_readb: read 'O' (0x4F) chat_readb: read 'K' (0x4B) chat_expect: result 0 chat_flush: starting chat_readb: read '' (0x0D) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x0A) chat_readb: poll timed out chat_flush: done chat_send: wrote 34 out of 34 bytes of 'AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","claro.com.br" ' chat_line_run: type 1, rhs ATD*99***1# 0 chat: ATE1 chat: OK AT+CMEE=2 ATE1 OK chat: OK AT+UPSD=0,1,"claro.com.br" AT+CMEE=2 OK chat: OKchat_readb: read 'A' (0x41) chat_readb: read 'T' (0x54) chat_readb: read '+' (0x2B) chat_readb: read 'C' (0x43) chat_readb: read 'G' (0x47) chat_readb: read 'D' (0x44) chat_readb: read 'C' (0x43) chat_readb: read 'O' (0x4F) chat_readb: read 'N' (0x4E) chat_readb: read 'T' (0x54) chat_readb: read '=' (0x3D) chat_readb: read '1' (0x31) chat_readb: read ',' (0x2C) chat_readb: read '"' (0x22) chat_readb: read 'I' (0x49) chat_readb: read 'P' (0x50) chat_readb: read '"' (0x22) chat_readb: read ',' (0x2C) chat_readb: read '"' (0x22) chat_readb: read 'c' (0x63) chat_readb: read 'l' (0x6C) chat_readb: read 'a' (0x61) chat_readb: read 'r' (0x72) chat_readb: read 'o' (0x6F) chat_readb: read '.' (0x2E) chat_readb: read 'c' (0x63) chat_readb: read 'o' (0x6F) chat_readb: read 'm' (0x6D) chat_readb: read '.' (0x2E) chat_readb: read 'b' (0x62) chat_readb: read 'r' (0x72) chat_readb: read '"' (0x22) chat_readb: read '' (0x0D) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x0A) chat_readb: read '' (0x0D) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x0A) chat_readb: read 'O' (0x4F) chat_readb: read 'K' (0x4B) chat_expect: result 0 chat_flush: starting chat_readb: read '' (0x0D) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x0A) chat_readb: poll timed out chat_flush: done chat_send: wrote 13 out of 13 bytes of 'ATD*99***1# ' chat_line_run: type 1, rhs chat_readb: read 'A' (0x41) chat_readb: read 'T' (0x54) chat_readb: read 'D' (0x44) chat_readb: read '*' (0x2A) chat_readb: read '9' (0x39) chat_readb: read '9' (0x39) chat_readb: read '*' (0x2A) chat_readb: read '*' (0x2A) chat_readb: read '*' (0x2A) chat_readb: read '1' (0x31) chat_readb: read '#' (0x23) chat_readb: read '' (0x0D) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x0A) chat_readb: read '' (0x0D) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x0A) chat_readb: read 'C' (0x43) chat_readb: read 'O' (0x4F) chat_readb: read 'N' (0x4E) chat_readb: read 'N' (0x4E) chat_readb: read 'E' (0x45) chat_readb: read 'C' (0x43) chat_readb: read 'T' (0x54) chat_expect: result 0 chat_flush: starting chat_readb: read '' (0x0D) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x0A) chat_readb: read '~' (0x7E) chat_readb: read 'ÿ' (0xFF) chat_readb: read '}' (0x7D) chat_readb: read '#' (0x23) chat_readb: read 'À' (0xC0) chat_readb: read '!' (0x21) chat_readb: read '}' (0x7D) chat_readb: read '!' (0x21) chat_readb: read '}' (0x7D) chat_readb: read '!' (0x21) chat_readb: read '}' (0x7D) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x20) chat_readb: read '}' (0x7D) chat_readb: read '4' (0x34) chat_readb: read '}' (0x7D) chat_readb: read '"' (0x22) chat_readb: read '}' (0x7D) chat_readb: read '&' (0x26) chat_readb: read '}' (0x7D) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x20) chat_readb: read '}' (0x7D) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x20) chat_readb: read '}' (0x7D) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x20) chat_readb: read '}' (0x7D) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x20) chat_readb: read '}' (0x7D) chat_readb: read '%' (0x25) chat_readb: read '}' (0x7D) chat_readb: read '&' (0x26) chat_readb: read '' (0x8F) chat_readb: read '}' (0x7D) chat_readb: read '+' (0x2B) chat_readb: read '´' (0xB4) chat_readb: read '}' (0x7D) chat_readb: read '0' (0x30) chat_readb: read '}' (0x7D) chat_readb: read ''' (0x27) chat_readb: read '}' (0x7D) chat_readb: read '"' (0x22) chat_readb: read '}' (0x7D) chat_readb: read '(' (0x28) chat_readb: read '}' (0x7D) chat_readb: read '"' (0x22) chat_readb: read 'c' (0x63) chat_readb: read '{' (0x7B) chat_readb: read '~' (0x7E) chat_readb: poll timed out chat_flush: done chat_send: wrote 0 out of 0 bytes of '' chat_script_run: Script result 0, exited on line 9 AT+UDCONF=0,0 AT+UPSD=0,1,"claro.com.br" OK chat: OK AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","claro.com.br" AT+UDCONF=0,0 OK chat: OK ATD*99***1# AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","claro.com.br" OK chat: CONNECT ATD*99***1# CONNECT nsh> ifconfig ppp0 Link encap:TUN at UP inet addr: DRaddr: Mask: nsh> ping www.smartcore.com.br PING 56 bytes of data 56 bytes from icmp_seq=0 time=800 ms 56 bytes from icmp_seq=1 time=730 ms 56 bytes from icmp_seq=2 time=680 ms 56 bytes from icmp_seq=3 time=630 ms 56 bytes from icmp_seq=4 time=760 ms 56 bytes from icmp_seq=5 time=710 ms 56 bytes from icmp_seq=6 time=660 ms 56 bytes from icmp_seq=7 time=790 ms 56 bytes from icmp_seq=8 time=740 ms 56 bytes from icmp_seq=9 time=690 ms 10 packets transmitted, 10 received, 0% packet loss, time 10100 ms nsh>


A SmartCore fornece módulos para comunicação wireless, biometria, conectividade, rastreamento e automação.
Nosso portfólio inclui modem 2G/3G/4G/NB-IoT/Cat.M, satelital, módulos WiFi, Bluetooth, GNSS / GPS, Sigfox, LoRa, leitor de cartão, leitor QR code, mecanismo de impressão, mini-board PC, antena, pigtail, LCD, bateria, repetidor GPS e sensores.
Mais detalhes em www.smartcore.com.br