Programando u-blox NINA-W106 com NuttX - Network Support - PING com MODEM GSM via PPP
Em redes de computadores, o Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP), em português Protocolo ponto-a-ponto é um protocolo de enlace de dados (camada 2) usado para estabelecer uma conexão direta entre dois nós. Ele pode fornecer autenticação de conexão, criptografia de transmissão (usando ECP, RFC 1968) e compressão.
O PPP é usado sobre muitos tipos de redes físicas incluindo cabo serial, linha telefônica, linha tronco, telefone celular, enlaces de rádio especializados e enlaces de fibra ótica como SONET. O PPP também é usado sobre conexões de acesso à Internet. Provedores de serviços de Internet têm usado o PPP para acesso discado à Internet pelos clientes, uma vez que pacotes IP não podem ser transmitidos sobre uma linha de modem por si próprios, sem algum protocolo de enlace de dados.
$sudo apt install \ bison flex gettext texinfo libncurses5-dev libncursesw5-dev \ gperf automake libtool pkg-config build-essential gperf genromfs \ libgmp-dev libmpc-dev libmpfr-dev libisl-dev binutils-dev libelf-dev \ libexpat-dev gcc-multilib g++-multilib picocom u-boot-tools util-linux
Nota 1: O NuttX utiliza um sistema de build semelhante ao do Kernel do Linux ( Ele utiliza o kconfig-frontends como seu sistema de configuração. O repositório tools.git é utilizado para instalar este pacote. Porém se você estiver usando o Ubuntu 19.10 ou mais recente, estas distribuições já contém o pacote, mas de qualquer forma, instale.$ sudo apt-get install kconfig-frontends
Nota 2: Outra dependência para o processo do NuttX com o ESP32 é o ESP-IDF (Espressif IoT Development Framework). Este framework é nativo do ESP e mantido pela Espressif. Ele compreende um conjunto de códigos como drivers, APIs, scripts, ferramental para compilar e fazer upload do firmware e o FreeRTOS customizado. Neste ponto, uma observação conceitual é muito importante, o NuttX não usa o FreeRTOS em nenhuma camada interna, apenas algumas ferramentas auxiliares que compõem o IDF serão utilizadas para geração do binário e gravação.
Download do NuttX
$ mkdir nuttx
$ cd nuttx
$ git clone nuttx
$ git clone apps
O Ubuntu e o Debian ainda fornecem o Python 2.7 como o interpretador padrão, mas alguns
pacotes necessários podem estar faltando para distribuições mais recentes. Python 3 é
recomendado e pode ser instalado da seguinte maneira:
$ sudo apt-get install python3 python3-pip
python3-setuptool$sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/python python /usr/bin/python3
Instale agora o ESP-IDF (ESP32 TOOLS, LIBS, ETC) manualmente
(ESP-IDF) extrair
osboxes@osboxes:~$ cd esp/
osboxes@osboxes:~/esp$ cd esp-idf/
osboxes@osboxes:~/esp/esp-idf$ ./
Detecting the Python interpreter
Checking "python" ...
/home/osboxes/esp/esp-idf/tools/ line 16: python: command not found
Checking "python3" ...
Python 3.8.5
"python3" has been detected
Installing ESP-IDF tools
Installing tools: xtensa-esp32-elf, xtensa-esp32s2-elf, xtensa-esp32s3-elf, riscv32-esp-elf, esp32ulp-elf, esp32s2ulp-elf, openocd-esp32
Installing xtensa-esp32-elf@esp-2020r3-8.4.0
Downloading xtensa-esp32-elf-gcc8_4_0-esp-2020r3-linux-amd64.tar.gz to /home/osboxes/.espressif/dist/xtensa-esp32-elf-gcc8_4_0-esp-2020r3-linux-amd64.tar.gz.tmp
Extracting /home/osboxes/.espressif/dist/xtensa-esp32-elf-gcc8_4_0-esp-2020r3-linux-amd64.tar.gz to /home/osboxes/.espressif/tools/xtensa-esp32-elf/esp-2020r3-8.4.0
Installing xtensa-esp32s2-elf@esp-2020r3-8.4.0
Downloading xtensa-esp32s2-elf-gcc8_4_0-esp-2020r3-linux-amd64.tar.gz to /home/osboxes/.espressif/dist/xtensa-esp32s2-elf-gcc8_4_0-esp-2020r3-linux-amd64.tar.gz.tmp
$cd nuttx
$make -C tools/esp32/ ${HOME}/esp/esp-idf
Após a instalação do IDF, ou caso já possua o IDF instalado, execute oseguinte comando para ativar o ambiente virtual que foi configurado nainstalação. Sempre que for realizar o build do NuttX, será necessárioativar este ambiente.$. ${HOME}/esp/esp-idf/
No presente momento, o NuttX utiliza 2 binários gerados através doIDF: o bootloader e a tabela de partição. Ainda dentro do diretórionuttx/, faça o download destes binários pré configurados:
Mantenha-se no diretório do NuttX e execute o script de configuração para criar um arquivo de configuração para o
osboxes@osboxes:~/nuttx/nuttx$ makeCreate .versionCreate version.hLN: include/arch/board to /home/osboxes/nuttx/nuttx/boards/xtensa/esp32/esp32-devkitc/includemake[1]: Entering directory '/home/osboxes/nuttx/nuttx/libs/libxx'make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/osboxes/nuttx/nuttx/libs/libxx'make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'dirlinks'. make[1]: Entering directory '/home/osboxes/nuttx/nuttx/boards'make[1]: Entering directory '/home/osboxes/nuttx/nuttx/openamp'make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'dirlinks'. make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/osboxes/nuttx/nuttx/boards' make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'dirlinks'.make[2]: Entering directory '/home/osboxes/nuttx/apps/platform'make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/osboxes/nuttx/nuttx/openamp' make[1]: Entering directory '/home/osboxes/nuttx/apps' LN: platform/board to /home/osboxes/nuttx/apps/platform/dummymake[2]: Entering directory '/home/osboxes/nuttx/nuttx/boards/xtensa/esp32/common'make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/osboxes/nuttx/apps/platform' make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/osboxes/nuttx/apps' make[1]: Entering directory '/home/osboxes/nuttx/nuttx/boards' make[2]: Nothing to be done for 'context'.make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'context'.make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/osboxes/nuttx/nuttx/boards/xtensa/esp32/common' make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/osboxes/nuttx/nuttx/boards' make[1]: Entering directory '/home/osboxes/nuttx/nuttx/fs' make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/osboxes/nuttx/nuttx/fs'make[2]: Entering directory '/home/osboxes/nuttx/apps'make[1]: Entering directory '/home/osboxes/nuttx/apps'...make[3]: Leaving directory '/home/osboxes/nuttx/apps/system/readline'make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/osboxes/nuttx/apps'IN: /home/osboxes/nuttx/apps/libapps.a -> staging/libapps.amake[1]: Leaving directory '/home/osboxes/nuttx/apps'make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/osboxes/nuttx/nuttx/fs'make[1]: Entering directory '/home/osboxes/nuttx/nuttx/fs' make[1]: 'libfs.a' is up to date.make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/osboxes/nuttx/nuttx/binfmt'make[1]: Entering directory '/home/osboxes/nuttx/nuttx/binfmt' make[1]: 'libbinfmt.a' is up to date.make[2]: 'libboard.a' is up to date.make[1]: Entering directory '/home/osboxes/nuttx/nuttx/arch/xtensa/src' make[2]: Entering directory '/home/osboxes/nuttx/nuttx/boards/xtensa/esp32/common'CP: nuttx.hexmake[2]: Leaving directory '/home/osboxes/nuttx/nuttx/boards/xtensa/esp32/common' LD: nuttx make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/osboxes/nuttx/nuttx/arch/xtensa/src' CP: nuttx.binosboxes@osboxes:~/nuttx/nuttx$
**Este binário não tem os cabeçalhos com as informações que o bootloader do ESP32 espera encontrar, então ele deve ser removido:
$ rm nuttx.bin
E um novo binário deverá ser gerado a partir do arquivo ELF chamado “nuttx”. Para isso, é necessário usar o script para gerar este arquivo: --chip esp32 elf2image --flash_mode dio --flash_size 4MB -o ./nuttx.bin nuttx
$ make menuconfig
.config - NuttX/x86_64 Configuration────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┌───────────────────────── NuttX/x86_64 Configuration ──────────────────────────┐│ Arrow keys navigate the menu. <Enter> selects submenus ---> (or empty ││ submenus ----). Highlighted letters are hotkeys. Pressing <Y> includes, ││ <N> excludes, <M> modularizes features. Press <Esc><Esc> to exit, <?> for ││ Help, </> for Search. Legend: [*] built-in [ ] excluded <M> module < > ││ ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ ││ │ Build Setup ---> │ ││ │ System Type ---> │ ││ │ Board Selection ---> │ ││ │ RTOS Features ---> │ ││ │ Device Drivers ---> │ ││ │ Networking Support ---> │ ││ │ Crypto API ---> │ ││ │ File Systems ---> │ ││ │ Graphics Support ---> │ ││ │ Memory Management ---> │ ││ │ Audio Support ---> │ ││ │ Video Support ---> │ ││ │ Wireless Support ---> │ ││ │ Binary Loader ---> │ ││ │ Library Routines ---> │ ││ │ Open Asymmetric Multi Processing ---> │ ││ │ Application Configuration ---> │ ││ └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ │├───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤│ <Select> < Exit > < Help > < Save > < Load > │└───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘Make menuconfig customiza o que deseja adicionar/retirar na placa. Por exemplo, permite adicionar os drivers de um determinado periférico, adicionar mensagens de debug, etc.# # Automatically generated file; DO NOT EDIT. # NuttX/x86_64 Configuration # # # Build Setup # CONFIG_HOST_LINUX=y # # Build Configuration # CONFIG_APPS_DIR="../apps" CONFIG_BUILD_FLAT=y # # Binary Output Formats # CONFIG_INTELHEX_BINARY=y CONFIG_RAW_BINARY=y # # Customize Header Files # CONFIG_ARCH_NONE_DEBUG_H=y # # Debug Options # CONFIG_DEBUG_ALERT=y CONFIG_DEBUG_FEATURES=y # # Debug SYSLOG Output Controls # CONFIG_DEBUG_ERROR=y CONFIG_DEBUG_WARN=y CONFIG_DEBUG_INFO=y CONFIG_DEBUG_NET=y # # OS Function Debug Options # CONFIG_ARCH_HAVE_STACKCHECK=y CONFIG_ARCH_HAVE_CUSTOMOPT=y CONFIG_DEBUG_FULLOPT=y # # System Type # CONFIG_ARCH_XTENSA=y CONFIG_ARCH="xtensa" CONFIG_ARCH_CHIP="esp32" CONFIG_ARCH_BOARD="esp32-devkitc" CONFIG_ARCH_CHIP_ESP32=y CONFIG_ARCH_FAMILY_LX6=y CONFIG_XTENSA_CP_INITSET=0x0001 CONFIG_XTENSA_DUMPBT_ON_ASSERT=y CONFIG_XTENSA_BTDEPTH=50 # # ESP32 Configuration Options # CONFIG_ARCH_CHIP_ESP32WROOM32=y CONFIG_ESP32_DUAL_CPU=y CONFIG_ESP32_FLASH_4M=y CONFIG_ESP32_FLASH_DETECT=y CONFIG_ESP32_ESP32DXWDXX=y CONFIG_ESP32_FLASH_MODE_DIO=y CONFIG_ESP32_FLASH_FREQ_40M=y CONFIG_ESP32_DEFAULT_CPU_FREQ_240=y CONFIG_ESP32_DEFAULT_CPU_FREQ_MHZ=240 CONFIG_ESP32_XTAL_40MZ=y # # ESP32 Peripheral Selection # CONFIG_ESP32_UART=y CONFIG_ESP32_UART0=y CONFIG_ESP32_UART2=y # # Memory Configuration # CONFIG_ESP32_BT_RESERVE_DRAM=0 CONFIG_ESP32_TRACEMEM_RESERVE_DRAM=0 CONFIG_ESP32_ULP_COPROC_RESERVE_MEM=0 # # UART configuration # CONFIG_ESP32_UART0_TXPIN=1 CONFIG_ESP32_UART0_RXPIN=3 CONFIG_ESP32_UART2_TXPIN=17 CONFIG_ESP32_UART2_RXPIN=16 CONFIG_ARCH_TOOLCHAIN_GNU=y # # Architecture Options # CONFIG_ARCH_VECNOTIRQ=y CONFIG_ARCH_HAVE_MODULE_TEXT=y CONFIG_ARCH_HAVE_MULTICPU=y CONFIG_ARCH_HAVE_RESET=y CONFIG_ARCH_HAVE_TESTSET=y CONFIG_ARCH_STACKDUMP=y # # Board Settings # CONFIG_BOARD_LOOPSPERMSEC=16717 # # Interrupt options # CONFIG_ARCH_HAVE_INTERRUPTSTACK=y CONFIG_ARCH_INTERRUPTSTACK=0 # # Boot options # CONFIG_BOOT_RUNFROMFLASH=y # # Boot Memory Configuration # CONFIG_RAM_START=0x20000000 CONFIG_RAM_SIZE=114688 CONFIG_ARCH_HAVE_SDRAM=y # # Board Selection # CONFIG_ARCH_BOARD_ESP32_DEVKITC=y # CONFIG_ARCH_BOARD_CUSTOM is not set # # Common Board Options # CONFIG_ARCH_HAVE_LEDS=y CONFIG_ARCH_HAVE_BUTTONS=y # # Board-Specific Options # # CONFIG_ESP32_QEMU_IMAGE is not set # # Board-Common Options # CONFIG_LIB_BOARDCTL=y CONFIG_BOARDCTL_MKRD=y # # RTOS Features # CONFIG_DISABLE_OS_API=y # # Clocks and Timers # CONFIG_USEC_PER_TICK=10000 CONFIG_CLOCK_MONOTONIC=y CONFIG_START_YEAR=2011 CONFIG_START_MONTH=12 CONFIG_START_DAY=6 CONFIG_PREALLOC_TIMERS=4 # # Tasks and Scheduling # CONFIG_INIT_ENTRYPOINT=y CONFIG_INIT_ARGS="" CONFIG_USER_ENTRYPOINT="nsh_main" CONFIG_USERMAIN_STACKSIZE=2048 CONFIG_USERMAIN_PRIORITY=100 CONFIG_RR_INTERVAL=200 CONFIG_TASK_NAME_SIZE=31 CONFIG_MAX_TASKS=16 CONFIG_SCHED_WAITPID=y # # Pthread Options # CONFIG_PTHREAD_MUTEX_ROBUST=y # # Performance Monitoring # # # Files and I/O # CONFIG_DEV_CONSOLE=y CONFIG_SDCLONE_DISABLE=y CONFIG_NFILE_DESCRIPTORS_PER_BLOCK=8 CONFIG_FILE_STREAM=y CONFIG_NAME_MAX=32 CONFIG_PATH_MAX=256 # # RTOS hooks # # # Signal Configuration # CONFIG_SIG_PREALLOC_IRQ_ACTIONS=8 # # Signal Numbers # # # Standard Signal Numbers # CONFIG_SIG_SIGUSR1=1 CONFIG_SIG_SIGUSR2=2 CONFIG_SIG_SIGALRM=3 CONFIG_SIG_PIPE=13 # # Non-standard Signal Numbers # CONFIG_SIG_SIGCONDTIMEDOUT=16 CONFIG_SIG_SIGWORK=17 # # POSIX Message Queue Options # CONFIG_PREALLOC_MQ_MSGS=4 CONFIG_PREALLOC_MQ_IRQ_MSGS=8 CONFIG_MQ_MAXMSGSIZE=32 # # Work queue support # CONFIG_SCHED_WORKQUEUE=y CONFIG_SCHED_LPWORK=y CONFIG_SCHED_LPNTHREADS=1 CONFIG_SCHED_LPWORKPRIORITY=100 CONFIG_SCHED_LPWORKSTACKSIZE=2048 # # Stack and heap information # CONFIG_DEFAULT_TASK_STACKSIZE=2048 CONFIG_IDLETHREAD_STACKSIZE=3072 CONFIG_PTHREAD_STACK_MIN=256 CONFIG_PTHREAD_STACK_DEFAULT=2048 # # Device Drivers # CONFIG_DEV_NULL=y CONFIG_DRVR_MKRD=y # # Buffering # CONFIG_ARCH_HAVE_I2CRESET=y # # Timer Driver Support # # # IO Expander/GPIO Support # # # LCD Driver Support # # # Character/Segment LCD Devices # # # Other LCD-related Devices # # # LED Support # CONFIG_NETDEVICES=y # # General Ethernet MAC Driver Options # # # External Ethernet MAC Device Support # CONFIG_ARCH_HAVE_SERIAL_TERMIOS=y CONFIG_SERIAL=y CONFIG_SERIAL_CONSOLE=y CONFIG_MCU_SERIAL=y CONFIG_STANDARD_SERIAL=y CONFIG_SERIAL_NPOLLWAITERS=2 CONFIG_UART0_SERIAL_CONSOLE=y CONFIG_UART0_SERIALDRIVER=y CONFIG_UART2_SERIALDRIVER=y # # UART0 Configuration # CONFIG_UART0_RXBUFSIZE=256 CONFIG_UART0_TXBUFSIZE=256 CONFIG_UART0_BAUD=115200 CONFIG_UART0_BITS=8 CONFIG_UART0_PARITY=0 CONFIG_UART0_2STOP=0 # # UART2 Configuration # CONFIG_UART2_RXBUFSIZE=256 CONFIG_UART2_TXBUFSIZE=256 CONFIG_UART2_BAUD=115200 CONFIG_UART2_BITS=8 CONFIG_UART2_PARITY=0 CONFIG_UART2_2STOP=0# # System Logging # CONFIG_SYSLOG_MAX_CHANNELS=1 CONFIG_SYSLOG_DEFAULT=y # # Networking Support # CONFIG_ARCH_HAVE_NET=y CONFIG_ARCH_HAVE_NETDEV_STATISTICS=y CONFIG_NET_READAHEAD=y CONFIG_NET=y # # Driver buffer configuration # CONFIG_NET_ETH_PKTSIZE=1294 CONFIG_NET_GUARDSIZE=2 # # Link layer support # CONFIG_NET_ETHERNET=y CONFIG_NET_TUN=y CONFIG_TUN_NINTERFACES=1 CONFIG_NET_TUN_PKTSIZE=296 CONFIG_NETDEV_LATEINIT=y # # Network Device Operations # CONFIG_NETDEV_IFINDEX=y # # Internet Protocol Selection # CONFIG_NET_IPv4=y # # Socket Support # CONFIG_NET_NACTIVESOCKETS=16 CONFIG_NET_SOCKOPTS=y CONFIG_NET_UDPPROTO_OPTIONS=y # # Raw Socket Support # CONFIG_NET_PKT=y CONFIG_NET_PKT_CONNS=1 # # Unix Domain Socket Support # # CONFIG_NET_LOCAL is not set # # Rpmsg Socket Support # # CONFIG_NET_RPMSG is not set # # SocketCAN Support # # CONFIG_NET_CAN is not set # # Netlink Socket Support # # CONFIG_NET_NETLINK is not set # # TCP/IP Networking # CONFIG_NET_TCP=y CONFIG_NET_TCP_CONNS=8 CONFIG_NET_TCP_NPOLLWAITERS=1 CONFIG_NET_TCP_RTO=3 CONFIG_NET_TCP_WAIT_TIMEOUT=120 CONFIG_NET_MAX_LISTENPORTS=20 CONFIG_NET_TCP_FAST_RETRANSMIT_WATERMARK=3 # # UDP Networking # CONFIG_NET_UDP=y CONFIG_NET_BROADCAST=y CONFIG_NET_UDP_BINDTODEVICE=y CONFIG_NET_UDP_CONNS=8 CONFIG_NET_UDP_NPOLLWAITERS=1 # # Bluetooth socket support # # # IEEE 802.15.4 socket support # # # ICMP Networking Support # CONFIG_NET_ICMP=y CONFIG_NET_ICMP_SOCKET=y CONFIG_NET_ICMP_NCONNS=4 CONFIG_NET_ICMP_NPOLLWAITERS=1 # # ARP Configuration # CONFIG_NET_ARP=y CONFIG_NET_ARPTAB_SIZE=16 CONFIG_NET_ARP_MAXAGE=120 CONFIG_NET_ARP_SEND=y CONFIG_ARP_SEND_MAXTRIES=5 CONFIG_ARP_SEND_DELAYMSEC=20 # # User-space networking stack API # # # Network Topologies # # # Routing Table Configuration # CONFIG_NET_ROUTE=y CONFIG_ROUTE_IPv4_RAMROUTE=y CONFIG_ROUTE_MAX_IPv4_RAMROUTES=4 # # Crypto API # # CONFIG_CRYPTO is not set # # File Systems # # # File system configuration # CONFIG_FS_NEPOLL_DESCRIPTORS=8 CONFIG_FS_MQUEUE_MPATH="/var/mqueue" CONFIG_FS_MQUEUE_NPOLLWAITERS=4 # # Partition Table # CONFIG_FS_PROCFS=y CONFIG_FS_PROCFS_REGISTER=y # # Exclude individual procfs entries # CONFIG_FS_PROCFS_EXCLUDE_ENVIRON=y # # Graphics Support # # # Font Cache Pixel Depths # CONFIG_NXFONTS_PACKEDMSFIRST=y # # Memory Management # CONFIG_MM_DEFAULT_MANAGER=y CONFIG_MM_REGIONS=3 # # Common I/O Buffer Support # CONFIG_MM_IOB=y CONFIG_IOB_NBUFFERS=24 CONFIG_IOB_BUFSIZE=196 CONFIG_IOB_NCHAINS=24 CONFIG_IOB_THROTTLE=0 # # Audio Support # # CONFIG_AUDIO is not set # # Video Support # # # Video subsystem # # CONFIG_VIDEO is not set # # Wireless Support # # CONFIG_WIRELESS is not set # # Binary Loader # # # Library Routines # # # Standard C Library Options # # # Standard C I/O # CONFIG_STDIO_BUFFER_SIZE=64 CONFIG_STDIO_LINEBUFFER=y CONFIG_NUNGET_CHARS=2 CONFIG_LIBC_LONG_LONG=y CONFIG_EOL_IS_EITHER_CRLF=y # # Architecture-Specific Support # CONFIG_ARCH_LOWPUTC=y CONFIG_LIBC_ARCH_MEMCPY=y CONFIG_LIBC_ARCH_MEMCMP=y CONFIG_LIBC_ARCH_MEMMOVE=y CONFIG_LIBC_ARCH_MEMSET=y # # stdlib Options # CONFIG_LIB_RAND_ORDER=1 CONFIG_LIB_HOMEDIR="/" CONFIG_LIBC_TMPDIR="/tmp" CONFIG_LIBC_MAX_TMPFILE=32 # # Program Execution Options # CONFIG_POSIX_SPAWN_PROXY_STACKSIZE=1024 CONFIG_TASK_SPAWN_DEFAULT_STACKSIZE=2048 CONFIG_LIB_HOSTNAME="" # # errno Decode Support # # # memcpy/memset Options # # # pthread support # # # Time/Time Zone Support # # CONFIG_LIBC_LOCALTIME is not set # # Thread Local Storage (TLS) # CONFIG_TLS_NELEM=4 # # Network-Related Options # CONFIG_LIBC_NETDB=y # # NETDB Support # CONFIG_NETDB_BUFSIZE=256 CONFIG_NETDB_MAX_IPADDR=1 CONFIG_NETDB_DNSCLIENT=y CONFIG_NETDB_DNSCLIENT_ENTRIES=8 CONFIG_NETDB_DNSCLIENT_NAMESIZE=32 CONFIG_NETDB_DNSCLIENT_LIFESEC=3600 CONFIG_NETDB_DNSCLIENT_MAXRESPONSE=256 CONFIG_NETDB_DNSCLIENT_RECV_TIMEOUT=30 CONFIG_NETDB_DNSCLIENT_RETRIES=3 CONFIG_NETDB_DNSSERVER_NAMESERVERS=1 CONFIG_NETDB_DNSSERVER_IPv4=y CONFIG_NETDB_DNSSERVER_IPv4ADDR=0x08080808 CONFIG_LIB_SENDFILE_BUFSIZE=512 # # Non-standard Library Support # CONFIG_BUILTIN=y # # Library Debugging # # # Basic CXX Support # CONFIG_HAVE_CXX=y CONFIG_NUTTX_LIBXX=y CONFIG_HAVE_CXXINITIALIZE=y # # Open Asymmetric Multi Processing # # # Application Configuration # # # CAN Utilities # # # Examples # CONFIG_EXAMPLES_PPPD=y CONFIG_EXAMPLES_PPPD_STACKSIZE=2048 # # File System Utilities # # # GPS Utilities # # # Graphics Support # # # NxWidgets # # # NxWM # # # Industrial Applications # CONFIG_INDUSTRY_ABNT_CODI_LIB=y # # Interpreters # # # FreeModBus # # CONFIG_MODBUS is not set # # Network Utilities # CONFIG_NETUTILS_CHAT=y CONFIG_NETUTILS_NETINIT=y # # IP Address Configuration # # # IPv4 Addresses # CONFIG_NETINIT_IPADDR=0x0a000002 CONFIG_NETINIT_DRIPADDR=0x0a000001 CONFIG_NETINIT_NETMASK=0xffffff00 CONFIG_NETINIT_DNS=y CONFIG_NETINIT_DNSIPADDR=0x08080808 CONFIG_NETUTILS_NETLIB=y CONFIG_NETUTILS_PING=y CONFIG_NETUTILS_PPPD=y CONFIG_NETUTILS_PPPD_PAP=y # # NSH Library # CONFIG_NSH_LIBRARY=y # # Command Line Configuration # CONFIG_NSH_PROMPT_STRING="nsh> " CONFIG_NSH_READLINE=y CONFIG_NSH_LINELEN=64 CONFIG_NSH_MAXARGUMENTS=7 CONFIG_NSH_NESTDEPTH=3 CONFIG_NSH_BUILTIN_APPS=y # # Disable Individual commands # CONFIG_NSH_DISABLE_DATE=y CONFIG_NSH_DISABLE_LOSMART=y CONFIG_NSH_DISABLE_MB=y CONFIG_NSH_DISABLE_MH=y CONFIG_NSH_DISABLE_MW=y CONFIG_NSH_DISABLE_PRINTF=y CONFIG_NSH_DISABLE_TRUNCATE=y CONFIG_NSH_MMCSDMINOR=0 # # Configure Command Options # CONFIG_NSH_CODECS_BUFSIZE=128 CONFIG_NSH_PROC_MOUNTPOINT="/proc" CONFIG_NSH_FILEIOSIZE=512 # # Scripting Support # # # Console Configuration # CONFIG_NSH_CONSOLE=y CONFIG_NSH_ARCHINIT=y # # Networking Configuration # CONFIG_NSH_NETINIT=y CONFIG_NSH_WGET_BUFF_SIZE=512 # # Platform-specific Support # # # System Libraries and NSH Add-Ons # # # libuv async i/o Library # CONFIG_SYSTEM_NSH=y CONFIG_SYSTEM_NSH_PRIORITY=100 CONFIG_SYSTEM_NSH_STACKSIZE=2048 CONFIG_SYSTEM_NSH_PROGNAME="nsh" CONFIG_SYSTEM_PING=y CONFIG_SYSTEM_PING_PROGNAME="ping" CONFIG_SYSTEM_PING_PRIORITY=100 CONFIG_SYSTEM_PING_STACKSIZE=2048 CONFIG_READLINE_HAVE_EXTMATCH=y CONFIG_SYSTEM_READLINE=y CONFIG_READLINE_ECHO=y # # Testing # # # Wireless Libraries and NSH Add-Ons # # # Bluetooth applications # # # IEEE 802.15.4 applications #Além da customização, foi necessário configurar o modem U-blox SARA G450 com os seguintes parâmetrosstatic FAR const char connect_script[] = "ECHO ON " "TIMEOUT 30 " "\"\" ATE1 " "OK AT+CMEE=2 " "OK AT+UPSD=0,1,\\\"\\\" " "OK AT+UDCONF=0,0 " "OK AT+CGDCONT=1,\\\"IP\\\",\\\"\\\" " "OK ATD*99***1# " "CONNECT \\c";
osboxes@osboxes:~/nuttx/nuttx$ cd .. osboxes@osboxes:~/nuttx$ cd apps/ osboxes@osboxes:~/nuttx/apps$ cd examples/ osboxes@osboxes:~/nuttx/apps/examples$ ls abntcodi cctype flowc ini_dumper modbusmaster nximage pwlines sx127x_demo ustream adc charger foc ipcfg module nxlines pwm system veml6070 adxl372_test chat ft80x ipforward mount nxterm qencoder tcpblaster watchdog ajoystick chrono ftpc json mqttc nxtext random tcpecho watched alarm configdata ftpd Kconfig mtdpart obd2 telnetd watcher apa102 cpuhog fxos8700cq_test leds mtdrwb oneshot relays termios webserver apds9960 cromfs gpio lis3dsh_reader netlink_route pca9635 rfid_readuid thttpd wget audio_rttl dac gps lsm303_reader netloop pdcurses rgbled tiff wgetjson bastest dhcpd hdc1008_demo lsm330spi_test netpkt pf_ieee802154 romfs timer xbc_test battery dhtxx hello lsm6dsl_reader nettest pipe rpmsgsocket touchscreen xmlrpc bmi160 discover helloxx lvgldemo nrf24l01_btle poll sendmail udgram zerocross bmp180 djoystick hidkbd Make.defs nrf24l01_term popen serialblaster udp bridge elf hts221_reader Makefile null posix_spawn serialrx udpblaster buttons embedlog i2schar max31855 nunchuck powerled serloop uid calib_udelay esp32_himem i2sloop media nx powermonitor slcd unionfs camera fb igmp mld nxdemo pppd smps usbserial can fboverlay ina219 mlx90614 nxflat pty_test sotest userfs canard flash_test ina226 modbus nxhello pwfb stat usrsocktest osboxes@osboxes:~/nuttx/apps/examples$ cd pppd/ osboxes@osboxes:~/nuttx/apps/examples/pppd$ ls Kconfig Make.defs Make.dep Makefile pppd_main.c pppd_main.home.osboxes.nuttx.apps.examples.pppd.o osboxes@osboxes:~/nuttx/apps/examples/pppd$ nano pppd_main.c osboxes@osboxes:~/nuttx/apps/examples/pppd$
Após compilar, será gerado um BIN, o mesmo deve ser gravado no UBLOX NINA W106, via FLASHTOOLS, junto com partitions.bin e bootloader.bin
Pode também ser utilizado esptools
TESTANDO NO U-BLOX NINA W106Abra então o TERATERM (115200,N,8.1) e reset o U-blox NINA W106 e execute pppd &Com CONFIG_DEBUG_NET_INFO habilitadoI (29) boot: ESP-IDF v4.3-dev-1901-g178b122c1 2nd stage bootloader I (29) boot: compile time 17:16:52 I (29) boot: chip revision: 1 I (33) boot_comm: chip revision: 1, min. bootloader chip revision: 0 I (41) boot.esp32: SPI Speed : 40MHz I (45) boot.esp32: SPI Mode : DIO I (50) boot.esp32: SPI Flash Size : 4MB I (54) boot: Enabling RNG early entropy source... I (60) boot: Partition Table: I (63) boot: ## Label Usage Type ST Offset Length I (71) boot: 0 nvs WiFi data 01 02 00009000 00006000 I (78) boot: 1 phy_init RF data 01 01 0000f000 00001000 I (85) boot: 2 factory factory app 00 00 00010000 00100000 I (93) boot: End of partition table I (97) boot_comm: chip revision: 1, min. application chip revision: 0 I (104) esp_image: segment 0: paddr=0x00010020 vaddr=0x3f400020 size=0x04248 ( 16968) map I (120) esp_image: segment 1: paddr=0x00014270 vaddr=0x3ffb3730 size=0x000c0 ( 192) load I (122) esp_image: segment 2: paddr=0x00014338 vaddr=0x40080000 size=0x016cc ( 5836) load I (134) esp_image: segment 3: paddr=0x00015a0c vaddr=0x00000000 size=0x0a60c ( 42508) I (156) esp_image: segment 4: paddr=0x00020020 vaddr=0x400d0020 size=0x1adb0 (110000) map I (199) boot: Loaded app from partition at offset 0x10000 I (199) boot: Disabling RNG early entropy source... þABnetdev_ifr_ioctl: cmd: 1794 netdev_ifr_ioctl: cmd: 1796 netdev_ifr_ioctl: cmd: 1800 netdev_ifr_ioctl: cmd: 1818 NuttShell (NSH) NuttX-10.1.0-RC1 nsh> pppd & pppd [3:100] nsh> tun_alloc: tun fd:3 netdev_register: Registered MAC: 00:00:00:00:00:00 as dev: ppp0 open_tty: tty fd:4 ipcp_init: ipcp init netdev_ifr_ioctl: cmd: 1818 ahdlc_tx: AHDLC_TX - transmit frame, protocol 0xc021, length 4 offline 0 ahdlc_tx: ahdlc_tx: 0x05 ahdlc_tx: 0x01 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x04 ahdlc_tx: ahdlc_tx: AHDLC_TX - transmit frame, protocol 0xc021, length 4 offline 1 ahdlc_tx: ahdlc_tx: 0x05 ahdlc_tx: 0x02 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x04 ahdlc_tx: chat_tokenise: "" ATZ OK \c tok_on_delimiter: (0) tok_on_delimiter: ATZ (0) tok_on_delimiter: OK (0) tok_on_delimiter: (1) chat_tokenise: result 0 chat_internalise: (L) chat_internalise: (R) ATZ chat_internalise: (L) OK chat_internalise: (R) chat_internalise: result 0, rhs 0 chat_tokens_free: tokens freed chat_line_run: type 1, rhs ATZ cchat_expect: result 0 chat_flush: starting chat_readb: read '~' (0x7E) chat_readb: read 'ÿ' (0xFF) chat_readb: read '}' (0x7D) chat_readb: read '#' (0x23) chat_readb: read 'À' (0xC0) chat_readb: read '!' (0x21) chat_readb: read '}' (0x7D) chat_readb: read '&' (0x26) chat_readb: read '}' (0x7D) chat_readb: read '!' (0x21) chat_readb: read '}' (0x7D) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x20) chat_readb: read '}' (0x7D) chat_readb: read '$' (0x24) chat_readb: read 'ð' (0xF0) chat_readb: read 'â' (0xE2) chat_readb: read '~' (0x7E) chat_readb: read '~' (0x7E) chat_readb: read 'ÿ' (0xFF) chat_readb: read '}' (0x7D) chat_readb: read '#' (0x23) chat_readb: read 'À' (0xC0) chat_readb: read '!' (0x21) chat_readb: read '}' (0x7D) chat_readb: read '&' (0x26) chat_readb: read '}' (0x7D) chat_readb: read '"' (0x22) chat_readb: read '}' (0x7D) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x20) chat_readb: read '}' (0x7D) chat_readb: read '$' (0x24) chat_readb: read '”' (0x94) chat_readb: read '}' (0x7D) chat_readb: read '-' (0x2D) chat_readb: read '~' (0x7E) chat_readb: read '' (0x0D) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x0A) chat_readb: read 'N' (0x4E) chat_readb: read 'O' (0x4F) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x20) chat_readb: read 'C' (0x43) chat_readb: read 'A' (0x41) chat_readb: read 'R' (0x52) chat_readb: read 'R' (0x52) chat_readb: read 'I' (0x49) chat_readb: read 'E' (0x45) chat_readb: read 'R' (0x52) chat_readb: read '' (0x0D) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x0A) chat_readb: read '+' (0x2B) chat_readb: read '+' (0x2B) chat_readb: read '+' (0x2B) chat_readb: read 'A' (0x41) chat_readb: read 'T' (0x54) chat_readb: read 'E' (0x45) chat_readb: read '1' (0x31) chat_readb: read '' (0x0D) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x0A) chat_readb: read '' (0x0D) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x0A) chat_readb: read 'O' (0x4F) chat_readb: read 'K' (0x4B) chat_readb: read '' (0x0D) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x0A) chat_readb: poll timed out chat_flush: done chat_send: wrote 5 out of 5 bytes of 'ATZ ' chat_line_run: type 1, rhs chat_readb: read 'A' (0x41) chat_readb: read 'T' (0x54) chat_readb: read 'Z' (0x5A) chat_readb: read '' (0x0D) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x0A) chat_readb: read '' (0x0D) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x0A) chat_readb: read 'O' (0x4F) chat_readb: read 'K' (0x4B) chat_expect: result 0 chat_flush: starting chat_readb: read '' (0x0D) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x0A) chat_readb: poll timed out chat_flush: done chat_send: wrote 0 out of 0 bytes of '' chat_script_run: Script result 0, exited on line 2 chat_tokenise: ECHO ON TIMEOUT 30 "" ATE1 OK AT+CMEE=2 OK AT+UPSD=0,1,\"\" OK AT+UDCONF=0,0 OK AT+CGDCONT=1,\"IP\",\"\" OK ATD*99***1# CONNECT \c tok_on_delimiter: ECHO (0) tok_on_delimiter: ON (0) tok_on_delimiter: TIMEOUT (0) tok_on_delimiter: 30 (0) tok_on_delimiter: (0) tok_on_delimiter: ATE1 (0) tok_on_delimiter: OK (0) tok_on_delimiter: AT+CMEE=2 (0) tok_on_delimiter: OK (0) tok_on_delimiter: AT+UPSD=0,1,"" (0) tok_on_delimiter: OK (0) tok_on_delimiter: AT+UDCONF=0,0 (0) tok_on_delimiter: OK (0) tok_on_delimiter: AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","" (0) tok_on_delimiter: OK (0) tok_on_delimiter: ATD*99***1# (0) tok_on_delimiter: CONNECT (0) tok_on_delimiter: (1) chat_tokenise: result 0 chat_internalise: (L) ECHO chat_internalise: (R) ON chat_internalise: (L) TIMEOUT chat_internalise: (R) 30 chat_internalise: (L) chat_internalise: (R) ATE1 chat_internalise: (L) OK chat_internalise: (R) AT+CMEE=2 chat_internalise: (L) OK chat_internalise: (R) AT+UPSD=0,1,"" chat_internalise: (L) OK chat_internalise: (R) AT+UDCONF=0,0 chat_internalise: (L) OK chat_internalise: (R) AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","" chat_internalise: (L) OK chat_internalise: (R) ATD*99***1# chat_internalise: (L) CONNECT chat_internalise: (R) chat_internalise: result 0, rhs 0 chat_tokens_free: tokens freed chat_line_run: type 0, rhs ON chat_line_run: type 0, rhs 30 chat_line_run: timeout is 30 s chat_line_run: type 1, rhs ATE1 chat_expect: result 0 chat_flush: starting chat_readb: poll timed out chat_flush: done chat_send: wrote 6 out of 6 bytes of 'ATE1 ' chat_line_run: type 1, rhs AT+CMEE=2 chat_readb: read 'A' (0x41) chat_readb: read 'T' (0x54) chat_readb: read 'E' (0x45) chat_readb: read '1' (0x31) chat_readb: read '' (0x0D) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x0A) chat_readb: read '' (0x0D) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x0A) chat_readb: read 'O' (0x4F) chat_readb: read 'K' (0x4B) chat_expect: result 0 chat_flush: starting chat_readb: read '' (0x0D) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x0A) chat_readb: poll timed out chat_flush: done chat_send: wrote 11 out of 11 bytes of 'AT+CMEE=2 ' chat_line_run: type 1, rhs AT+UPSD=0,1,"" hchat_readb: read 'A' (0x41) chat_readb: read 'T' (0x54) chat_readb: read '+' (0x2B) chat_readb: read 'C' (0x43) chat_readb: read 'M' (0x4D) chat_readb: read 'E' (0x45) chat_readb: read 'E' (0x45) chat_readb: read '=' (0x3D) chat_readb: read '2' (0x32) chat_readb: read '' (0x0D) at: ATZ ~ÿ}#À!}&}!} }$ðâ~~ÿ}#À!}&}"} }$”}-~ NO CARRIER +++ATE1 OK chat: OK ATZ OK chat_readb: read 'N ' (0x0A) chat_readb: read '' (0x0D) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x0A) chat_readb: read 'O' (0x4F) chat_readb: read 'K' (0x4B) chat_expect: result 0 chat_flush: starting chat_readb: read '' (0x0D) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x0A) chat_readb: poll timed out chat_flush: done chat_send: wrote 28 out of 28 bytes of 'AT+UPSD=0,1,"" ' chat_line_run: type 1, rhs AT+UDCONF=0,0 chat_readb: read 'A' (0x41) chat_readb: read 'T' (0x54) chat_readb: read '+' (0x2B) chat_readb: read 'U' (0x55) chat_readb: read 'P' (0x50) chat_readb: read 'S' (0x53) chat_readb: read 'D' (0x44) chat_readb: read '=' (0x3D) chat_readb: read '0' (0x30) chat_readb: read ',' (0x2C) chat_readb: read '1' (0x31) chat_readb: read ',' (0x2C) chat_readb: read '"' (0x22) chat_readb: read 'c' (0x63) chat_readb: read 'l' (0x6C) chat_readb: read 'a' (0x61) chat_readb: read 'r' (0x72) chat_readb: read 'o' (0x6F) chat_readb: read '.' (0x2E) chat_readb: read 'c' (0x63) chat_readb: read 'o' (0x6F) chat_readb: read 'm' (0x6D) chat_readb: read '.' (0x2E) chat_readb: read 'b' (0x62) chat_readb: read 'r' (0x72) chat_readb: read '"' (0x22) chat_readb: read '' (0x0D) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x0A) chat_readb: read '' (0x0D) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x0A) chat_readb: read 'O' (0x4F) chat_readb: read 'K' (0x4B) chat_expect: result 0 chat_flush: starting chat_readb: read '' (0x0D) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x0A) chat_readb: poll timed out chat_flush: done chat_send: wrote 15 out of 15 bytes of 'AT+UDCONF=0,0 ' chat_line_run: type 1, rhs AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","" chat_readb: read 'A' (0x41) chat_readb: read 'T' (0x54) chat_readb: read '+' (0x2B) chat_readb: read 'U' (0x55) chat_readb: read 'D' (0x44) chat_readb: read 'C' (0x43) chat_readb: read 'O' (0x4F) chat_readb: read 'N' (0x4E) chat_readb: read 'F' (0x46) chat_readb: read '=' (0x3D) chat_readb: read '0' (0x30) chat_readb: read ',' (0x2C) chat_readb: read '0' (0x30) chat_readb: read '' (0x0D) chat: cmd 4, arg 30 chat: ATE1 chat: OK AT+CMEE=2 ATE1 OK chat: OK AT+UPSD=0,1,"" AT+CMEchat_readb: read ' ' (0x0A) chat_readb: read '' (0x0D) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x0A) chat_readb: read 'O' (0x4F) chat_readb: read 'K' (0x4B) chat_expect: result 0 chat_flush: starting chat_readb: read '' (0x0D) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x0A) chat_readb: poll timed out chat_flush: done chat_send: wrote 34 out of 34 bytes of 'AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","" ' chat_line_run: type 1, rhs ATD*99***1# chat_readb: read 'A' (0x41) chat_readb: read 'T' (0x54) chat_readb: read '+' (0x2B) chat_readb: read 'C' (0x43) chat_readb: read 'G' (0x47) chat_readb: read 'D' (0x44) chat_readb: read 'C' (0x43) chat_readb: read 'O' (0x4F) chat_readb: read 'N' (0x4E) chat_readb: read 'T' (0x54) chat_readb: read '=' (0x3D) chat_readb: read '1' (0x31) chat_readb: read ',' (0x2C) chat_readb: read '"' (0x22) chat_readb: read 'I' (0x49) chat_readb: read 'P' (0x50) chat_readb: read '"' (0x22) chat_readb: read ',' (0x2C) chat_readb: read '"' (0x22) chat_readb: read 'c' (0x63) chat_readb: read 'l' (0x6C) chat_readb: read 'a' (0x61) chat_readb: read 'r' (0x72) chat_readb: read 'o' (0x6F) chat_readb: read '.' (0x2E) chat_readb: read 'c' (0x63) chat_readb: read 'o' (0x6F) chat_readb: read 'm' (0x6D) chat_readb: read '.' (0x2E) chat_readb: read 'b' (0x62) chat_readb: read 'r' (0x72) chat_readb: read '"' (0x22) chat_readb: read '' (0x0D) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x0A) chat_readb: read '' (0x0D) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x0A) chat_readb: read 'O' (0x4F) chat_readb: read 'K' (0x4B) chat_expect: result 0 chat_flush: starting chat_readb: read '' (0x0D) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x0A) chat_readb: poll timed out chat_flush: done chat_send: wrote 13 out of 13 bytes of 'ATD*99***1# ' chat_line_run: type 1, rhs chat_readb: read 'A' (0x41) chat_readb: read 'T' (0x54) chat_readb: read 'D' (0x44) chat_readb: read '*' (0x2A) chat_readb: read '9' (0x39) chat_readb: read '9' (0x39) chat_readb: read '*' (0x2A) chat_readb: read '*' (0x2A) chat_readb: read '*' (0x2A) chat_readb: read '1' (0x31) chat_readb: read '#' (0x23) chat_readb: read '' (0x0D) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x0A) chat_readb: read '' (0x0D) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x0A) chat_readb: read 'C' (0x43) chat_readb: read 'O' (0x4F) chat_readb: read 'N' (0x4E) chat_readb: read 'N' (0x4E) chat_readb: read 'E' (0x45) chat_readb: read 'C' (0x43) chat_readb: read 'T' (0x54) chat_expect: result 0 chat_flush: starting chat_readb: read '' (0x0D) E=2 OK chat: OK AT+UDCONF=0,0 AT+UPSD=0,1,"" OK chat: OK AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","" AT+chat_readb: read ' ' (0x0A) chat_readb: read '~' (0x7E) chat_readb: read 'ÿ' (0xFF) chat_readb: read '}' (0x7D) chat_readb: read '#' (0x23) chat_readb: read 'À' (0xC0) chat_readb: read '!' (0x21) chat_readb: read '}' (0x7D) chat_readb: read '!' (0x21) chat_readb: read '}' (0x7D) chat_readb: read '!' (0x21) chat_readb: read '}' (0x7D) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x20) chat_readb: read '}' (0x7D) chat_readb: read '4' (0x34) chat_readb: read '}' (0x7D) chat_readb: read '"' (0x22) chat_readb: read '}' (0x7D) chat_readb: read '&' (0x26) chat_readb: read '}' (0x7D) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x20) chat_readb: read '}' (0x7D) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x20) chat_readb: read '}' (0x7D) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x20) chat_readb: read '}' (0x7D) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x20) chat_readb: read '}' (0x7D) chat_readb: read '%' (0x25) chat_readb: read '}' (0x7D) chat_readb: read '&' (0x26) chat_readb: read 'Ã' (0xC3) chat_readb: read '}' (0x7D) chat_readb: read ';' (0x3B) chat_readb: read 'P' (0x50) chat_readb: read '}' (0x7D) chat_readb: read '*' (0x2A) chat_readb: read '}' (0x7D) chat_readb: read ''' (0x27) chat_readb: read '}' (0x7D) chat_readb: read '"' (0x22) chat_readb: read '}' (0x7D) chat_readb: read '(' (0x28) chat_readb: read '}' (0x7D) chat_readb: read '"' (0x22) chat_readb: read 'n' (0x6E) chat_readb: read 'ú' (0xFA) chat_readb: read '~' (0x7E) chat_readb: poll timed out chat_flush: done chat_send: wrote 0 out of 0 bytes of '' chat_script_run: Script result 0, exited on line 9 ipcp_init: ipcp init ipcp_init: ipcp init UDCONF=0,0 OK chat: OK ATD*99***1# AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","" OK chat: CONNECT ATD*99***1# CONNECT lcp_task: Sending LCP request packet - lcp_task: len 10 ahdlc_tx: AHDLC_TX - transmit frame, protocol 0xc021, length 10 offline 0 ahdlc_tx: ahdlc_tx: 0x01 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x0a ahdlc_tx: 0x02 ahdlc_tx: 0x06 ahdlc_tx: 0xff ahdlc_tx: 0xff ahdlc_tx: 0xff ahdlc_tx: 0xff ahdlc_tx: ahdlc_rx: Receiving packet with good crc value, len 14 dump_ppp_packet: dump_ppp_packet: 0x02 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x0a dump_ppp_packet: 0x02 dump_ppp_packet: 0x06 dump_ppp_packet: 0xff dump_ppp_packet: 0xff dump_ppp_packet: 0xff dump_ppp_packet: 0xff dump_ppp_packet: ppp_upcall: LCP Packet - lcp_rx: LCP-ACK - lcp_rx: >>>>>>>> good ACK id up! 0 ppp_upcall: ahdlc_rx: Receiving packet with good crc value, len 24 dump_ppp_packet: dump_ppp_packet: 0x01 dump_ppp_packet: 0x01 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x14 dump_ppp_packet: 0x02 dump_ppp_packet: 0x06 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x05 dump_ppp_packet: 0x06 dump_ppp_packet: 0xc3 dump_ppp_packet: 0x1b dump_ppp_packet: 0x50 dump_ppp_packet: 0x0a dump_ppp_packet: dump_ppp_packet: 0x07 dump_ppp_packet: 0x02 dump_ppp_packet: 0x08 dump_ppp_packet: 0x02 dump_ppp_packet: ppp_upcall: LCP Packet - ipcp_init: ipcp init lcp_rx: received [LCP Config Request id 1 lcp_rx: <asyncmap sum=0x0000>lcp_rx: <magic > lcp_rx: <pcomp> lcp_rx: <accomp> lcp_rx: Send ACK! lcp_rx: Writing ACK frame ahdlc_tx: AHDLC_TX - transmit frame, protocol 0xc021, length 20 offline 0 ahdlc_tx: ahdlc_tx: 0x02 ahdlc_tx: 0x01 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x14 ahdlc_tx: 0x02 ahdlc_tx: 0x06 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x05 ahdlc_tx: 0x06 ahdlc_tx: 0xc3 ahdlc_tx: 0x1b ahdlc_tx: 0x50 ahdlc_tx: 0x0a ahdlc_tx: 0x07 ahdlc_tx: 0x02 ahdlc_tx: 0x08 ahdlc_tx: 0x02 ahdlc_tx: lcp_rx: - end ACK Write frame ppp_upcall: ipcp_task: **Sending IPCP Request packet ahdlc_tx: AHDLC_TX - transmit frame, protocol 0x8021, length 10 offline 0 ahdlc_tx: ahdlc_tx: 0x01 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x0a ahdlc_tx: 0x03 ahdlc_tx: 0x06 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: ahdlc_rx: Receiving packet with good crc value, len 20 dump_ppp_packet: dump_ppp_packet: 0x01 dump_ppp_packet: 0x01 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x10 dump_ppp_packet: 0x02 dump_ppp_packet: 0x06 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x2d dump_ppp_packet: 0x0f dump_ppp_packet: 0x01 dump_ppp_packet: 0x03 dump_ppp_packet: 0x06 dump_ppp_packet: 0x0a dump_ppp_packet: 0x2c dump_ppp_packet: 0xb8 dump_ppp_packet: 0x2d dump_ppp_packet: ppp_upcall: IPCP Packet - ipcp_rx: IPCP len 16 ipcp_rx: check lcplist scan_packet: We don't understand option 0x02 scan_packet: Writing Reject frame -- ahdlc_tx: AHDLC_TX - transmit frame, protocol 0x8021, length 10 offline 1 ahdlc_tx: ahdlc_tx: 0x04 ahdlc_tx: 0x01 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x0a ahdlc_tx: 0x02 ahdlc_tx: 0x06 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x2d ahdlc_tx: 0x0f ahdlc_tx: 0x01 ahdlc_tx: scan_packet: End writing reject ipcp_rx: option was bad ppp_upcall: ahdlc_rx: Receiving packet with good crc value, len 18 dump_ppp_packet: dump_ppp_packet: 0x01 dump_ppp_packet: 0x01 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x0e dump_ppp_packet: 0x01 dump_ppp_packet: 0x0a dump_ppp_packet: 0x08 dump_ppp_packet: 0x26 dump_ppp_packet: 0xfe dump_ppp_packet: 0x3d dump_ppp_packet: 0x27 dump_ppp_packet: 0x1e dump_ppp_packet: 0xfe dump_ppp_packet: 0x3d dump_ppp_packet: ppp_upcall: Unknown PPP Packet Type 0x8057 - ppp_reject_protocol: Rejecting Protocol ahdlc_tx: AHDLC_TX - transmit frame, protocol 0xc021, length 20 offline 0 ahdlc_tx: ahdlc_tx: 0x08 ahdlc_tx: 0x01 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x14 ahdlc_tx: 0x80 ahdlc_tx: 0x57 ahdlc_tx: 0x01 ahdlc_tx: 0x01 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x0e ahdlc_tx: 0x01 ahdlc_tx: 0x0a ahdlc_tx: 0x08 ahdlc_tx: 0x26 ahdlc_tx: 0xfe ahdlc_tx: 0x3d ahdlc_tx: 0x27 ahdlc_tx: 0x1e ahdlc_tx: 0xfe ahdlc_tx: 0x3d ahdlc_tx: ppp_upcall: ahdlc_rx: Receiving packet with good crc value, len 14 dump_ppp_packet: dump_ppp_packet: 0x03 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x0a dump_ppp_packet: 0x03 dump_ppp_packet: 0x06 dump_ppp_packet: 0x0a dump_ppp_packet: 0x2c dump_ppp_packet: 0xb8 dump_ppp_packet: 0x2d dump_ppp_packet: ppp_upcall: IPCP Packet - ipcp_rx: IPCP len 10 ipcp_rx: CONF NAK netdev_ifr_ioctl: cmd: 1818 tun_ifup: Bringing up: netdev_ifr_ioctl: cmd: 1794 printip: ipcp_rx: ppp_upcall: ahdlc_rx: Receiving packet with good crc value, len 14 dump_ppp_packet: dump_ppp_packet: 0x01 dump_ppp_packet: 0x02 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x0a dump_ppp_packet: 0x03 dump_ppp_packet: 0x06 dump_ppp_packet: 0x0a dump_ppp_packet: 0x2c dump_ppp_packet: 0xb8 dump_ppp_packet: 0x2d dump_ppp_packet: ppp_upcall: IPCP Packet - ipcp_rx: IPCP len 10 ipcp_rx: check lcplist ipcp_rx: IPCP options are good ipcp_rx: Peer IP printip: ipcp_rx: netdev_ifr_ioctl: cmd: 1796 netdev_ifr_ioctl: cmd: 1826 netdev_ifr_ioctl: cmd: 1825 net_ipv4_dumproute: New route: net_ipv4_dumproute: target=00000000 netmask=00000000 router=0a2cb82d ipcp_rx: Send IPCP ACK! ipcp_rx: SET- stuff -- are we up? c=10 dif=2 ipcp_rx: Writing ACK frame ahdlc_tx: AHDLC_TX - transmit frame, protocol 0x8021, length 10 offline 0 ahdlc_tx: ahdlc_tx: 0x02 ahdlc_tx: 0x02 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x0a ahdlc_tx: 0x03 ahdlc_tx: 0x06 ahdlc_tx: 0x0a ahdlc_tx: 0x2c ahdlc_tx: 0xb8 ahdlc_tx: 0x2d ahdlc_tx: ipcp_rx: - End ACK Write frame ppp_upcall: nsh> ifconfig ppp0 Link encap:TUN at UP inet addr: DRaddr: Mask: nsh> ipcp_task: **Sending IPCP Request packet ahdlc_tx: AHDLC_TX - transmit frame, protocol 0x8021, length 10 offline 0 ahdlc_tx: ahdlc_tx: 0x01 ahdlc_tx: 0x01 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x0a ahdlc_tx: 0x03 ahdlc_tx: 0x06 ahdlc_tx: 0x0a ahdlc_tx: 0x2c ahdlc_tx: 0xb8 ahdlc_tx: 0x2d ahdlc_tx: ahdlc_rx: Receiving packet with good crc value, len 14 dump_ppp_packet: dump_ppp_packet: 0x02 dump_ppp_packet: 0x01 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x0a dump_ppp_packet: 0x03 dump_ppp_packet: 0x06 dump_ppp_packet: 0x0a dump_ppp_packet: 0x2c dump_ppp_packet: 0xb8 dump_ppp_packet: 0x2d dump_ppp_packet: ppp_upcall: IPCP Packet - ipcp_rx: IPCP len 10 ipcp_rx: CONF ACK ipcp_rx: were up! printip: ipcp_rx: ppp_upcall: ping udp_callback: flags: 0010 sendto_eventhandler: flags: 0010 udp_send: UDP payload: 38 (0) bytes udp_send: Outgoing UDP packet length: 66 udp_callback: flags: 0010 pppd: read from tun :66 ahdlc_tx: AHDLC_TX - transmit frame, protocol 0x0021, length 66 offline 0 ahdlc_tx: ahdlc_tx: 0x45 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x42 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x01 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x40 ahdlc_tx: 0x11 ahdlc_tx: 0xa8 ahdlc_tx: 0x41 ahdlc_tx: 0x0a ahdlc_tx: 0x2c ahdlc_tx: 0xb8 ahdlc_tx: 0x2d ahdlc_tx: 0x08 ahdlc_tx: 0x08 ahdlc_tx: 0x08 ahdlc_tx: 0x08 ahdlc_tx: 0x10 ahdlc_tx: 0x1a ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x35 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x2e ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x65 ahdlc_tx: 0x04 ahdlc_tx: 0x01 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x01 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x03 ahdlc_tx: 0x77 ahdlc_tx: 0x77 ahdlc_tx: 0x77 ahdlc_tx: 0x09 ahdlc_tx: 0x73 ahdlc_tx: 0x6d ahdlc_tx: 0x61 ahdlc_tx: 0x72 ahdlc_tx: 0x74 ahdlc_tx: 0x63 ahdlc_tx: 0x6f ahdlc_tx: 0x72 ahdlc_tx: 0x65 ahdlc_tx: 0x03 ahdlc_tx: 0x63 ahdlc_tx: 0x6f ahdlc_tx: 0x6d ahdlc_tx: 0x02 ahdlc_tx: 0x62 ahdlc_tx: 0x72 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x01 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x01 ahdlc_tx: udp_callback: flags: 0010 lcp_echo_request: len 8 lcp_echo_request: Writing ECHO-REQUEST frame ahdlc_tx: AHDLC_TX - transmit frame, protocol 0xc021, length 8 offline 1 ahdlc_tx: ahdlc_tx: 0x09 ahdlc_tx: 0x01 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x08 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: lcp_echo_request: - end ECHO-REQUEST Write frame ahdlc_rx: Receiving packet with good crc value, len 12 dump_ppp_packet: dump_ppp_packet: 0x0a dump_ppp_packet: 0x01 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x08 dump_ppp_packet: 0xc3 dump_ppp_packet: 0x1b dump_ppp_packet: 0x50 dump_ppp_packet: 0x0a dump_ppp_packet: ppp_upcall: LCP Packet - lcp_rx: LCP-ECHO REPLY ppp_upcall: udp_callback: flags: 0010 ahdlc_rx: Receiving packet with good crc value, len 86 dump_ppp_packet: dump_ppp_packet: 0x45 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x52 dump_ppp_packet: 0x11 dump_ppp_packet: 0x4d dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x66 dump_ppp_packet: 0x11 dump_ppp_packet: 0x70 dump_ppp_packet: 0xe5 dump_ppp_packet: 0x08 dump_ppp_packet: 0x08 dump_ppp_packet: 0x08 dump_ppp_packet: 0x08 dump_ppp_packet: dump_ppp_packet: 0x0a dump_ppp_packet: 0x2c dump_ppp_packet: 0xb8 dump_ppp_packet: 0x2d dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x35 dump_ppp_packet: 0x10 dump_ppp_packet: 0x1a dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x3e dump_ppp_packet: 0x88 dump_ppp_packet: 0x3b dump_ppp_packet: 0x65 dump_ppp_packet: 0x04 dump_ppp_packet: 0x81 dump_ppp_packet: 0x80 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x01 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x01 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x03 dump_ppp_packet: 0x77 dump_ppp_packet: 0x77 dump_ppp_packet: 0x77 dump_ppp_packet: 0x09 dump_ppp_packet: 0x73 dump_ppp_packet: 0x6d dump_ppp_packet: 0x61 dump_ppp_packet: dump_ppp_packet: 0x72 dump_ppp_packet: 0x74 dump_ppp_packet: 0x63 dump_ppp_packet: 0x6f dump_ppp_packet: 0x72 dump_ppp_packet: 0x65 dump_ppp_packet: 0x03 dump_ppp_packet: 0x63 dump_ppp_packet: 0x6f dump_ppp_packet: 0x6d dump_ppp_packet: 0x02 dump_ppp_packet: 0x62 dump_ppp_packet: 0x72 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x01 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x01 dump_ppp_packet: 0xc0 dump_ppp_packet: 0x0c dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x01 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x01 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x38 dump_ppp_packet: 0xa2 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x04 dump_ppp_packet: 0xc0 dump_ppp_packet: 0xb9 dump_ppp_packet: dump_ppp_packet: 0xd3 dump_ppp_packet: 0x47 dump_ppp_packet: ppp_upcall: IPV4 Packet--- ppp_upcall: pkt_input: No PKT listener tun_net_receive_tun: IPv4 frame udp_callback: flags: 0002 udp_eventhandler: flags: 0002 udp_recvfrom_newdata: Received 54 bytes (of 54) udp_eventhandler: UDP done dns_recv_response: ID 25860 dns_recv_response: Query 128 dns_recv_response: Error 0 dns_recv_response: Num questions 1, answers 1, authrr 0, extrarr 0 dns_recv_response: Question: type=0001, class=0001 dns_parse_name: Compressed answer dns_recv_response: Answer: type=0001, class=0001, ttl=0038a2, length=0004 dns_recv_response: IPv4 address: PING 192sendto_eventhandler: flags: 4000 sendto_eventhandler: Send ICMP request sendto_request: Outgoing ICMP packet length: 84 (84) sendto_eventhandler: Resuming pppd: read from tun :84 ahdlc_tx: AHDLC_TX - transmit frame, protocol 0x0021, length 84 offline 0 ahdlc_tx: ahdlc_tx: 0x45 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x54 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x02 ahdlc_tx: 0x40 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x40 ahdlc_tx: 0x01 ahdlc_tx: 0xe4 ahdlc_tx: 0x4c ahdlc_tx: 0x0a ahdlc_tx: 0x2c ahdlc_tx: 0xb8 ahdlc_tx: 0x2d ahdlc_tx: 0xc0 ahdlc_tx: 0xb9 ahdlc_tx: 0xd3 ahdlc_tx: 0x47 ahdlc_tx: 0x08 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x7d ahdlc_tx: 0x68 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x01 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x20 ahdlc_tx: 0x21 ahdlc_tx: 0x22 ahdlc_tx: 0x23 ahdlc_tx: 0x24 ahdlc_tx: 0x25 ahdlc_tx: 0x26 ahdlc_tx: 0x27 ahdlc_tx: 0x28 ahdlc_tx: 0x29 ahdlc_tx: 0x2a ahdlc_tx: 0x2b ahdlc_tx: 0x2c ahdlc_tx: 0x2d ahdlc_tx: 0x2e ahdlc_tx: 0x2f ahdlc_tx: 0x30 ahdlc_tx: 0x31 ahdlc_tx: 0x32 ahdlc_tx: 0x33 ahdlc_tx: 0x34 ahdlc_tx: 0x35 ahdlc_tx: 0x36 ahdlc_tx: 0x37 ahdlc_tx: 0x38 ahdlc_tx: 0x39 ahdlc_tx: 0x3a ahdlc_tx: 0x3b ahdlc_tx: 0x3c ahdlc_tx: 0x3d ahdlc_tx: 0x3e ahdlc_tx: 0x3f ahdlc_tx: 0x40 ahdlc_tx: 0x41 ahdlc_tx: 0x42 ahdlc_tx: 0x43 ahdlc_tx: 0x44 ahdlc_tx: 0x45 ahdlc_tx: 0x46 ahdlc_tx: 0x47 ahdlc_tx: 0x48 ahdlc_tx: 0x49 ahdlc_tx: 0x4a ahdlc_tx: 0x4b ahdlc_tx: 0x4c ahdlc_tx: 0x4d ahdlc_tx: 0x4e ahdlc_tx: 0x4f ahdlc_tx: 0x50 ahdlc_tx: 0x51 ahdlc_tx: 0x52 ahdlc_tx: 0x53 ahdlc_tx: 0x54 ahdlc_tx: 0x55 ahdlc_tx: 0x56 ahdlc_tx: 0x57 ahdlc_tx: .185.211.71 56 bytes of data ahdlc_rx: Receiving packet with good crc value, len 88 dump_ppp_packet: dump_ppp_packet: 0x45 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x54 dump_ppp_packet: 0x77 dump_ppp_packet: 0x0e dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x32 dump_ppp_packet: 0x01 dump_ppp_packet: 0xbb dump_ppp_packet: 0x40 dump_ppp_packet: 0xc0 dump_ppp_packet: 0xb9 dump_ppp_packet: 0xd3 dump_ppp_packet: 0x47 dump_ppp_packet: dump_ppp_packet: 0x0a dump_ppp_packet: 0x2c dump_ppp_packet: 0xb8 dump_ppp_packet: 0x2d dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x85 dump_ppp_packet: 0x68 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x01 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x20 dump_ppp_packet: 0x21 dump_ppp_packet: 0x22 dump_ppp_packet: 0x23 dump_ppp_packet: 0x24 dump_ppp_packet: 0x25 dump_ppp_packet: 0x26 dump_ppp_packet: 0x27 dump_ppp_packet: 0x28 dump_ppp_packet: 0x29 dump_ppp_packet: 0x2a dump_ppp_packet: 0x2b dump_ppp_packet: 0x2c dump_ppp_packet: 0x2d dump_ppp_packet: 0x2e dump_ppp_packet: 0x2f dump_ppp_packet: 0x30 dump_ppp_packet: 0x31 dump_ppp_packet: 0x32 dump_ppp_packet: 0x33 dump_ppp_packet: dump_ppp_packet: 0x34 dump_ppp_packet: 0x35 dump_ppp_packet: 0x36 dump_ppp_packet: 0x37 dump_ppp_packet: 0x38 dump_ppp_packet: 0x39 dump_ppp_packet: 0x3a dump_ppp_packet: 0x3b dump_ppp_packet: 0x3c dump_ppp_packet: 0x3d dump_ppp_packet: 0x3e dump_ppp_packet: 0x3f dump_ppp_packet: 0x40 dump_ppp_packet: 0x41 dump_ppp_packet: 0x42 dump_ppp_packet: 0x43 dump_ppp_packet: 0x44 dump_ppp_packet: 0x45 dump_ppp_packet: 0x46 dump_ppp_packet: 0x47 dump_ppp_packet: 0x48 dump_ppp_packet: 0x49 dump_ppp_packet: 0x4a dump_ppp_packet: 0x4b dump_ppp_packet: 0x4c dump_ppp_packet: 0x4d dump_ppp_packet: 0x4e dump_ppp_packet: 0x4f dump_ppp_packet: 0x50 dump_ppp_packet: 0x51 dump_ppp_packet: 0x52 dump_ppp_packet: 0x53 dump_ppp_packet: dump_ppp_packet: 0x54 dump_ppp_packet: 0x55 dump_ppp_packet: 0x56 dump_ppp_packet: 0x57 dump_ppp_packet: ppp_upcall: IPV4 Packet--- ppp_upcall: pkt_input: No PKT listener tun_net_receive_tun: IPv4 frame icmp_poll_eventhandler: flags: 0002 icmp_datahandler: Buffered 81 bytes icmp_readahead: Received 64 bytes (of 81) 56 sendto_eventhandler: flags: 4000 sendto_eventhandler: Send ICMP request sendto_request: Outgoing ICMP packet length: 84 (84) sendto_eventhandler: Resuming pppd: read from tun :84 ahdlc_tx: AHDLC_TX - transmit frame, protocol 0x0021, length 84 offline 0 ahdlc_tx: ahdlc_tx: 0x45 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x54 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x03 ahdlc_tx: 0x40 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x40 ahdlc_tx: 0x01 ahdlc_tx: 0xe4 ahdlc_tx: 0x4b ahdlc_tx: 0x0a ahdlc_tx: 0x2c ahdlc_tx: 0xb8 ahdlc_tx: 0x2d ahdlc_tx: 0xc0 ahdlc_tx: 0xb9 ahdlc_tx: 0xd3 ahdlc_tx: 0x47 ahdlc_tx: 0x08 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x7d ahdlc_tx: 0x67 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x01 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x01 ahdlc_tx: 0x20 ahdlc_tx: 0x21 ahdlc_tx: 0x22 ahdlc_tx: 0x23 ahdlc_tx: 0x24 ahdlc_tx: 0x25 ahdlc_tx: 0x26 ahdlc_tx: 0x27 ahdlc_tx: 0x28 ahdlc_tx: 0x29 ahdlc_tx: 0x2a ahdlc_tx: 0x2b ahdlc_tx: 0x2c ahdlc_tx: 0x2d ahdlc_tx: 0x2e ahdlc_tx: 0x2f ahdlc_tx: 0x30 ahdlc_tx: 0x31 ahdlc_tx: 0x32 ahdlc_tx: 0x33 ahdlc_tx: 0x34 ahdlc_tx: 0x35 ahdlc_tx: 0x36 ahdlc_tx: 0x37 ahdlc_tx: 0x38 ahdlc_tx: 0x39 ahdlc_tx: 0x3a ahdlc_tx: 0x3b ahdlc_tx: 0x3c ahdlc_tx: 0x3d ahdlc_tx: 0x3e ahdlc_tx: 0x3f ahdlc_tx: 0x40 ahdlc_tx: 0x41 ahdlc_tx: 0x42 ahdlc_tx: 0x43 ahdlc_tx: 0x44 ahdlc_tx: 0x45 ahdlc_tx: 0x46 ahdlc_tx: 0x47 ahdlc_tx: 0x48 ahdlc_tx: 0x49 ahdlc_tx: 0x4a ahdlc_tx: 0x4b ahdlc_tx: 0x4c ahdlc_tx: 0x4d ahdlc_tx: 0x4e ahdlc_tx: 0x4f ahdlc_tx: 0x50 ahdlc_tx: 0x51 ahdlc_tx: 0x52 ahdlc_tx: 0x53 ahdlc_tx: 0x54 ahdlc_tx: 0x55 ahdlc_tx: 0x56 ahdlc_tx: 0x57 ahdlc_tx: bytes from icmp_seq=0 time=1150 ms ahdlc_rx: Receiving packet with good crc value, len 88 dump_ppp_packet: dump_ppp_packet: 0x45 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x54 dump_ppp_packet: 0x78 dump_ppp_packet: 0x60 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x32 dump_ppp_packet: 0x01 dump_ppp_packet: 0xb9 dump_ppp_packet: 0xee dump_ppp_packet: 0xc0 dump_ppp_packet: 0xb9 dump_ppp_packet: 0xd3 dump_ppp_packet: 0x47 dump_ppp_packet: dump_ppp_packet: 0x0a dump_ppp_packet: 0x2c dump_ppp_packet: 0xb8 dump_ppp_packet: 0x2d dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x85 dump_ppp_packet: 0x67 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x01 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x01 dump_ppp_packet: 0x20 dump_ppp_packet: 0x21 dump_ppp_packet: 0x22 dump_ppp_packet: 0x23 dump_ppp_packet: 0x24 dump_ppp_packet: 0x25 dump_ppp_packet: 0x26 dump_ppp_packet: 0x27 dump_ppp_packet: 0x28 dump_ppp_packet: 0x29 dump_ppp_packet: 0x2a dump_ppp_packet: 0x2b dump_ppp_packet: 0x2c dump_ppp_packet: 0x2d dump_ppp_packet: 0x2e dump_ppp_packet: 0x2f dump_ppp_packet: 0x30 dump_ppp_packet: 0x31 dump_ppp_packet: 0x32 dump_ppp_packet: 0x33 dump_ppp_packet: dump_ppp_packet: 0x34 dump_ppp_packet: 0x35 dump_ppp_packet: 0x36 dump_ppp_packet: 0x37 dump_ppp_packet: 0x38 dump_ppp_packet: 0x39 dump_ppp_packet: 0x3a dump_ppp_packet: 0x3b dump_ppp_packet: 0x3c dump_ppp_packet: 0x3d dump_ppp_packet: 0x3e dump_ppp_packet: 0x3f dump_ppp_packet: 0x40 dump_ppp_packet: 0x41 dump_ppp_packet: 0x42 dump_ppp_packet: 0x43 dump_ppp_packet: 0x44 dump_ppp_packet: 0x45 dump_ppp_packet: 0x46 dump_ppp_packet: 0x47 dump_ppp_packet: 0x48 dump_ppp_packet: 0x49 dump_ppp_packet: 0x4a dump_ppp_packet: 0x4b dump_ppp_packet: 0x4c dump_ppp_packet: 0x4d dump_ppp_packet: 0x4e dump_ppp_packet: 0x4f dump_ppp_packet: 0x50 dump_ppp_packet: 0x51 dump_ppp_packet: 0x52 dump_ppp_packet: 0x53 dump_ppp_packet: dump_ppp_packet: 0x54 dump_ppp_packet: 0x55 dump_ppp_packet: 0x56 dump_ppp_packet: 0x57 dump_ppp_packet: ppp_upcall: IPV4 Packet--- ppp_upcall: pkt_input: No PKT listener tun_net_receive_tun: IPv4 frame icmp_poll_eventhandler: flags: 0002 icmp_datahandler: Buffered 81 bytes icmp_readahead: Received 64 bytes (of 81) 56 sendto_eventhandler: flags: 4000 sendto_eventhandler: Send ICMP request sendto_request: Outgoing ICMP packet length: 84 (84) sendto_eventhandler: Resuming pppd: read from tun :84 ahdlc_tx: AHDLC_TX - transmit frame, protocol 0x0021, length 84 offline 0 ahdlc_tx: ahdlc_tx: 0x45 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x54 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x04 ahdlc_tx: 0x40 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x40 ahdlc_tx: 0x01 ahdlc_tx: 0xe4 ahdlc_tx: 0x4a ahdlc_tx: 0x0a ahdlc_tx: 0x2c ahdlc_tx: 0xb8 ahdlc_tx: 0x2d ahdlc_tx: 0xc0 ahdlc_tx: 0xb9 ahdlc_tx: 0xd3 ahdlc_tx: 0x47 ahdlc_tx: 0x08 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x7d ahdlc_tx: 0x66 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x01 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x02 ahdlc_tx: 0x20 ahdlc_tx: 0x21 ahdlc_tx: 0x22 ahdlc_tx: 0x23 ahdlc_tx: 0x24 ahdlc_tx: 0x25 ahdlc_tx: 0x26 ahdlc_tx: 0x27 ahdlc_tx: 0x28 ahdlc_tx: 0x29 ahdlc_tx: 0x2a ahdlc_tx: 0x2b ahdlc_tx: 0x2c ahdlc_tx: 0x2d ahdlc_tx: 0x2e ahdlc_tx: 0x2f ahdlc_tx: 0x30 ahdlc_tx: 0x31 ahdlc_tx: 0x32 ahdlc_tx: 0x33 ahdlc_tx: 0x34 ahdlc_tx: 0x35 ahdlc_tx: 0x36 ahdlc_tx: 0x37 ahdlc_tx: 0x38 ahdlc_tx: 0x39 ahdlc_tx: 0x3a ahdlc_tx: 0x3b ahdlc_tx: 0x3c ahdlc_tx: 0x3d ahdlc_tx: 0x3e ahdlc_tx: 0x3f ahdlc_tx: 0x40 ahdlc_tx: 0x41 ahdlc_tx: 0x42 ahdlc_tx: 0x43 ahdlc_tx: 0x44 ahdlc_tx: 0x45 ahdlc_tx: 0x46 ahdlc_tx: 0x47 ahdlc_tx: 0x48 ahdlc_tx: 0x49 ahdlc_tx: 0x4a ahdlc_tx: 0x4b ahdlc_tx: 0x4c ahdlc_tx: 0x4d ahdlc_tx: 0x4e ahdlc_tx: 0x4f ahdlc_tx: 0x50 ahdlc_tx: 0x51 ahdlc_tx: 0x52 ahdlc_tx: 0x53 ahdlc_tx: 0x54 ahdlc_tx: 0x55 ahdlc_tx: 0x56 ahdlc_tx: 0x57 ahdlc_tx: bytes from icmp_seq=1 time=1000 ms ahdlc_rx: Receiving packet with good crc value, len 88 dump_ppp_packet: dump_ppp_packet: 0x45 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x54 dump_ppp_packet: 0x7b dump_ppp_packet: 0x32 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x32 dump_ppp_packet: 0x01 dump_ppp_packet: 0xb7 dump_ppp_packet: 0x1c dump_ppp_packet: 0xc0 dump_ppp_packet: 0xb9 dump_ppp_packet: 0xd3 dump_ppp_packet: 0x47 dump_ppp_packet: dump_ppp_packet: 0x0a dump_ppp_packet: 0x2c dump_ppp_packet: 0xb8 dump_ppp_packet: 0x2d dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x85 dump_ppp_packet: 0x66 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x01 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x02 dump_ppp_packet: 0x20 dump_ppp_packet: 0x21 dump_ppp_packet: 0x22 dump_ppp_packet: 0x23 dump_ppp_packet: 0x24 dump_ppp_packet: 0x25 dump_ppp_packet: 0x26 dump_ppp_packet: 0x27 dump_ppp_packet: 0x28 dump_ppp_packet: 0x29 dump_ppp_packet: 0x2a dump_ppp_packet: 0x2b dump_ppp_packet: 0x2c dump_ppp_packet: 0x2d dump_ppp_packet: 0x2e dump_ppp_packet: 0x2f dump_ppp_packet: 0x30 dump_ppp_packet: 0x31 dump_ppp_packet: 0x32 dump_ppp_packet: 0x33 dump_ppp_packet: dump_ppp_packet: 0x34 dump_ppp_packet: 0x35 dump_ppp_packet: 0x36 dump_ppp_packet: 0x37 dump_ppp_packet: 0x38 dump_ppp_packet: 0x39 dump_ppp_packet: 0x3a dump_ppp_packet: 0x3b dump_ppp_packet: 0x3c dump_ppp_packet: 0x3d dump_ppp_packet: 0x3e dump_ppp_packet: 0x3f dump_ppp_packet: 0x40 dump_ppp_packet: 0x41 dump_ppp_packet: 0x42 dump_ppp_packet: 0x43 dump_ppp_packet: 0x44 dump_ppp_packet: 0x45 dump_ppp_packet: 0x46 dump_ppp_packet: 0x47 dump_ppp_packet: 0x48 dump_ppp_packet: 0x49 dump_ppp_packet: 0x4a dump_ppp_packet: 0x4b dump_ppp_packet: 0x4c dump_ppp_packet: 0x4d dump_ppp_packet: 0x4e dump_ppp_packet: 0x4f dump_ppp_packet: 0x50 dump_ppp_packet: 0x51 dump_ppp_packet: 0x52 dump_ppp_packet: 0x53 dump_ppp_packet: dump_ppp_packet: 0x54 dump_ppp_packet: 0x55 dump_ppp_packet: 0x56 dump_ppp_packet: 0x57 dump_ppp_packet: ppp_upcall: IPV4 Packet--- ppp_upcall: pkt_input: No PKT listener tun_net_receive_tun: IPv4 frame icmp_poll_eventhandler: flags: 0002 icmp_datahandler: Buffered 81 bytes icmp_readahead: Received 64 bytes (of 81) 56 bytes from icmp_seq=2 time=960 ms sendto_eventhandler: flags: 4000 sendto_eventhandler: Send ICMP request sendto_request: Outgoing ICMP packet length: 84 (84) sendto_eventhandler: Resuming pppd: read from tun :84 ahdlc_tx: AHDLC_TX - transmit frame, protocol 0x0021, length 84 offline 0 ahdlc_tx: ahdlc_tx: 0x45 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x54 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x05 ahdlc_tx: 0x40 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x40 ahdlc_tx: 0x01 ahdlc_tx: 0xe4 ahdlc_tx: 0x49 ahdlc_tx: 0x0a ahdlc_tx: 0x2c ahdlc_tx: 0xb8 ahdlc_tx: 0x2d ahdlc_tx: 0xc0 ahdlc_tx: 0xb9 ahdlc_tx: 0xd3 ahdlc_tx: 0x47 ahdlc_tx: 0x08 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x7d ahdlc_tx: 0x65 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x01 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x03 ahdlc_tx: 0x20 ahdlc_tx: 0x21 ahdlc_tx: 0x22 ahdlc_tx: 0x23 ahdlc_tx: 0x24 ahdlc_tx: 0x25 ahdlc_tx: 0x26 ahdlc_tx: 0x27 ahdlc_tx: 0x28 ahdlc_tx: 0x29 ahdlc_tx: 0x2a ahdlc_tx: 0x2b ahdlc_tx: 0x2c ahdlc_tx: 0x2d ahdlc_tx: 0x2e ahdlc_tx: 0x2f ahdlc_tx: 0x30 ahdlc_tx: 0x31 ahdlc_tx: 0x32 ahdlc_tx: 0x33 ahdlc_tx: 0x34 ahdlc_tx: 0x35 ahdlc_tx: 0x36 ahdlc_tx: 0x37 ahdlc_tx: 0x38 ahdlc_tx: 0x39 ahdlc_tx: 0x3a ahdlc_tx: 0x3b ahdlc_tx: 0x3c ahdlc_tx: 0x3d ahdlc_tx: 0x3e ahdlc_tx: 0x3f ahdlc_tx: 0x40 ahdlc_tx: 0x41 ahdlc_tx: 0x42 ahdlc_tx: 0x43 ahdlc_tx: 0x44 ahdlc_tx: 0x45 ahdlc_tx: 0x46 ahdlc_tx: 0x47 ahdlc_tx: 0x48 ahdlc_tx: 0x49 ahdlc_tx: 0x4a ahdlc_tx: 0x4b ahdlc_tx: 0x4c ahdlc_tx: 0x4d ahdlc_tx: 0x4e ahdlc_tx: 0x4f ahdlc_tx: 0x50 ahdlc_tx: 0x51 ahdlc_tx: 0x52 ahdlc_tx: 0x53 ahdlc_tx: 0x54 ahdlc_tx: 0x55 ahdlc_tx: 0x56 ahdlc_tx: 0x57 ahdlc_tx: No response from icmp_seq=3 time=1000 ms sendto_eventhandler: flags: 4000 sendto_eventhandler: Send ICMP request sendto_request: Outgoing ICMP packet length: 84 (84) sendto_eventhandler: Resuming pppd: read from tun :84 ahdlc_tx: AHDLC_TX - transmit frame, protocol 0x0021, length 84 offline 1 ahdlc_tx: ahdlc_tx: 0x45 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x54 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x06 ahdlc_tx: 0x40 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x40 ahdlc_tx: 0x01 ahdlc_tx: 0xe4 ahdlc_tx: 0x48 ahdlc_tx: 0x0a ahdlc_tx: 0x2c ahdlc_tx: 0xb8 ahdlc_tx: 0x2d ahdlc_tx: 0xc0 ahdlc_tx: 0xb9 ahdlc_tx: 0xd3 ahdlc_tx: 0x47 ahdlc_tx: 0x08 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x7d ahdlc_tx: 0x64 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x01 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x04 ahdlc_tx: 0x20 ahdlc_tx: 0x21 ahdlc_tx: 0x22 ahdlc_tx: 0x23 ahdlc_tx: 0x24 ahdlc_tx: 0x25 ahdlc_tx: 0x26 ahdlc_tx: 0x27 ahdlc_tx: 0x28 ahdlc_tx: 0x29 ahdlc_tx: 0x2a ahdlc_tx: 0x2b ahdlc_tx: 0x2c ahdlc_tx: 0x2d ahdlc_tx: 0x2e ahdlc_tx: 0x2f ahdlc_tx: 0x30 ahdlc_tx: 0x31 ahdlc_tx: 0x32 ahdlc_tx: 0x33 ahdlc_tx: 0x34 ahdlc_tx: 0x35 ahdlc_tx: 0x36 ahdlc_tx: 0x37 ahdlc_tx: 0x38 ahdlc_tx: 0x39 ahdlc_tx: 0x3a ahdlc_tx: 0x3b ahdlc_tx: 0x3c ahdlc_tx: 0x3d ahdlc_tx: 0x3e ahdlc_tx: 0x3f ahdlc_tx: 0x40 ahdlc_tx: 0x41 ahdlc_tx: 0x42 ahdlc_tx: 0x43 ahdlc_tx: 0x44 ahdlc_tx: 0x45 ahdlc_tx: 0x46 ahdlc_tx: 0x47 ahdlc_tx: 0x48 ahdlc_tx: 0x49 ahdlc_tx: 0x4a ahdlc_tx: 0x4b ahdlc_tx: 0x4c ahdlc_tx: 0x4d ahdlc_tx: 0x4e ahdlc_tx: 0x4f ahdlc_tx: 0x50 ahdlc_tx: 0x51 ahdlc_tx: 0x52 ahdlc_tx: 0x53 ahdlc_tx: 0x54 ahdlc_tx: 0x55 ahdlc_tx: 0x56 ahdlc_tx: 0x57 ahdlc_tx: No response from icmp_seq=4 time=1000 ms sendto_eventhandler: flags: 4000 sendto_eventhandler: Send ICMP request sendto_request: Outgoing ICMP packet length: 84 (84) sendto_eventhandler: Resuming pppd: read from tun :84 ahdlc_tx: AHDLC_TX - transmit frame, protocol 0x0021, length 84 offline 2 ahdlc_tx: ahdlc_tx: 0x45 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x54 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x07 ahdlc_tx: 0x40 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x40 ahdlc_tx: 0x01 ahdlc_tx: 0xe4 ahdlc_tx: 0x47 ahdlc_tx: 0x0a ahdlc_tx: 0x2c ahdlc_tx: 0xb8 ahdlc_tx: 0x2d ahdlc_tx: 0xc0 ahdlc_tx: 0xb9 ahdlc_tx: 0xd3 ahdlc_tx: 0x47 ahdlc_tx: 0x08 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x7d ahdlc_tx: 0x63 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x01 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x05 ahdlc_tx: 0x20 ahdlc_tx: 0x21 ahdlc_tx: 0x22 ahdlc_tx: 0x23 ahdlc_tx: 0x24 ahdlc_tx: 0x25 ahdlc_tx: 0x26 ahdlc_tx: 0x27 ahdlc_tx: 0x28 ahdlc_tx: 0x29 ahdlc_tx: 0x2a ahdlc_tx: 0x2b ahdlc_tx: 0x2c ahdlc_tx: 0x2d ahdlc_tx: 0x2e ahdlc_tx: 0x2f ahdlc_tx: 0x30 ahdlc_tx: 0x31 ahdlc_tx: 0x32 ahdlc_tx: 0x33 ahdlc_tx: 0x34 ahdlc_tx: 0x35 ahdlc_tx: 0x36 ahdlc_tx: 0x37 ahdlc_tx: 0x38 ahdlc_tx: 0x39 ahdlc_tx: 0x3a ahdlc_tx: 0x3b ahdlc_tx: 0x3c ahdlc_tx: 0x3d ahdlc_tx: 0x3e ahdlc_tx: 0x3f ahdlc_tx: 0x40 ahdlc_tx: 0x41 ahdlc_tx: 0x42 ahdlc_tx: 0x43 ahdlc_tx: 0x44 ahdlc_tx: 0x45 ahdlc_tx: 0x46 ahdlc_tx: 0x47 ahdlc_tx: 0x48 ahdlc_tx: 0x49 ahdlc_tx: 0x4a ahdlc_tx: 0x4b ahdlc_tx: 0x4c ahdlc_tx: 0x4d ahdlc_tx: 0x4e ahdlc_tx: 0x4f ahdlc_tx: 0x50 ahdlc_tx: 0x51 ahdlc_tx: 0x52 ahdlc_tx: 0x53 ahdlc_tx: 0x54 ahdlc_tx: 0x55 ahdlc_tx: 0x56 ahdlc_tx: 0x57 ahdlc_tx: ahdlc_rx: Receiving packet with good crc value, len 88 dump_ppp_packet: dump_ppp_packet: 0x45 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x54 dump_ppp_packet: 0x82 dump_ppp_packet: 0xa9 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x32 dump_ppp_packet: 0x01 dump_ppp_packet: 0xaf dump_ppp_packet: 0xa5 dump_ppp_packet: 0xc0 dump_ppp_packet: 0xb9 dump_ppp_packet: 0xd3 dump_ppp_packet: 0x47 dump_ppp_packet: dump_ppp_packet: 0x0a dump_ppp_packet: 0x2c dump_ppp_packet: 0xb8 dump_ppp_packet: 0x2d dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x85 dump_ppp_packet: 0x64 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x01 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x04 dump_ppp_packet: 0x20 dump_ppp_packet: 0x21 dump_ppp_packet: 0x22 dump_ppp_packet: 0x23 dump_ppp_packet: 0x24 dump_ppp_packet: 0x25 dump_ppp_packet: 0x26 dump_ppp_packet: 0x27 dump_ppp_packet: 0x28 dump_ppp_packet: 0x29 dump_ppp_packet: 0x2a dump_ppp_packet: 0x2b dump_ppp_packet: 0x2c dump_ppp_packet: 0x2d dump_ppp_packet: 0x2e dump_ppp_packet: 0x2f dump_ppp_packet: 0x30 dump_ppp_packet: 0x31 dump_ppp_packet: 0x32 dump_ppp_packet: 0x33 dump_ppp_packet: dump_ppp_packet: 0x34 dump_ppp_packet: 0x35 dump_ppp_packet: 0x36 dump_ppp_packet: 0x37 dump_ppp_packet: 0x38 dump_ppp_packet: 0x39 dump_ppp_packet: 0x3a dump_ppp_packet: 0x3b dump_ppp_packet: 0x3c dump_ppp_packet: 0x3d dump_ppp_packet: 0x3e dump_ppp_packet: 0x3f dump_ppp_packet: 0x40 dump_ppp_packet: 0x41 dump_ppp_packet: 0x42 dump_ppp_packet: 0x43 dump_ppp_packet: 0x44 dump_ppp_packet: 0x45 dump_ppp_packet: 0x46 dump_ppp_packet: 0x47 dump_ppp_packet: 0x48 dump_ppp_packet: 0x49 dump_ppp_packet: 0x4a dump_ppp_packet: 0x4b dump_ppp_packet: 0x4c dump_ppp_packet: 0x4d dump_ppp_packet: 0x4e dump_ppp_packet: 0x4f dump_ppp_packet: 0x50 dump_ppp_packet: 0x51 dump_ppp_packet: 0x52 dump_ppp_packet: 0x53 dump_ppp_packet: dump_ppp_packet: 0x54 dump_ppp_packet: 0x55 dump_ppp_packet: 0x56 dump_ppp_packet: 0x57 dump_ppp_packet: ppp_upcall: IPV4 Packet--- ppp_upcall: pkt_input: No PKT listener tun_net_receive_tun: IPv4 frame icmp_poll_eventhandler: flags: 0002 icmp_datahandler: Buffered 81 bytes icmp_readahead: Received 64 bytes (of 81) WARNING: Received after timeout 56 bytes from icmp_seq=5 time=1530 ms ahdlc_rx: Receiving packet with good crc value, len 88 dump_ppp_packet: dump_ppp_packet: 0x45 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x54 dump_ppp_packet: 0x83 dump_ppp_packet: 0x03 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x32 dump_ppp_packet: 0x01 dump_ppp_packet: 0xaf dump_ppp_packet: 0x4b dump_ppp_packet: 0xc0 dump_ppp_packet: 0xb9 dump_ppp_packet: 0xd3 dump_ppp_packet: 0x47 dump_ppp_packet: dump_ppp_packet: 0x0a dump_ppp_packet: 0x2c dump_ppp_packet: 0xb8 dump_ppp_packet: 0x2d dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x85 dump_ppp_packet: 0x63 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x01 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x05 dump_ppp_packet: 0x20 dump_ppp_packet: 0x21 dump_ppp_packet: 0x22 dump_ppp_packet: 0x23 dump_ppp_packet: 0x24 dump_ppp_packet: 0x25 dump_ppp_packet: 0x26 dump_ppp_packet: 0x27 dump_ppp_packet: 0x28 dump_ppp_packet: 0x29 dump_ppp_packet: 0x2a dump_ppp_packet: 0x2b dump_ppp_packet: 0x2c dump_ppp_packet: 0x2d dump_ppp_packet: 0x2e dump_ppp_packet: 0x2f dump_ppp_packet: 0x30 dump_ppp_packet: 0x31 dump_ppp_packet: 0x32 dump_ppp_packet: 0x33 dump_ppp_packet: dump_ppp_packet: 0x34 dump_ppp_packet: 0x35 dump_ppp_packet: 0x36 dump_ppp_packet: 0x37 dump_ppp_packet: 0x38 dump_ppp_packet: 0x39 dump_ppp_packet: 0x3a dump_ppp_packet: 0x3b dump_ppp_packet: 0x3c dump_ppp_packet: 0x3d dump_ppp_packet: 0x3e dump_ppp_packet: 0x3f dump_ppp_packet: 0x40 dump_ppp_packet: 0x41 dump_ppp_packet: 0x42 dump_ppp_packet: 0x43 dump_ppp_packet: 0x44 dump_ppp_packet: 0x45 dump_ppp_packet: 0x46 dump_ppp_packet: 0x47 dump_ppp_packet: 0x48 dump_ppp_packet: 0x49 dump_ppp_packet: 0x4a dump_ppp_packet: 0x4b dump_ppp_packet: 0x4c dump_ppp_packet: 0x4d dump_ppp_packet: 0x4e dump_ppp_packet: 0x4f dump_ppp_packet: 0x50 dump_ppp_packet: 0x51 dump_ppp_packet: 0x52 dump_ppp_packet: 0x53 dump_ppp_packet: dump_ppp_packet: 0x54 dump_ppp_packet: 0x55 dump_ppp_packet: 0x56 dump_ppp_packet: 0x57 dump_ppp_packet: ppp_upcall: IPV4 Packet--- ppp_upcall: pkt_input: No PKT listener tun_net_receive_tun: IPv4 frame icmp_poll_eventhandler: flags: 0002 icmp_datahandler: Buffered 81 bytes icmp_readahead: Received 64 bytes (of 81) 56sendto_eventhandler: flags: 4000 sendto_eventhandler: Send ICMP request sendto_request: Outgoing ICMP packet length: 84 (84) sendto_eventhandler: Resuming pppd: read from tun :84 ahdlc_tx: AHDLC_TX - transmit frame, protocol 0x0021, length 84 offline 0 ahdlc_tx: ahdlc_tx: 0x45 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x54 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x08 ahdlc_tx: 0x40 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x40 ahdlc_tx: 0x01 ahdlc_tx: 0xe4 ahdlc_tx: 0x46 ahdlc_tx: 0x0a ahdlc_tx: 0x2c ahdlc_tx: 0xb8 ahdlc_tx: 0x2d ahdlc_tx: 0xc0 ahdlc_tx: 0xb9 ahdlc_tx: 0xd3 ahdlc_tx: 0x47 ahdlc_tx: 0x08 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x7d ahdlc_tx: 0x62 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x01 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x06 ahdlc_tx: 0x20 ahdlc_tx: 0x21 ahdlc_tx: 0x22 ahdlc_tx: 0x23 ahdlc_tx: 0x24 ahdlc_tx: 0x25 ahdlc_tx: 0x26 ahdlc_tx: 0x27 ahdlc_tx: 0x28 ahdlc_tx: 0x29 ahdlc_tx: 0x2a ahdlc_tx: 0x2b ahdlc_tx: 0x2c ahdlc_tx: 0x2d ahdlc_tx: 0x2e ahdlc_tx: 0x2f ahdlc_tx: 0x30 ahdlc_tx: 0x31 ahdlc_tx: 0x32 ahdlc_tx: 0x33 ahdlc_tx: 0x34 ahdlc_tx: 0x35 ahdlc_tx: 0x36 ahdlc_tx: 0x37 ahdlc_tx: 0x38 ahdlc_tx: 0x39 ahdlc_tx: 0x3a ahdlc_tx: 0x3b ahdlc_tx: 0x3c ahdlc_tx: 0x3d ahdlc_tx: 0x3e ahdlc_tx: 0x3f ahdlc_tx: 0x40 ahdlc_tx: 0x41 ahdlc_tx: 0x42 ahdlc_tx: 0x43 ahdlc_tx: 0x44 ahdlc_tx: 0x45 ahdlc_tx: 0x46 ahdlc_tx: 0x47 ahdlc_tx: 0x48 ahdlc_tx: 0x49 ahdlc_tx: 0x4a ahdlc_tx: 0x4b ahdlc_tx: 0x4c ahdlc_tx: 0x4d ahdlc_tx: 0x4e ahdlc_tx: 0x4f ahdlc_tx: 0x50 ahdlc_tx: 0x51 ahdlc_tx: 0x52 ahdlc_tx: 0x53 ahdlc_tx: 0x54 ahdlc_tx: 0x55 ahdlc_tx: 0x56 ahdlc_tx: 0x57 ahdlc_tx: bytes from icmp_seq=5 time=1070 ms ahdlc_rx: Receiving packet with good crc value, len 88 dump_ppp_packet: dump_ppp_packet: 0x45 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x54 dump_ppp_packet: 0x85 dump_ppp_packet: 0x93 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x32 dump_ppp_packet: 0x01 dump_ppp_packet: 0xac dump_ppp_packet: 0xbb dump_ppp_packet: 0xc0 dump_ppp_packet: 0xb9 dump_ppp_packet: 0xd3 dump_ppp_packet: 0x47 dump_ppp_packet: dump_ppp_packet: 0x0a dump_ppp_packet: 0x2c dump_ppp_packet: 0xb8 dump_ppp_packet: 0x2d dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x85 dump_ppp_packet: 0x62 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x01 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x06 dump_ppp_packet: 0x20 dump_ppp_packet: 0x21 dump_ppp_packet: 0x22 dump_ppp_packet: 0x23 dump_ppp_packet: 0x24 dump_ppp_packet: 0x25 dump_ppp_packet: 0x26 dump_ppp_packet: 0x27 dump_ppp_packet: 0x28 dump_ppp_packet: 0x29 dump_ppp_packet: 0x2a dump_ppp_packet: 0x2b dump_ppp_packet: 0x2c dump_ppp_packet: 0x2d dump_ppp_packet: 0x2e dump_ppp_packet: 0x2f dump_ppp_packet: 0x30 dump_ppp_packet: 0x31 dump_ppp_packet: 0x32 dump_ppp_packet: 0x33 dump_ppp_packet: dump_ppp_packet: 0x34 dump_ppp_packet: 0x35 dump_ppp_packet: 0x36 dump_ppp_packet: 0x37 dump_ppp_packet: 0x38 dump_ppp_packet: 0x39 dump_ppp_packet: 0x3a dump_ppp_packet: 0x3b dump_ppp_packet: 0x3c dump_ppp_packet: 0x3d dump_ppp_packet: 0x3e dump_ppp_packet: 0x3f dump_ppp_packet: 0x40 dump_ppp_packet: 0x41 dump_ppp_packet: 0x42 dump_ppp_packet: 0x43 dump_ppp_packet: 0x44 dump_ppp_packet: 0x45 dump_ppp_packet: 0x46 dump_ppp_packet: 0x47 dump_ppp_packet: 0x48 dump_ppp_packet: 0x49 dump_ppp_packet: 0x4a dump_ppp_packet: 0x4b dump_ppp_packet: 0x4c dump_ppp_packet: 0x4d dump_ppp_packet: 0x4e dump_ppp_packet: 0x4f dump_ppp_packet: 0x50 dump_ppp_packet: 0x51 dump_ppp_packet: 0x52 dump_ppp_packet: 0x53 dump_ppp_packet: dump_ppp_packet: 0x54 dump_ppp_packet: 0x55 dump_ppp_packet: 0x56 dump_ppp_packet: 0x57 dump_ppp_packet: ppp_upcall: IPV4 Packet--- ppp_upcall: pkt_input: No PKT listener tun_net_receive_tun: IPv4 frame icmp_poll_eventhandler: flags: 0002 icmp_datahandler: Buffered 81 bytes icmp_readahead: Received 64 bytes (of 81) 56 sendto_eventhandler: flags: 4000 sendto_eventhandler: Send ICMP request sendto_request: Outgoing ICMP packet length: 84 (84) sendto_eventhandler: Resuming pppd: read from tun :84 ahdlc_tx: AHDLC_TX - transmit frame, protocol 0x0021, length 84 offline 0 ahdlc_tx: ahdlc_tx: 0x45 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x54 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x09 ahdlc_tx: 0x40 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x40 ahdlc_tx: 0x01 ahdlc_tx: 0xe4 ahdlc_tx: 0x45 ahdlc_tx: 0x0a ahdlc_tx: 0x2c ahdlc_tx: 0xb8 ahdlc_tx: 0x2d ahdlc_tx: 0xc0 ahdlc_tx: 0xb9 ahdlc_tx: 0xd3 ahdlc_tx: 0x47 ahdlc_tx: 0x08 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x7d ahdlc_tx: 0x61 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x01 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x07 ahdlc_tx: 0x20 ahdlc_tx: 0x21 ahdlc_tx: 0x22 ahdlc_tx: 0x23 ahdlc_tx: 0x24 ahdlc_tx: 0x25 ahdlc_tx: 0x26 ahdlc_tx: 0x27 ahdlc_tx: 0x28 ahdlc_tx: 0x29 ahdlc_tx: 0x2a ahdlc_tx: 0x2b ahdlc_tx: 0x2c ahdlc_tx: 0x2d ahdlc_tx: 0x2e ahdlc_tx: 0x2f ahdlc_tx: 0x30 ahdlc_tx: 0x31 ahdlc_tx: 0x32 ahdlc_tx: 0x33 ahdlc_tx: 0x34 ahdlc_tx: 0x35 ahdlc_tx: 0x36 ahdlc_tx: 0x37 ahdlc_tx: 0x38 ahdlc_tx: 0x39 ahdlc_tx: 0x3a ahdlc_tx: 0x3b ahdlc_tx: 0x3c ahdlc_tx: 0x3d ahdlc_tx: 0x3e ahdlc_tx: 0x3f ahdlc_tx: 0x40 ahdlc_tx: 0x41 ahdlc_tx: 0x42 ahdlc_tx: 0x43 ahdlc_tx: 0x44 ahdlc_tx: 0x45 ahdlc_tx: 0x46 ahdlc_tx: 0x47 ahdlc_tx: 0x48 ahdlc_tx: 0x49 ahdlc_tx: 0x4a ahdlc_tx: 0x4b ahdlc_tx: 0x4c ahdlc_tx: 0x4d ahdlc_tx: 0x4e ahdlc_tx: 0x4f ahdlc_tx: 0x50 ahdlc_tx: 0x51 ahdlc_tx: 0x52 ahdlc_tx: 0x53 ahdlc_tx: 0x54 ahdlc_tx: 0x55 ahdlc_tx: 0x56 ahdlc_tx: 0x57 ahdlc_tx: bytes from icmp_seq=6 time=1020 ms No response from icmp_seq=7 time=1000 ms sendto_eventhandler: flags: 4000 sendto_eventhandler: Send ICMP request sendto_request: Outgoing ICMP packet length: 84 (84) sendto_eventhandler: Resuming pppd: read from tun :84 ahdlc_tx: AHDLC_TX - transmit frame, protocol 0x0021, length 84 offline 1 ahdlc_tx: ahdlc_tx: 0x45 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x54 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x0a ahdlc_tx: 0x40 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x40 ahdlc_tx: 0x01 ahdlc_tx: 0xe4 ahdlc_tx: 0x44 ahdlc_tx: 0x0a ahdlc_tx: 0x2c ahdlc_tx: 0xb8 ahdlc_tx: 0x2d ahdlc_tx: 0xc0 ahdlc_tx: 0xb9 ahdlc_tx: 0xd3 ahdlc_tx: 0x47 ahdlc_tx: 0x08 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x7d ahdlc_tx: 0x60 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x01 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x08 ahdlc_tx: 0x20 ahdlc_tx: 0x21 ahdlc_tx: 0x22 ahdlc_tx: 0x23 ahdlc_tx: 0x24 ahdlc_tx: 0x25 ahdlc_tx: 0x26 ahdlc_tx: 0x27 ahdlc_tx: 0x28 ahdlc_tx: 0x29 ahdlc_tx: 0x2a ahdlc_tx: 0x2b ahdlc_tx: 0x2c ahdlc_tx: 0x2d ahdlc_tx: 0x2e ahdlc_tx: 0x2f ahdlc_tx: 0x30 ahdlc_tx: 0x31 ahdlc_tx: 0x32 ahdlc_tx: 0x33 ahdlc_tx: 0x34 ahdlc_tx: 0x35 ahdlc_tx: 0x36 ahdlc_tx: 0x37 ahdlc_tx: 0x38 ahdlc_tx: 0x39 ahdlc_tx: 0x3a ahdlc_tx: 0x3b ahdlc_tx: 0x3c ahdlc_tx: 0x3d ahdlc_tx: 0x3e ahdlc_tx: 0x3f ahdlc_tx: 0x40 ahdlc_tx: 0x41 ahdlc_tx: 0x42 ahdlc_tx: 0x43 ahdlc_tx: 0x44 ahdlc_tx: 0x45 ahdlc_tx: 0x46 ahdlc_tx: 0x47 ahdlc_tx: 0x48 ahdlc_tx: 0x49 ahdlc_tx: 0x4a ahdlc_tx: 0x4b ahdlc_tx: 0x4c ahdlc_tx: 0x4d ahdlc_tx: 0x4e ahdlc_tx: 0x4f ahdlc_tx: 0x50 ahdlc_tx: 0x51 ahdlc_tx: 0x52 ahdlc_tx: 0x53 ahdlc_tx: 0x54 ahdlc_tx: 0x55 ahdlc_tx: 0x56 ahdlc_tx: 0x57 ahdlc_tx: No response from icmp_seq=8 time=1000 ms sendto_eventhandler: flags: 4000 sendto_eventhandler: Send ICMP request sendto_request: Outgoing ICMP packet length: 84 (84) sendto_eventhandler: Resuming pppd: read from tun :84 ahdlc_tx: AHDLC_TX - transmit frame, protocol 0x0021, length 84 offline 2 ahdlc_tx: ahdlc_tx: 0x45 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x54 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x0b ahdlc_tx: 0x40 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x40 ahdlc_tx: 0x01 ahdlc_tx: 0xe4 ahdlc_tx: 0x43 ahdlc_tx: 0x0a ahdlc_tx: 0x2c ahdlc_tx: 0xb8 ahdlc_tx: 0x2d ahdlc_tx: 0xc0 ahdlc_tx: 0xb9 ahdlc_tx: 0xd3 ahdlc_tx: 0x47 ahdlc_tx: 0x08 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x7d ahdlc_tx: 0x5f ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x01 ahdlc_tx: 0x00 ahdlc_tx: 0x09 ahdlc_tx: 0x20 ahdlc_tx: 0x21 ahdlc_tx: 0x22 ahdlc_tx: 0x23 ahdlc_tx: 0x24 ahdlc_tx: 0x25 ahdlc_tx: 0x26 ahdlc_tx: 0x27 ahdlc_tx: 0x28 ahdlc_tx: 0x29 ahdlc_tx: 0x2a ahdlc_tx: 0x2b ahdlc_tx: 0x2c ahdlc_tx: 0x2d ahdlc_tx: 0x2e ahdlc_tx: 0x2f ahdlc_tx: 0x30 ahdlc_tx: 0x31 ahdlc_tx: 0x32 ahdlc_tx: 0x33 ahdlc_tx: 0x34 ahdlc_tx: 0x35 ahdlc_tx: 0x36 ahdlc_tx: 0x37 ahdlc_tx: 0x38 ahdlc_tx: 0x39 ahdlc_tx: 0x3a ahdlc_tx: 0x3b ahdlc_tx: 0x3c ahdlc_tx: 0x3d ahdlc_tx: 0x3e ahdlc_tx: 0x3f ahdlc_tx: 0x40 ahdlc_tx: 0x41 ahdlc_tx: 0x42 ahdlc_tx: 0x43 ahdlc_tx: 0x44 ahdlc_tx: 0x45 ahdlc_tx: 0x46 ahdlc_tx: 0x47 ahdlc_tx: 0x48 ahdlc_tx: 0x49 ahdlc_tx: 0x4a ahdlc_tx: 0x4b ahdlc_tx: 0x4c ahdlc_tx: 0x4d ahdlc_tx: 0x4e ahdlc_tx: 0x4f ahdlc_tx: 0x50 ahdlc_tx: 0x51 ahdlc_tx: 0x52 ahdlc_tx: 0x53 ahdlc_tx: 0x54 ahdlc_tx: 0x55 ahdlc_tx: 0x56 ahdlc_tx: 0x57 ahdlc_tx: ahdlc_rx: Receiving packet with good crc value, len 88 dump_ppp_packet: dump_ppp_packet: 0x45 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x54 dump_ppp_packet: 0x88 dump_ppp_packet: 0x3b dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x32 dump_ppp_packet: 0x01 dump_ppp_packet: 0xaa dump_ppp_packet: 0x13 dump_ppp_packet: 0xc0 dump_ppp_packet: 0xb9 dump_ppp_packet: 0xd3 dump_ppp_packet: 0x47 dump_ppp_packet: dump_ppp_packet: 0x0a dump_ppp_packet: 0x2c dump_ppp_packet: 0xb8 dump_ppp_packet: 0x2d dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x85 dump_ppp_packet: 0x60 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x01 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x08 dump_ppp_packet: 0x20 dump_ppp_packet: 0x21 dump_ppp_packet: 0x22 dump_ppp_packet: 0x23 dump_ppp_packet: 0x24 dump_ppp_packet: 0x25 dump_ppp_packet: 0x26 dump_ppp_packet: 0x27 dump_ppp_packet: 0x28 dump_ppp_packet: 0x29 dump_ppp_packet: 0x2a dump_ppp_packet: 0x2b dump_ppp_packet: 0x2c dump_ppp_packet: 0x2d dump_ppp_packet: 0x2e dump_ppp_packet: 0x2f dump_ppp_packet: 0x30 dump_ppp_packet: 0x31 dump_ppp_packet: 0x32 dump_ppp_packet: 0x33 dump_ppp_packet: dump_ppp_packet: 0x34 dump_ppp_packet: 0x35 dump_ppp_packet: 0x36 dump_ppp_packet: 0x37 dump_ppp_packet: 0x38 dump_ppp_packet: 0x39 dump_ppp_packet: 0x3a dump_ppp_packet: 0x3b dump_ppp_packet: 0x3c dump_ppp_packet: 0x3d dump_ppp_packet: 0x3e dump_ppp_packet: 0x3f dump_ppp_packet: 0x40 dump_ppp_packet: 0x41 dump_ppp_packet: 0x42 dump_ppp_packet: 0x43 dump_ppp_packet: 0x44 dump_ppp_packet: 0x45 dump_ppp_packet: 0x46 dump_ppp_packet: 0x47 dump_ppp_packet: 0x48 dump_ppp_packet: 0x49 dump_ppp_packet: 0x4a dump_ppp_packet: 0x4b dump_ppp_packet: 0x4c dump_ppp_packet: 0x4d dump_ppp_packet: 0x4e dump_ppp_packet: 0x4f dump_ppp_packet: 0x50 dump_ppp_packet: 0x51 dump_ppp_packet: 0x52 dump_ppp_packet: 0x53 dump_ppp_packet: dump_ppp_packet: 0x54 dump_ppp_packet: 0x55 dump_ppp_packet: 0x56 dump_ppp_packet: 0x57 dump_ppp_packet: ppp_upcall: IPV4 Packet--- ppp_upcall: pkt_input: No PKT listener tun_net_receive_tun: IPv4 frame icmp_poll_eventhandler: flags: 0002 icmp_datahandler: Buffered 81 bytes icmp_readahead: Received 64 bytes (of 81) WARNING: Received after timeout 56 bytes from icmp_seq=9 time=1430 ms ahdlc_rx: Receiving packet with good crc value, len 88 dump_ppp_packet: dump_ppp_packet: 0x45 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x54 dump_ppp_packet: 0x8a dump_ppp_packet: 0x94 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x32 dump_ppp_packet: 0x01 dump_ppp_packet: 0xa7 dump_ppp_packet: 0xba dump_ppp_packet: 0xc0 dump_ppp_packet: 0xb9 dump_ppp_packet: 0xd3 dump_ppp_packet: 0x47 dump_ppp_packet: dump_ppp_packet: 0x0a dump_ppp_packet: 0x2c dump_ppp_packet: 0xb8 dump_ppp_packet: 0x2d dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x85 dump_ppp_packet: 0x5f dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x01 dump_ppp_packet: 0x00 dump_ppp_packet: 0x09 dump_ppp_packet: 0x20 dump_ppp_packet: 0x21 dump_ppp_packet: 0x22 dump_ppp_packet: 0x23 dump_ppp_packet: 0x24 dump_ppp_packet: 0x25 dump_ppp_packet: 0x26 dump_ppp_packet: 0x27 dump_ppp_packet: 0x28 dump_ppp_packet: 0x29 dump_ppp_packet: 0x2a dump_ppp_packet: 0x2b dump_ppp_packet: 0x2c dump_ppp_packet: 0x2d dump_ppp_packet: 0x2e dump_ppp_packet: 0x2f dump_ppp_packet: 0x30 dump_ppp_packet: 0x31 dump_ppp_packet: 0x32 dump_ppp_packet: 0x33 dump_ppp_packet: dump_ppp_packet: 0x34 dump_ppp_packet: 0x35 dump_ppp_packet: 0x36 dump_ppp_packet: 0x37 dump_ppp_packet: 0x38 dump_ppp_packet: 0x39 dump_ppp_packet: 0x3a dump_ppp_packet: 0x3b dump_ppp_packet: 0x3c dump_ppp_packet: 0x3d dump_ppp_packet: 0x3e dump_ppp_packet: 0x3f dump_ppp_packet: 0x40 dump_ppp_packet: 0x41 dump_ppp_packet: 0x42 dump_ppp_packet: 0x43 dump_ppp_packet: 0x44 dump_ppp_packet: 0x45 dump_ppp_packet: 0x46 dump_ppp_packet: 0x47 dump_ppp_packet: 0x48 dump_ppp_packet: 0x49 dump_ppp_packet: 0x4a dump_ppp_packet: 0x4b dump_ppp_packet: 0x4c dump_ppp_packet: 0x4d dump_ppp_packet: 0x4e dump_ppp_packet: 0x4f dump_ppp_packet: 0x50 dump_ppp_packet: 0x51 dump_ppp_packet: 0x52 dump_ppp_packet: 0x53 dump_ppp_packet: dump_ppp_packet: 0x54 dump_ppp_packet: 0x55 dump_ppp_packet: 0x56 dump_ppp_packet: 0x57 dump_ppp_packet: ppp_upcall: IPV4 Packet--- ppp_upcall: pkt_input: No PKT listener tun_net_receive_tun: IPv4 frame icmp_poll_eventhandler: flags: 0002 icmp_datahandler: Buffered 81 bytes icmp_readahead: Received 64 bytes (of 81) 56 bytes from icmp_seq=9 time=910 ms 10 packets transmitted, 8 received, 20% packet loss, time 10310 ms nsh>Com CONFIG_DEBUG_NET_INFO desabilitadonsh> pppd & pppd [3:100] nsh> chat_tokenise: "" ATZ OK \c tok_on_delimiter: (0) tok_on_delimiter: ATZ (0) tok_on_delimiter: OK (0) tok_on_delimiter: (1) chat_tokenise: result 0 chat_internalise: (L) chat_internalise: (R) ATZ chat_internalise: (L) OK chat_internalise: (R) chat_internalise: result 0, rhs 0 chat_tokens_free: tokens freed chat_line_run: type 1, rhs ATZ chchat_expect: result 0 chat_flush: starting chat_readb: read '~' (0x7E) chat_readb: read 'ÿ' (0xFF) chat_readb: read '}' (0x7D) chat_readb: read '#' (0x23) chat_readb: read 'À' (0xC0) chat_readb: read '!' (0x21) chat_readb: read '}' (0x7D) chat_readb: read '%' (0x25) chat_readb: read '}' (0x7D) chat_readb: read '!' (0x21) chat_readb: read '}' (0x7D) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x20) chat_readb: read '}' (0x7D) chat_readb: read '$' (0x24) chat_readb: read '=' (0x3D) chat_readb: read 'Ç' (0xC7) chat_readb: read '~' (0x7E) chat_readb: read '~' (0x7E) chat_readb: read 'ÿ' (0xFF) chat_readb: read '}' (0x7D) chat_readb: read '#' (0x23) chat_readb: read 'À' (0xC0) chat_readb: read '!' (0x21) chat_readb: read '}' (0x7D) chat_readb: read '%' (0x25) chat_readb: read '}' (0x7D) chat_readb: read '"' (0x22) chat_readb: read '}' (0x7D) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x20) chat_readb: read '}' (0x7D) chat_readb: read '$' (0x24) chat_readb: read 'Y' (0x59) chat_readb: read '(' (0x28) chat_readb: read '~' (0x7E) chat_readb: read '+' (0x2B) chat_readb: read '+' (0x2B) chat_readb: read '+' (0x2B) chat_readb: read 'A' (0x41) chat_readb: read 'T' (0x54) chat_readb: read 'E' (0x45) chat_readb: read '1' (0x31) chat_readb: read '' (0x0D) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x0A) chat_readb: read '' (0x0D) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x0A) chat_readb: read 'O' (0x4F) chat_readb: read 'K' (0x4B) chat_readb: read '' (0x0D) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x0A) chat_readb: poll timed out chat_flush: done chat_send: wrote 5 out of 5 bytes of 'ATZ ' chat_line_run: type 1, rhs chat_readb: read 'A' (0x41) chat_readb: read 'T' (0x54) chat_readb: read 'Z' (0x5A) chat_readb: read '' (0x0D) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x0A) chat_readb: read '' (0x0D) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x0A) chat_readb: read 'O' (0x4F) chat_readb: read 'K' (0x4B) chat_expect: result 0 chat_flush: starting chat_readb: read '' (0x0D) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x0A) chat_readb: poll timed out chat_flush: done chat_send: wrote 0 out of 0 bytes of '' chat_script_run: Script result 0, exited on line 2 chat_tokenise: ECHO ON TIMEOUT 30 "" ATE1 OK AT+CMEE=2 OK AT+UPSD=0,1,\"\" OK AT+UDCONF=0,0 OK AT+CGDCONT=1,\"IP\",\"\" OK ATD*99***1# CONNECT \c tok_on_delimiter: ECHO (0) tok_on_delimiter: ON (0) tok_on_delimiter: TIMEOUT (0) tok_on_delimiter: 30 (0) tok_on_delimiter: (0) tok_on_delimiter: ATE1 (0) tok_on_delimiter: OK (0) tok_on_delimiter: AT+CMEE=2 (0) tok_on_delimiter: OK (0) tok_on_delimiter: AT+UPSD=0,1,"" (0) tok_on_delimiter: OK (0) tok_on_delimiter: AT+UDCONF=0,0 (0) tok_on_delimiter: OK (0) tok_on_delimiter: AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","" (0) tok_on_delimiter: OK (0) tok_on_delimiter: ATD*99***1# (0) tok_on_delimiter: CONNECT (0) tok_on_delimiter: (1) chat_tokenise: result 0 chat_internalise: (L) ECHO chat_internalise: (R) ON chat_internalise: (L) TIMEOUT chat_internalise: (R) 30 chat_internalise: (L) chat_internalise: (R) ATE1 chat_internalise: (L) OK chat_internalise: (R) AT+CMEE=2 chat_internalise: (L) OK chat_internalise: (R) AT+UPSD=0,1,"" chat_internalise: (L) OK chat_internalise: (R) AT+UDCONF=0,0 chat_internalise: (L) OK chat_internalise: (R) AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","" chat_internalise: (L) OK chat_internalise: (R) ATD*99***1# chat_internalise: (L) CONNECT chat_internalise: (R) chat_internalise: result 0, rhs 0 chat_tokens_free: tokens freed chat_line_run: type 0, rhs ON achat_line_run: type 0, rhs 30 chat_line_run: timeout is 30 s chat_line_run: type 1, rhs ATE1 chat_expect: result 0 chat_flush: starting chat_readb: poll timed out chat_flush: done chat_send: wrote 6 out of 6 bytes of 'ATE1 ' chat_line_run: type 1, rhs AT+CMEE=2 tchat_readb: read 'A' (0x41) chat_readb: read 'T' (0x54) chat_readb: read 'E' (0x45) chat_readb: read '1' (0x31) chat_readb: read '' (0x0D) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x0A) chat_readb: read '' (0x0D) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x0A) chat_readb: read 'O' (0x4F) chat_readb: read 'K' (0x4B) chat_expect: result 0 chat_flush: starting chat_readb: read '' (0x0D) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x0A) chat_readb: poll timed out chat_flush: done chat_send: wrote 11 out of 11 bytes of 'AT+CMEE=2 ' chat_line_run: type 1, rhs AT+UPSD=0,1,"" :chat_readb: read 'A' (0x41) chat_readb: read 'T' (0x54) chat_readb: read '+' (0x2B) chat_readb: read 'C' (0x43) chat_readb: read 'M' (0x4D) chat_readb: read 'E' (0x45) chat_readb: read 'E' (0x45) chat_readb: read '=' (0x3D) chat_readb: read '2' (0x32) chat_readb: read '' (0x0D) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x0A) chat_readb: read '' (0x0D) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x0A) chat_readb: read 'O' (0x4F) chat_readb: read 'K' (0x4B) chat_expect: result 0 chat_flush: starting chat_readb: read '' (0x0D) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x0A) chat_readb: poll timed out chat_flush: done chat_send: wrote 28 out of 28 bytes of 'AT+UPSD=0,1,"" ' chat_line_run: type 1, rhs AT+UDCONF=0,0 ATZ ~ÿ}#À!}%}!} }$=Ç~~ÿ}#À!}%}"} }$Y(~+++ATE1 OK chat: OK ATZ OK chat: cmd 1, arg ON chat: cmd 4, arg chat_readb: read 'A' (0x41) chat_readb: read 'T' (0x54) chat_readb: read '+' (0x2B) chat_readb: read 'U' (0x55) chat_readb: read 'P' (0x50) chat_readb: read 'S' (0x53) chat_readb: read 'D' (0x44) chat_readb: read '=' (0x3D) chat_readb: read '0' (0x30) chat_readb: read ',' (0x2C) chat_readb: read '1' (0x31) chat_readb: read ',' (0x2C) chat_readb: read '"' (0x22) chat_readb: read 'c' (0x63) chat_readb: read 'l' (0x6C) chat_readb: read 'a' (0x61) chat_readb: read 'r' (0x72) chat_readb: read 'o' (0x6F) chat_readb: read '.' (0x2E) chat_readb: read 'c' (0x63) chat_readb: read 'o' (0x6F) chat_readb: read 'm' (0x6D) chat_readb: read '.' (0x2E) chat_readb: read 'b' (0x62) chat_readb: read 'r' (0x72) chat_readb: read '"' (0x22) chat_readb: read '' (0x0D) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x0A) chat_readb: read '' (0x0D) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x0A) chat_readb: read 'O' (0x4F) chat_readb: read 'K' (0x4B) chat_expect: result 0 chat_flush: starting chat_readb: read '' (0x0D) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x0A) chat_readb: poll timed out chat_flush: done chat_send: wrote 15 out of 15 bytes of 'AT+UDCONF=0,0 ' chat_line_run: type 1, rhs AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","" 3chat_readb: read 'A' (0x41) chat_readb: read 'T' (0x54) chat_readb: read '+' (0x2B) chat_readb: read 'U' (0x55) chat_readb: read 'D' (0x44) chat_readb: read 'C' (0x43) chat_readb: read 'O' (0x4F) chat_readb: read 'N' (0x4E) chat_readb: read 'F' (0x46) chat_readb: read '=' (0x3D) chat_readb: read '0' (0x30) chat_readb: read ',' (0x2C) chat_readb: read '0' (0x30) chat_readb: read '' (0x0D) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x0A) chat_readb: read '' (0x0D) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x0A) chat_readb: read 'O' (0x4F) chat_readb: read 'K' (0x4B) chat_expect: result 0 chat_flush: starting chat_readb: read '' (0x0D) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x0A) chat_readb: poll timed out chat_flush: done chat_send: wrote 34 out of 34 bytes of 'AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","" ' chat_line_run: type 1, rhs ATD*99***1# 0 chat: ATE1 chat: OK AT+CMEE=2 ATE1 OK chat: OK AT+UPSD=0,1,"" AT+CMEE=2 OK chat: OKchat_readb: read 'A' (0x41) chat_readb: read 'T' (0x54) chat_readb: read '+' (0x2B) chat_readb: read 'C' (0x43) chat_readb: read 'G' (0x47) chat_readb: read 'D' (0x44) chat_readb: read 'C' (0x43) chat_readb: read 'O' (0x4F) chat_readb: read 'N' (0x4E) chat_readb: read 'T' (0x54) chat_readb: read '=' (0x3D) chat_readb: read '1' (0x31) chat_readb: read ',' (0x2C) chat_readb: read '"' (0x22) chat_readb: read 'I' (0x49) chat_readb: read 'P' (0x50) chat_readb: read '"' (0x22) chat_readb: read ',' (0x2C) chat_readb: read '"' (0x22) chat_readb: read 'c' (0x63) chat_readb: read 'l' (0x6C) chat_readb: read 'a' (0x61) chat_readb: read 'r' (0x72) chat_readb: read 'o' (0x6F) chat_readb: read '.' (0x2E) chat_readb: read 'c' (0x63) chat_readb: read 'o' (0x6F) chat_readb: read 'm' (0x6D) chat_readb: read '.' (0x2E) chat_readb: read 'b' (0x62) chat_readb: read 'r' (0x72) chat_readb: read '"' (0x22) chat_readb: read '' (0x0D) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x0A) chat_readb: read '' (0x0D) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x0A) chat_readb: read 'O' (0x4F) chat_readb: read 'K' (0x4B) chat_expect: result 0 chat_flush: starting chat_readb: read '' (0x0D) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x0A) chat_readb: poll timed out chat_flush: done chat_send: wrote 13 out of 13 bytes of 'ATD*99***1# ' chat_line_run: type 1, rhs chat_readb: read 'A' (0x41) chat_readb: read 'T' (0x54) chat_readb: read 'D' (0x44) chat_readb: read '*' (0x2A) chat_readb: read '9' (0x39) chat_readb: read '9' (0x39) chat_readb: read '*' (0x2A) chat_readb: read '*' (0x2A) chat_readb: read '*' (0x2A) chat_readb: read '1' (0x31) chat_readb: read '#' (0x23) chat_readb: read '' (0x0D) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x0A) chat_readb: read '' (0x0D) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x0A) chat_readb: read 'C' (0x43) chat_readb: read 'O' (0x4F) chat_readb: read 'N' (0x4E) chat_readb: read 'N' (0x4E) chat_readb: read 'E' (0x45) chat_readb: read 'C' (0x43) chat_readb: read 'T' (0x54) chat_expect: result 0 chat_flush: starting chat_readb: read '' (0x0D) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x0A) chat_readb: read '~' (0x7E) chat_readb: read 'ÿ' (0xFF) chat_readb: read '}' (0x7D) chat_readb: read '#' (0x23) chat_readb: read 'À' (0xC0) chat_readb: read '!' (0x21) chat_readb: read '}' (0x7D) chat_readb: read '!' (0x21) chat_readb: read '}' (0x7D) chat_readb: read '!' (0x21) chat_readb: read '}' (0x7D) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x20) chat_readb: read '}' (0x7D) chat_readb: read '4' (0x34) chat_readb: read '}' (0x7D) chat_readb: read '"' (0x22) chat_readb: read '}' (0x7D) chat_readb: read '&' (0x26) chat_readb: read '}' (0x7D) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x20) chat_readb: read '}' (0x7D) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x20) chat_readb: read '}' (0x7D) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x20) chat_readb: read '}' (0x7D) chat_readb: read ' ' (0x20) chat_readb: read '}' (0x7D) chat_readb: read '%' (0x25) chat_readb: read '}' (0x7D) chat_readb: read '&' (0x26) chat_readb: read '' (0x8F) chat_readb: read '}' (0x7D) chat_readb: read '+' (0x2B) chat_readb: read '´' (0xB4) chat_readb: read '}' (0x7D) chat_readb: read '0' (0x30) chat_readb: read '}' (0x7D) chat_readb: read ''' (0x27) chat_readb: read '}' (0x7D) chat_readb: read '"' (0x22) chat_readb: read '}' (0x7D) chat_readb: read '(' (0x28) chat_readb: read '}' (0x7D) chat_readb: read '"' (0x22) chat_readb: read 'c' (0x63) chat_readb: read '{' (0x7B) chat_readb: read '~' (0x7E) chat_readb: poll timed out chat_flush: done chat_send: wrote 0 out of 0 bytes of '' chat_script_run: Script result 0, exited on line 9 AT+UDCONF=0,0 AT+UPSD=0,1,"" OK chat: OK AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","" AT+UDCONF=0,0 OK chat: OK ATD*99***1# AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","" OK chat: CONNECT ATD*99***1# CONNECT nsh> ifconfig ppp0 Link encap:TUN at UP inet addr: DRaddr: Mask: nsh> ping PING 56 bytes of data 56 bytes from icmp_seq=0 time=800 ms 56 bytes from icmp_seq=1 time=730 ms 56 bytes from icmp_seq=2 time=680 ms 56 bytes from icmp_seq=3 time=630 ms 56 bytes from icmp_seq=4 time=760 ms 56 bytes from icmp_seq=5 time=710 ms 56 bytes from icmp_seq=6 time=660 ms 56 bytes from icmp_seq=7 time=790 ms 56 bytes from icmp_seq=8 time=740 ms 56 bytes from icmp_seq=9 time=690 ms 10 packets transmitted, 10 received, 0% packet loss, time 10100 ms nsh>
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